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Printed From: Canada Immigration and Visa Discussion Forum
Category: Canada Immigration Topics
Forum Name: Skilled Worker / Independent Immigration
Forum Description: Permanent residence for skilled workers. The point system and related issues. Employer sponsorship is not a requirement
Printed Date: 03 Jul 2024 at 7:45pm

Posted By: shami123
Date Posted: 29 Nov 2009 at 8:37am

Posted By: shami123
Date Posted: 29 Nov 2009 at 8:38am
Hi, Dear All Members,
ASA has created updated version of Forum, Welcome to all my Friends

Posted By: canvis2006
Date Posted: 29 Nov 2009 at 12:23pm
yeah now we must wait for them all to rejoin the forum...

Posted By: Doctor
Date Posted: 29 Nov 2009 at 4:15pm
i have to register again, i dont mind cuz i m still new in this forum :)

got AOR(from NS)= 18th aug'2009
document sent to local visa office= 1st Nov'2009
AOR from Visa Office received= 10th Dec'2009

Posted By: shozee
Date Posted: 29 Nov 2009 at 7:37pm
Thanks Shami for your prayers and wishes.

Posted By: Masood
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 1:29am
Salam to all respectable members.

Eid Mubark.

I am regular reader of this forum.

applied november 2005

recieved   AOR Nov 2005.

Posted By: Prime
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 2:00am
Eid Mubark.

i am waiting still sept 2004 waiting for updation of documents,

pls if anyone update this year ,reply to this forum.

Posted By: tarzan9211
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 3:09am
Hi everyone. I am little bit of upset by reviewing the that form is locked. Now found a new look with new registration. I think administrator should allow old users to automatically join this new version rather to re-register them. Any how the change is good and I assume that this change will also lead a change in our life by issuing PAs, Medicals and PPRs for the awaiting members. Aameen.


Posted By: tarzan9211
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 3:16am
Tips for Interview preparation:-

Useful sites

Surviving the immigration interview

Category 1: About You and Your Family

1. Tell us a little about yourself. / Could you tell me about yourself. Schooling / lifestyle..??
2. Give us some information about your Origin/ Family background/ Ethnicity?
3. Please describe your typical workday?
4. What do you like doing in your spare time ?
5. Where do you live?
6. Do you own a house, or do you rent? Or is it company provided?
7. (If you have children under 18) Where are your children now? Are they alone at home? (Note: In Canada, it is illegal to leave children under 12 unattended).
8. Do your parents live in the same home?
9. Do you plan to bring them to Canada if your application is approved?
10. If not, who will look after them if you move to Canada?
11. What's your current status - single/married/engaged?
12. Where does you spouse / Fiance's parents live ?
13. How long have you been married? OR When do you plan to marry?
14. What's the name and D.O.B of your spouse?
15. Have you been previously married?
16. Do you have other children not listed in this application?
17. How would you rate your English language skills? How about French? (Note: Expect to be tested on this if you claim some degree of skills).
18. Tell us where you think you are Excellent, Good, bad or Worst in
Reading Writing Speaking Listening
19. How well do your spouse and children speak English/French?
20. Have you ever been in trouble with the law? Were you ever reported/charged/arrested for any crime?
21. Do your spouse and children support your plan to move to Canada?
22. Do you have family in Canada?
23. What would you do if your immigration application is rejected? Or What is your plan if you are unsuccessful in this Interview and is not given a Landing Visa?

Category 2: Job and Qualifications

1. What is Your profession?
2. Where are you working now? Or What do you currently do?
Name Address Contact details of Employer

3. Can you give us the name of your supervisor / Person you are reporting to / Your Immediate manager?
Name Title/Designation Address & Contact details

4. What is your title?
5. What does your job involve?
6. Is this a full time or part time job?
7. How long have you worked at this company?
8. Have you had the same position since you started?
9. What jobs have you had prior to this?
10. Can you provide references?
Name Address Contact details of Previous Employer

10-b Details of Previous managers/ supervisors
Name Title/Designation Address & Contact details

11. Why you quit those jobs and why you are going to quit this current one and move to Canada?
12. Tell us about your educational background.
13. What qualifications do you have for your present job?
14. Were you trained before taking on this role?
15. How many people work in your department/company? How many work under you?
16. Who do you report to in the company? Could you give us their contact information?
17. What are you currently working on?
18. Would you say you are doing well in this company?
19. Why would you want to quit this job and head for an uncertain future in Canada?
20. Do you think you will easily find a similar job in Canada?
21. Do you think your qualifications are sufficient to help you find a job?
22. How can your current job help you get a similar job in Canada?
23. How can your current job help you to Integrate in Canadian Society?
24. Do you plan to study further in Canada?
25. Will you undergo a training/ upgrade your skills or go for an internship before taking up a job?
26. Have you had your qualifications assessed in Canada?

