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Government Announces New Visa Program for Mexican Business Travellers
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Immigration.ca - Canada Immigration News - April 2010

This week the Canadian government announced a new program that will allow certain business travellers from Mexico to obtain visas within a 24-hour period.

This announcement comes in light of recent controversy that erupted when the Canadian government imposed visitor visa restrictions upon both Mexico and the Czech Republic last year. The move was intended to thwart false refugee claims, as the two nations were Canada�s top source of claimants at the time of the imposed restriction.

Mexican and Czech officials were highly public in their disagreement with the Canadian government�s decision.

However, the government is moving forward with this new program in hopes of improving relations with Mexico, one of the country�s top trading partners.

�Canada and Mexico are among each other's largest trading partners," said Canada�s Minister of International Trade Peter Van Loan. "This program will help Canadian and Mexican companies do business together and continue to fuel our economic recovery."

To qualify for the new program, Mexican travellers must specifically be invited to join.

Source: Calgary Herald

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