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Immigrants Face Increased Risk to Heart Health
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Immigration.ca - Canada Immigration News - October 2008

A new study has found that immigrants are more prone to heart disease than Canadians.

The study, conducted by the Heart and Stroke Foundation, found that immigrants tend to be, on average, healthier than their Canadian-born counterparts when they arrive in the country. However, as their time in Canada grows, so does their risk of developing heart problems.

Health experts are now examining the possible causes for this trend, as immigration is becoming a more important factor in Canada�s labour market.

Dr. Scott Lear, one of the lead authors on the study, suggests that changes in diet, the stress of resettlement and lower levels of physical activity may be factors.

�The first thing on somebody�s mind when they settle in a new country is establishing a job, or getting a place to stay,� said Dr. Lear. �These factors are stressful. They [immigrants] may also put health lower down on their list of priorities.�

Oftentimes immigrants also have difficulty finding a suitable family doctor who they are comfortable communicating with.

Doctors are now looking at ways of reversing the trend including raising awareness of the issue among the medical community.

Source: National Post

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