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Youth Wants No Migration Control
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Immigration.ca - Canada Immigration News - December 2006

When questioned about immigration, a survey of 3,000 teenagers between the ages of 15 to 17-years-old revealed that four out of five youngsters believe that people should be able to live in any country they choose.

The survey, conducted by the BBC Generation Next series, polled youth in ten cities across the globe and showed the �desire of young people to be highly mobile�; this was true for youth in both developed and developing countries. While 64% of youth polled said that they would immigrate to secure a better future, one in seven youths said that they would �risk their life to reach another country�.

The responses differ per city; in Baghdad, 50% said that they would not emigrate, whereas in Nairobi and Dehli 81% of youth said that they would emigrate to secure a better future.

Youth have mixed opinions about integration. The poll revealed that 38% support the idea that a person should be allowed to move to a new country and be able to keep apart to maintain their own culture and beliefs. 49% support the idea that immigrants should integrate and adopt the culture of their new country.

61% of youth in New York felt that immigrants should integrate, with only 11% saying that immigrants should �keep apart� to protect their culture. In Delhi nearly the opposite was the case as only 11% were for integration and 81% were for keeping apart.

The survey questioned youths on a range of topics, including but not limited to climate change, crime, religion, global poverty and honesty. When asked which topic is the most important issue globally right now, 36% listed terrorism.

Story from BBC NEWS:

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