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More New Jobs Than Expected
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Immigration.ca - Canada Immigration News - July 2007

Over 38,000 new jobs were created in Canada in June, according to the latest report from Statistics Canada. This more than doubled the 17,000 that had been predicted by economic experts. The unemployment rate remains at a low 6.1 per cent while wages on average increased 3.5 percent over the past year. "The job market's drum-tight, the unemployment rate's stuck at unusually low levels, and wage growth continues to accelerate..." said TD Bank economist Derek Burleton.

Exports such as energy have led to a boom in Canadian industry since 2001 and the economy is expected to continue on growing. The current strength in the American economy is also expected to fuel Canadian growth through by increasing resource demands.

Sectors that have been most affected by employment growth include retail and wholesalers, schools and hospitals as well as the self-employed.


The Gazette "Job growth doubles forecasts"
Saturday, July 7, 2007

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