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Applying online with Canada websites

Printed From: Canada Immigration and Visa Discussion Forum
Category: Canadian Employment / Jobs
Forum Name: Canada Job Topics
Forum Description: Working in Canada, Average salaries, Work & Study Programs, etc.
Printed Date: 13 Jun 2024 at 6:44am

Topic: Applying online with Canada websites
Posted By: brian
Subject: Applying online with Canada websites
Date Posted: 27 Mar 2010 at 3:42am
Is or are there website links you know that I can apply online for jobs in Canada? I'm from the Philippines and would like to possibly apply for jobs in Canada which would welcome foreign applications online as direct hire from Canadian employers. My line is advertising, graphic design and the arts.
Or is it better to immigrate as a skilled worker first and then look for a job in Canada?
Your help would be much welcome. Thanks.

Strive to be alive. :)

Posted By: job_seeker
Date Posted: 27 Mar 2010 at 10:01am
Originally posted by brian brian wrote:


Is or are there website links you know that I can apply online for jobs in Canada? I'm from the Philippines and would like to possibly apply for jobs in Canada which would welcome foreign applications online as direct hire from Canadian employers. My line is advertising, graphic design and the arts.


Or is it better to immigrate as a skilled worker first and then look for a job in Canada?


Your help would be much welcome. Thanks.

Hi, - - - - - -

You have to find an employer who would apply for a Labour Market Opinion for you. You will find that not many employers will respond but do not be disheartened. That is part of the job search process.

If you are a PR, applying for a job in Canada would be a bit faster (no need for LMO) but applying for permanent residency would be the hard part. Explore the different avenues open for Permanent Residency: -

All the best.

"I shall pass this way but once. Therefore, any good that I can do or any kindness that I can show, let me do it now, for I shall not pass this way again."

Posted By: brian
Date Posted: 27 Mar 2010 at 11:28am
Thank you very much, I'm sure this would be much helpful. :)

Strive to be alive. :)

Posted By: Rosemary123
Date Posted: 30 Mar 2010 at 10:40pm

this is quite good and informative. I found many info there.

Posted By: Job Coach
Date Posted: 09 Dec 2010 at 4:49pm
Another great site is: -
Always try and use the advanced search features to help refine your searches.
Here are some other great links that will help with your job search: - #

Posted By: ajgodinho
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2010 at 7:46pm
New immigrants looking to secure jobs in Canada will find this Squidoo web page useful: - Job Search Guide for New Immigrants .

Trying to get your foot into the door, being outside of Canada is always a challenge, but one effective way is to start building a professional network. One such online professional network is LinkedIn. You can learn more about it - HERE .

Hope you find this useful...ask if you have any questions.


<strong>AJ Godinho</strong><br /><br />Entrepreneur & HR Professional<br /><br /><a href="">Canadian Newcomer's Checklist</a>

Posted By: Job Coach
Date Posted: 20 Dec 2010 at 2:48pm
LinkedIn is "the" best professional social networking site in US/Canada.  This is where you should set-up your working professional profile as both HR professionals and recruiters use this site to look for people and do quick reference checks on people.  It is quickly becoming a mandatory requirement for working professionals to have their online presence.
Learn more with this link: - #

Posted By: ropy
Date Posted: 31 Dec 2010 at 2:17pm
personally i'd be shocked if you ever got a job that way--there is alot of unemployment over here as it is--employers will not need to look overseas to fill any spots 

Posted By: Job Coach
Date Posted: 31 Dec 2010 at 7:06pm
Someone was looking for a 'secure' site to both list their credentials and to look for opportunities.  LinkedIn is one resource - but it is also the best for a professional social networking site.  There absolutely are many credible on-line job bulletin boards out there, which is not what LinkedIn claims to primarily be, but I can tell you first hand that LinkedIn has become a fast growing site for recruiters to both scan for possible candidates and then do quiet screening of candidates.   Of course not all companies will look (or invest) in bringing over a new immigrant for a position, it totally depends on the company and position.  Does it happen often, probably not, but it is still an avenue that all job seekers should investigate.  At the bare minimum you should have your professional profile posted so people can quickly see your bio.
Another site that automatically generates bio's on you is -   you can 'claim' your bio and ensure all info is accurate and also provide additional/updated information.

Posted By: ajgodinho
Date Posted: 31 Dec 2010 at 9:11pm
Networking is key when looking for a job whether it is via job boards, recruitment agencies or professional online networks.

Since coming to Canada as an immigrant over a decade ago, networking is how I landed 90 percent of my jobs and moved up the corporate ladder.

Networking in this day and age is even more beneficial given that most everything is online now. So I wouldn't discount professional online networking altogether, but at the same time, I wouldn't make it my main focus and avenue to target jobs.

It's always a good idea to keep one's option open.

Happy New Year everyone! :)

<strong>AJ Godinho</strong><br /><br />Entrepreneur & HR Professional<br /><br /><a href="">Canadian Newcomer's Checklist</a>

Posted By: Job Coach
Date Posted: 05 Jan 2011 at 7:13pm
Agreed.  If you read any information on how to effectively job search.  It will tell you that approximately 75+% of jobs are found through networking.  This could be a friend giving you a lead, telling you about an internal posting.  Networking face-to-face, online, at breakfast events -- it means 'talking' to people to get information and leads.
Many people are shocked by this stat, but you can find it everywhere. - #

Posted By: hrcanada1
Date Posted: 19 Oct 2011 at 8:05am
Here are lots great online source to help jobseekers, I am also reviewing the source, hope to help me.

Posted By: sonnyrob
Date Posted: 02 Apr 2012 at 10:05pm
Hi Brian,

Are you still applying? Aside from Workpolis and Monster, since you are from the Philippines I would also recommend: - - -

I'm sure you will find lots of jobs there which would fit your skill.

Posted By: chefchopra7
Date Posted: 23 May 2012 at 12:38am

All bull sh*t.................


HERE is the realty......... I will not be surprised if this reply is blocked.....


Status Canadian Immigrant : First class country with third class status


I am in Canada more than two years holding 20 years of International standard experience, applied more than 1000 times on each site, not a single reply except for few rejection, you will be only wasting your time and end of the day with down morale.: this is objective of Immigration department.  

I was watching Prime time one day one of the panellist was really concerned and said each Immigrant is under employed but other racist panellist said Oh its because they cant speak English....Through this forum I want to say to panellist when Immigrants speak good English they face more problems than who speak less English.



There are great standards of Canada I am imressed with secure organized social life and feel proud but they never think out of the box .  


Canadian are insensitive, scared of giving chance to seasoned immigrant because they are Racist  incapable , incompetent. 


CANADIAN Immigration is : Breach of Trust -Forcing and throwing international skill into Canadian labour work force, luring immigrants by free healthcare and high jacking kids through free excellent educational system along with supporting funds, while you will trying to settle you will shocked at the end of the day that you are completely TRAPPED.Immigration misleead and hide the realty facts from Immigrants.


I am  surprised how Canadians are sharing Sky , Sunlight and Air with these immigrants if they don’t like immigrants Canada has no right to displace people from their homw country.



OFF LATE I WAS WATCHING TV THAT THERE ARE 50% decline in Immigrant application in Asia.


If you don’t have any achievement in your professional life and you are between 20- 30 of your age - This country could be heaven for you.


Great Country to do trade and business......


Good Luck


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