Category 3: Financial Position

1. What is your Financial position?
2. What is your current source of Funds? Have you got any Business or just a job ?
3. How much money do you earn at your present job?
4. Do you have any other sources of income? How much do you earn from those?
5. How much money do you have in the banks?
6. Can you provide bank statements for the last 1/2/3 years?
7. What other assets do you have? Property? Stocks and bonds? Gold?
8. What are your assets worth, approximately, at today's market rates? Do you have an assessment report?
9. If your immigration application were to be approved, would you sell your assets before moving to Canada?

Category 4: What You Know About Canada

1. How much do you know about Canada?
2. What exactly have you heard about Canada?
3. What do you expect Canada to be like?
4. Who is Canada's Prime Minister?
5. What is the capital of Canada?
6. How many Canadian Provinces can you name?
7. Can you name some Canadian cities
Or Could you give me the name of 3 Canadian cities and 3 Canadian Provinces ?
8. What is the name of the premier of the province where you plan to settle?

Category 5: Immigrating to Canada

1. Why do you want to leave your country?
2. Why do you want to come to Canada?
3. Are you prepared for the challenges that come with a move to a new country?
4. Why did you choose Canada? Why not Australia, New Zealand, the US or Britain? Or Is there any specific reason for choosing Canada as your residency country ?
5. Where in Canada would you like to Settle ? and Why?
6. What are your preparations for leaving your country?
a. Would you sell all of your equity/assets?
b. b. Any emotional and/or psychological preparation associated with leaving your country.
c. How do you think your spouse and kids [family] will cope with emotional and psychological stress associated with leaving their friends and relatives?
7. What do you expect Canada to be like?
8. Which city in Canada do you want to go to? Why did you decide on that city?
9. Do you have family/friends in Canada? If so, where do they live?
10. (If your intended destination is different from the one you have family in) Why did you choose City X rather than City Y if that's where you have family?
11. Will you change your mind and settle in City Y if your application is approved?
12. Will your relatives/friends assist you after you move to Canada?
13. How do you plan to connect with your relatives/friends in you live in different cities?
14. How will you support yourself and your family before you get a job?
15. How are you preparing yourself and your family for Canada?
a. Do all of your family members know English?
b. If no, how do you think they will adapt to a new culture and environment suddenly?
16. How much money do you plan to take with you to Canada?
17. How long do you think your funds will last you if you haven't found a job?
18. Have you found out about the cost of living in your intended destination?
19. Explain how you plan to find a job in Canada.
20. Will you be using the Internet for your job search? Will it be the only source for job hunt ?
21. What other means would you use to find a job?
22. There are so many job-seekers in Canada who are familiar with current industry practices. Why do you believe you can get the job ahead of them?
23. Have you been in touch with prospective employers in Canada with regard to your job search?
24. Do you know of any associations or licensing bodies related to your profession in Canada?
25. Have you attempted to contact them? If yes, what did they say? Will they Grant you Membership?
26. What do you know about your profession in Canada ?
27. What would you do if you cannot find a job in your field? Are Unable to secure Employment ?
28. Would you seek government unemployment benefits while you are unemployed?
29. Would you return to your home country if you can't find a job in your choosen Fileld?
30. Where do you see yourself five or 10 years from now?
31. Have you ever been arrested, charged or convicted of any violation of the law?
a. If yes,
i. Include felonies and misdemeanors, but not traffic violations.
ii. Provide all the details, your details include but not limited to

1. Felony 2. Sentence/fine 3. When happened 4. When was the sentence served or fine paid

25. Do you have any criminal record?

a. If yes,

i. Provide details of what the charge was, sentence served, and why you were charged.

