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Government Releases 2012 Immigration Figures
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Immigration.ca - Canada Immigration News - February 2013

Immigration levels were on the rise last year in several categories, despite some very drastic and controversial regulation changes by the Conservative government.

According to the latest data released by Citizenship and Immigration Canada, over the course of 2012 there were record immigration levels in the Canadian Experience Class (CEC) category as well as a large jump in family class immigration.

Last year the CEC stream welcomed 9,353 new arrivals which is the highest level seen since the category was launched in 2008. This stream of immigration favors applicants who already have either worked or studied for a significant period within the country and have thus proven their adaptability and skills to the Canadian economy.

Family sponsorship levels were also high last year, with approximately 65,000 relatives or spouses entering Canada. This is up nearly 15 percent from 2011 levels.

Overall, immigration in 2012 increased over the year before, with a total of 257,000 permanent residents admitted to Canada.

Sources: Citizenship and Immigration Canada

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