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Canada Expecting Less Foreign Workers in 2009
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Immigration.ca - Canada Immigration News - January 2009

The recent economic downturn is expected to significantly impact Canada�s foreign worker program in the coming year, according to experts in employment and immigration.

In January, Services Canada announced that it will augment its requirements on employers when it comes to foreign recruitment. Compared to previous years, the government will require increased proof of a company�s effort to recruit within Canada before they will be granted permits to bring in labour from outside nations.

Furthermore, the downturn is expected to incite thousands of layoffs of foreign workers who are already within the country. In places such as Alberta, which brought in approximately 38,000 temporary workers last year, such forecasts could have serious repercussions on non-citizens.

While the above policy changes are intended to protect Canadians who may be facing unemployment and economic hardship, many advocates are arguing that the rights of foreign workers are not being respected.

�My main concern is that employers treat the foreign workers fairly,� said Evelyn Ackah, an immigrant advocate based out of a Calgary law firm who advises employers to, �give them [foreign workers] notice, abide by the Employment Standards Act and perhaps help them find other employment to stay here.�

Employers should be concerned not only out of ethical motivation but also for their reputation. A company may have difficulty recruiting in the future if they become known for prematurely sending back workers before their permits have expired.

Source: Regina Leader-Post

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