Some tips for the prospective applicants appearing for interview.
- Carry along with you the xerox copies of the initial application filled by you.
- Carry original of all your educational certificates and job offer/contract letters mentioned in the application.
- English language test results copy.
- Passport
- You may be asked questions about your field of study.
- Your present job responsibilties and other details to ascertain you can settle down in canada under your job category.
- Before the interview date do some research about the city where there is maximum demand for your trade.
-Be cool and don't bluff. Speak the truth


Posted By: tarzan9211
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 3:17am
Some facts of Canadian life --- picked from another forum of similar type for information of the members

1. Free education from day-1 for all children up to high school level. (Govt High School type and not the elite private schools!) You pay hefty amount in college fees. Most local Goras therefore opt NOT TO GRADUATE.
2. Children allowance starting from birth till 18 (?) years age. Normally it is more ($450) in the beginning and gradually reduces ($150) in the end. (THIS IS ONE GOOD POINT WHERE PARENTS USE THE MONEY ON FAMILY AND WHEN IT COMES TO COLLEGE EDUCATION, A CHILD CANNOT PAY HEFTY FEES OR IS FORCED TO TAKE STUDENT LOANS WHICH HE KEEPS REPAYING THROUGHOUT HIS LIFE).
3. Jobless allowance - Barely lets you survive. You have to take the job whenever and whichever is offered irrespective of your choice. You refuse two or three times, you will never be given this allowance.
4. Health Insurance - Govt pays your medical bills, provided you pay taxes. Long wait times, long queues, no choice of self medication. (Means that you cannot buy off the shelf medicine and treat yourself).
5. Child's rights - You could land in jail if your child reports abuse against you as parent on 911.
6. Child could be taken away from you if neglect.
7. Freedom for children above 18 years of age - they choose whom to live with (they call it legal and in our society it is a shame) and marry their partner, if at all they want. Parents have no rights!
8. Your Landlord can enter your house any time without your permission, with his duplicate key - legal.
9. Police can put handcuffs on you publicly even for very small misunderstanding. Of-course they take it off after they sign you in.
10. Police can enter your house without search warrant. (Sounds strange, isn't it?)

The listed sequence above does not happen with everyone, but it CAN happen to anyone. Many many more benefits which I may not recall off-hand. For peace-loving people the life is certainly good (if not prosperous). There is peace of mind, discipline, regularity and a clean life. The trick is to become like them to be treated like them!

You may have control on your children to some extend, but mark my words, the next generation would throw you out if you ever try to impose your Pakistani views or Islamic morality!!!!!!!!!!!

People please plan. Plan to obtain maximum advantage


Posted By: tarzan9211
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 3:17am
Have a look at this, passed just for info:

Immigration Screening
The screening of potential immigrants to Canada is a complex process which involves several government departments and agencies such as Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC), Health Canada (HC), Human Resources Development Canada (HRDC), and RCMP and CSIS, each of whom has specific responsibilities.
CSIS provides advice to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration on prospective immigrants and refugee claimants. Such advice relates directly to the security inadmissibility criteria contained in Section 19(1) of the Immigration Act, with the final decision resting with the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration.
Amendments to the Immigration Act introduced in 1993 have had a significant impact on the security screening of prospective immigrants. The amendments have broadened the scope of Section 19(1) of the Act by including the word terrorism, the notion of membership, and more significantly, the inclusion of past activity as grounds for inadmissibility. These amendments represent an attempt to bring Section 19(1) into closer alignment with the definition of "threats to the security of Canada" found in Section 2 of the CSIS Act.
The screening of prospective immigrants wishing to resettle in Canada has been streamlined since 1991 and the Service gets involved only in cases where an applicant's background presents security concerns. This determination is done on the basis of analysis and experience, and in cooperation with CIC officers posted abroad.
Queries with foreign agencies are sometimes necessary but the Service remains ever-vigilant to sources of information operating from a self-serving agenda. Any information supplied to the Service by a foreign agency is evaluated against what the Service already possesses and the previous reliability of the supplier. It must also be considered that reliance on foreign agencies for criminal and security checks can result in lengthy processing delays.
All relevant information collected by CSIS under the Immigration Screening program, on either prospective immigrants or refugee claimants, is thoroughly analysed in order to assist CIC in its subsequent decision as to whether they are inadmissible under the Immigration Act.
In 1996/97, the Service processed 50,444 requests from CIC under the Immigration Screening program, including 7,779 applications from refugee claimants. The Service's average processing time was 42 days, with approximately 50 percent of all cases completed within this time-frame. The remaining 50 percent averaged 177 days to complete. Less than one percent of all cases took longer than 12 months to process.


