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Canadian Immigration Officials Are Using Wikipedia to Gather Evidence
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Immigration.ca - Canada Immigration News - April 2010

Canada�s Federal Court judges are denouncing the recent trend among federal officials to reference Wikipedia in immigration matters.

�Wikipedia is an internet Encyclopaedia which anyone with internet access can edit,� said one Federal Judge, who presided over a case where officials cited the site in their motion to remove Turkish refugee claimants.

Despite the ease with which information on Wikipedia can be edited, there is no express prohibition of using the site among Federal officials.

Though officially, it is �discouraged,� more and more agents are turning to the site to find grounds upon which to remove asylum-seekers from the country. Federal Judges are noticing the trend, which is causing concern amongst both the legal community and immigrant advocates.

�It is an open-source reference with no editorial control,� said another Federal Judge when having to rule on a case involving �evidence� from Wikipedia.

Source: Globe and Mail

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