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Former Refugee Official Speaks Out Against Proposed Fast-Tracking
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Immigration.ca - Canada Immigration News - September 2009

In light of the recent developments concerning the country�s refugee system, a former chairman of Canada�s Immigration and Refugee Board has come forward with recommendations of his own as to how the system could be improved.

Peter Showler, who was chairman of the IRB from 1999 to 2002, does not agree with the Conservative�s proposed amendments to the system, most notably the idea of fast-tracking claimants who come from a predetermined list of �safe� countries.

Showler argues that human rights issues are too complex to make generalized laws that apply to all democratic nations, citing the example of recent refugee claimants from the U.S. army who disagree with the Iraq invasion.

�Even claimants from the United States who are deserters from the Iraq war can raise difficult legal issues and exceptions that must be considered,� said Showler in a statement released with his report. �These are issues that are most appropriately decided by a fast, fair and final hearing and not by a list that would automatically deny Canada�s protection.�

What Showler recommends, instead, is for the Government to switch focus toward the lengthy appeal and review process which currently allows a claimant to remain in Canada, on average, for another four to six years after their claim has been denied.

The new refugee claim timetable would total 13 months � six months for the first decision, four months for review and a three-month removal period.

Showler, who is now with the University of Ottawa�s Research and Education Centre, also proposes that the Immigration and Refugee Board be comprised of immigration experts and lawyers, appointed by an independent committee rather than by the Government.

Source: Vancouver Sun

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