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Immigration Will Ease the Effects of Shrinking Labour Pool
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Immigration.ca - Canada Immigration News - June 2007

A new report has predicted that Canada's Eastern region is to be among the hardest as the aging baby-boomer population retires and the birth-rate continues to remain low. The report, issued by Statistics Canada, has indicated that the Atlantic provinces of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick will be most heavily impacted by a decrease in the labour pool in the coming years.

The retirement of numerous baby boomers is going to leave a significant gap in industry that will slow down productivity rates. There will also be a strain on Canada's public health care system, as more people will require these services while less people work to provide funding for them. This challenge is facing many industrialized countries in the world today and many are looking to immigration to ease the transition.

However, though increases in birth and immigration rates will help ease the negative impact of these changes, more drastic solutions will likely be required.



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