Posted By: tarzan9211
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 3:18am
Stuff for IELTS preparation


Posted By: tarzan9211
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 3:20am
List initially prepared by Shozee--Medical receiving dates and forward)

imrjav............25 Feb...................rcv visa- Landed
Taha..............28 Feb...................rcv visa (28 days after submitting passport)
msuri.............01 March.................rcv visa ( 19 days after submitting passport )
shozee............05 March.................rcv Visa- Landed
ismat.............07 March.................rcv Visa ( 17 days after submitting passport)
shami123.......... 13 march................rcv Schedule 1
Sayyed...........20 March
orbnexus...........30 March
smughal............31 March
Sherry.............01 April
Tarzan.............01 April
midway.............09 April
Imti72.............18 April
Nocman.............22 April
Libra..............11 May
meatdd.............May.09.......PPR Oct09........rcv Visa
rizkhan............02 June
Khan123............06 Oct
ali24jan...........15 Oct ( Fast Track applicant)
Annnera............03 Nov
Abidcro............17 Nov


Posted By: tarzan9211
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 3:23am
List prepared by Softncool

shami123: Applied Jun 03, AOR Jun 03, Medical Mar 09
imti72: Applied Sep 03, AOR NA, Medical Apr 09
sayyed: Applied Nov 03, AOR Nov 03, Medical Mar 09
aneera: Applied Nov 03, AOR N/A, Medical Oct 09
sherry: Applied Dec 03, AOR Dec 03, Medical Mar 09
Orbnexus: Applied Dec 03, AOR N/A, Medical Feb 09
rizkhan123: Applied Dec 03, AOR Dec 03, Medical Apr 09
nocman: Applied Dec 03, AOR N/A, Medical Apr 09
Smughal: Applied Jan 04, AOR NA, Medical Mar 09
midway: Applied Jan 04, AOR Jan 04, Medical Apr 09
ziqbal_2000:Applied Jan 04, AOR NA, Provisional Acceptance May 09
C_Of_Dunces: Applied Jan 04, AOR Feb 04, Documents Update Jan 09
Libra23: Applied Mar 04, AOR Mar 04, Medical Apr 09
abidcro: Applied Mar 04, AOR Apr 04, Medical Nov 09
khan123: Applied Mar 04, AOR Mar 04, Medical Sep 09
manzar66: Applied May 04, AOR Aug 04, Provisional Acceptance Aug 09
ZAM:Applied May 2004, AOR NA, Medical Jun 09
Hamdan: Applied July 04, AOR Aug 04
hammadfari: Applied Aug 04, AOR Sep 04, Documents Update Jun 09
ajilani: Applied Sep 04, AOR Sep 04
prime: Applied Sep 04, AOR Sep04
Hotiana: Applied Sep 04, AOR N/A, Provisional Acceptance May 09
sheeraz: Applied Sep 04, AOR Sep 04, Medical Sep 09
tippu: Applied Sep 04, AOR Sep 04, Documents Update Jun 09
fahad_nedian: Applied Oct 04, AOR Oct 04
omairn: Applied Oct 04, AOR N/A, Provisional Acceptance Jun 09
logical: Applied Oct 04, AOR Nov 04
sasbuk: Applied Nov 04, AOR DEC 04
masoom: Applied Dec 04, AOR Dec 04
engrss: Applied Dec 04, AOR Dec 04
waq: Applied Dec 04, AOR Jan 05
manzoor_spain09:Applied Jan 05,AOR Jan 05, Documents Update July 09
yousufmasood50: Applied Jan 05, AOR Feb 05
qayamk: Applied Mar 05, AOR Mar 05
alinoor: Applied Mar 05, AOR Apr 05
chipmunk: Applied Mar 05, AOR Apr 05
sralmani: Applied May 05, AOR Jun 05, Medical Nov 09
imranleo: Applied May 05, AOR NA
mehdi110: Applied Jul 05, AOR July 05
dippynsippy: Applied Jul 05, AOR Aug 05
fids_hussain: Applied Sep 05, AOR Oct 05
joja: Applied Oct 05, AOR Nov 05
irfaniqbal: Applied Dec 05, AOR Dec 05
luhkhan:Applied Jan 06, AOR Feb 06
sna: Applied Jan 06, AOR Feb 06
musat999: Applied Jan 06, AOR Mar 06
asif995: Applied Feb 06, AOR Feb 06
Badboy: Applied Jan 06, AOR Apr 06
Sal123: Applied Apr 06, AOR Apr 06
nadeemyounas: Applied Apr 06, AOR May 06
Sultan12345: Applied Jun 06, AOR N/A
adeel2215: Applied Jul 06, AOR Aug 06
usmanamir: Applied Jul 06, AOR Aug 06
lewanai: Applied Aug 06, AOR Sep 06
Softncool: Applied Aug 06, AOR Sep 06
Coolblue80: Applied Sep 06, AOR Sep 06
goodboy:Applied Sep 06, AOR N/A
imranmashooquekhan: Applied Sep 06, AOR Sep 06
login: Applied Sep 06, AOR Sep 06
zeeshanyousuf: Applied Oct 06, AOR OCT 06
farahamir: Applied Nov 06, AOR NA
Potentialimmigrant: Applied Nov 06, AOR Jan 07
Aqeelmemonkarachi: Applied Dec 06, AOR N/A
Khanewal: Applied Dec 06, AOR Jan 07
Mazhar19: Applied Dec 06, AOR Jan 07
Mehraj2000: Applied Dec 06, AOR Jan 07
Saqibmasood: Applied Dec 06, AOR Jan 07
Mallhi: Applied Jan 07, AOR Feb 07
sage123: Applied Feb 07, AOR Mar 07
Faceoff: Applied Mar 07, AOR Mar 07
ZASOLANGI: Applied Mar 07, AOR Apr 07
Rima: Applied Mar 07, AOR Apr 07
hardworking: Applied May 07, AOR Jun 07
zokki2000: Applied Jun 07, AOR Jul 07
AsgharNiazi: Applied Jun 07, AOR Jul 07
Karpov: Applied Aug 07, AOR Aug 07


