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Canadian Marketing Company Adapts to Growing Diversity
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Immigration.ca - Canada Immigration News - March 2009

For many years, Canada has been renowned for its ethnic diversity. With immigration numbers rising rapidly each year, a Toronto-based marketing company has discovered what will likely be a growing trend in advertising - targeting people by ethnicity rather than gender or age.

The company, Environics Analytics, is using a �sophisticated computer market segmentation program� to analyze the spending habits of people based on their ethnic background. And what better place to start than Toronto, where a nation-high 43 percent of the population are visible minorities.

�The nation�s diversity is an old story,� says company president Jan Kestle. �But the sheer size of Canada�s ethnic population means one-size marketing campaigns no longer fit. You need to understand the tastes and needs of different communities.�

High-profile clients such as Maple Leaf Sports Entertainment are already using the information to their advantage. The Toronto sports enterprise is exploring several strategies to reach out to minorities, including broadcasting NHL games in Punjabi.

Such marketing strategies are sure to become more predominant across the nation as Canada�s visible minority rate builds to an expected 20 percent by 2017.

Source: The Globe and Mail

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