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Canadians Found to Have Mixed Feelings Regarding Immigration
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Immigration.ca - Canada Immigration News - November 2010

The results of a recent survey show that Canadian support for immigration is not as strong as it once was.

Overall, Canadians� views are �somewhat conflicted� according to a recent survey commissioned by the Conservative Government in preparation for the presentation of their policy report in parliament this month.

�I think that Canadians are generally supportive of immigration,� said Canada�s Immigration Minister Jason Kenney. �I don�t, however, think they want to see huge increases beyond where we already are.�

The results, which could easily be linked to the recent recession, found that 36 percent of Canadians believe that immigration increases unemployment among Canadians.

What may come as more of a surprise to analysts, however, is that Canadians are more likely to view immigration as having a negative impact on Canadian culture versus a negative impact on the Canadian economy. Researchers found a high level of �cultural insecurity� among those surveyed, which could tie in to recent controversies over traditional modes of dress in Canadian society.

Source: Ottawa Citizen

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