Posted By: tarzan9211
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 3:27am
waiting for medicals (Prepared by areena):

Khan123: 15 june 2009 (medical recd 19.09.09 done on 6.10.09)

Hotiana : 28 june 2009

omairn : 29 june 2009

Hammad : 30 june 2009

Aneera : 17 July 2009 ( medical recd on 26.10.09 done on 02.11.09 )

khalid_ejaz : 18 july 2009

Tippu : 28 july 2009

manzar66: 5 august 2009 ( medical rcvd on 21.11.09)

Abidcro : 7 august 2009 ( medical recd on 15.11.09 done on 17.11.09)

salman120b : 15 august 2009 ( medical rcvd on 16.11.09)

sheeraz : 3 november 2009

Z_iqbal : 4 november 2009


Posted By: sayyed
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 4:49am
Thanks Tarzan,

I really surprised yesterday to visit the forum and found it locked, i also emailed the moderator to provide the reason for locking the forum , anyhow we met again so no worries.

Posted By: sayyed
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 4:55am
1. When should we expect Passport request?
usually within 60 days you will receive the passport request.

2. What documents, Proof of funds, etc are still required?
yes proof of funds will be submitted with passports and this time only bank statement will be required

3. Normally, how much CIC Islamabad takes for requesting passports after medicals?
usually within 60 days you will receive the passport request.

4. When should the e-cas status changes from in progress to ----- (after medicals)?

it will change after issuance of visas.



I applied under FSW category in Sep 2008 (Fast Track). We went thru medicals at Karachi on 23rd November.

can anyone from seniors advise that:

1. When should we expect Passport request?
2. What documents, Proof of funds, etc are still required?
3. Normally, how much CIC Islamabad takes for requesting passports after medicals?
4. When should the e-cas status changes from in progress to ----- (after medicals)?

Posted By: sayyed
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 4:59am
Dear Shozee,

My heartiest congratulation on having the most wonderful gift of Allah - the child.

May Allah showers all His blessings upon her.

Dear Shozee . we all stand with you and none of us has any feeleings or hatred against our beloved country Pakistan, but sometime its better to donot make comments on any one's personal remarks in order to protect your feelings.

You are the star of our family and we really missed you alot.

Please keep in touch ..

Posted By: sayyed
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 5:03am
Congratulation ismat..

please keep sharing your experiences.

Best Regards

Posted By: salman120b
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 6:03am
Pls correct list. Wating for medical letter only confirmation of documents received.

