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Cycling Program Helps New Arrivals Get to Know their City
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Immigration.ca - Canada Immigration News - April 2012

A local immigrant resettlement organization in Toronto has just launched a new program that will help newcomers acclimate themselves through biking.

Bike Host is a subservice offered by Toronto group CultureLink, which offers new arrivals to the city a range of services from employment counseling to language classes.

This summer they will again add to such services with Bike Host, where they will be given tours of the city by bike, as well as classes on bike maintenance and road safety.

�This is a good way to help new immigrants build networks, make friends, learn about their new environment and feel more at home through cycling,� said Kristin Schwartz, who works with CultureLink on the program.

Once the immigrant has gone through the program, they then mentor the next group of newcomers the following summer. It allows people to network, practice their language skills, and gain appreciation for the health and wellness benefits of a cycling lifestyle. It also provides an opportunity to learn about both the geography and the history of Canada�s most populous city.

The program receives funding from Citizenship and Immigration Canada, as well as the Trillium Foundation.

Source: Toronto Star

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