Posted By: tarzan9211
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 6:09am
I am encouraging forum members to also post whatever links that you have to help other members. Hope this helps! Thanks !

Writing practice perumalsamy.rm

Writing practice II perumalsamy.rm

Writing practice III perumalsamy.rm

A Good Resource for IELTS

101 Helpful Hints for IELTS links.
The links approved for use by the 101 Helpful Hints team

101 Helpful Hints for IELTS links.
The links approved for use by the 101 Helpful Hints team

General writing TIPS. Punctuation, Grammar, Spelling and more.

English listening, a very useful link.

TEST ( Reading, Writing, Listening ) practice tests

Improve reading ,section 2

IELTS Discussion, questions and answers.


Web site dedicated to IELTS test.

Official web site.

Advanced writing

Information and guidance , what to do?, How to prepare?, resources, latest news, and everything you need to know

Increase your reading speed to get better results in listening and reading section of IELTS Test.


Posted By: tarzan9211
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 6:11am
salman-- the list is originally prepared by areena i just pooped it up because of new initiation of forum in updated version. wait for areena to update


Posted By: sayyed
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 7:35am
i think the confusion is because of two salman in the forum.

Originally posted by salman120b salman120b wrote:

Pls correct list. Wating for medical letter only confirmation of documents received.

Posted By: libra23
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 8:20am
Hi everyone. Nice to see you all. For 2 days i have been seeing the link as FORUM LOCKED. At that moment i was thinking that it would have been better if we all would be having other means of contacts like email address of facebook address as well. But today i am happy to found out that the new forum has been opened.

Posted By: libra23
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 8:30am
What The administrator has done with the forum can be said like this "ek he suf may kharay ho gaye mahmood o ayaz. Na koi banda raha na banada nawaz" All the senior members including myself has started from the beginning. Its like starting a new life in Canada. So the pratice has already begun :)

Posted By: libra23
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 8:31am
List initially prepared by Shozee--Medical receiving dates and forward)

imrjav............25 Feb...................rcv visa- Landed
Taha..............28 Feb...................rcv visa (28 days after submitting passport)
msuri.............01 March.................rcv visa ( 19 days after submitting passport )
shozee............05 March.................rcv Visa- Landed
ismat.............07 March.................rcv Visa ( 17 days after submitting passport)
shami123.......... 13 march................rcv Schedule 1

Sayyed...........20 March
orbnexus...........30 March
smughal............31 March
Sherry.............01 April
Tarzan.............01 April
midway.............09 April
Imti72.............18 April
Nocman.............22 April
Libra23..............11 May

meatdd.............May.09.......PPR Oct09........rcv Visa
rizkhan............02 June
Khan123............06 Oct
ali24jan...........15 Oct ( Fast Track applicant)
Annnera............03 Nov
Abidcro............17 Nov

Posted By: libra23
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 8:33am
waiting for medicals:

Khan123: 15 june 2009 (medical recd 19.09.09 done on 6.10.09)

Hotiana : 28 june 2009

omairn : 29 june 2009

Hammad : 30 june 2009

Aneera : 17 July 2009 ( medical recd on 26.10.09 done on 02.11.09 )

khalid_ejaz : 18 july 2009

Tippu : 28 july 2009

manzar66: 5 august 2009 ( medical rcvd on 21.11.09)

Abidcro : 7 august 2009 ( medical recd on 15.11.09 done on 17.11.09)

salman120b : 15 august 2009 ( medical rcvd on 16.11.09)

sheeraz : 3 november 2009

Z_iqbal : 4 november 2009

Posted By: libra23
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 8:35am
shami123: Applied Jun 03, AOR Jun 03, Medical Mar 09
imti72: Applied Sep 03, AOR NA, Medical Apr 09
sayyed: Applied Nov 03, AOR Nov 03, Medical Mar 09
aneera: Applied Nov 03, AOR N/A, Medical Oct 09
sherry: Applied Dec 03, AOR Dec 03, Medical Mar 09
Orbnexus: Applied Dec 03, AOR N/A, Medical Feb 09
rizkhan123: Applied Dec 03, AOR Dec 03, Medical Apr 09
nocman: Applied Dec 03, AOR N/A, Medical Apr 09
Smughal: Applied Jan 04, AOR NA, Medical Mar 09
midway: Applied Jan 04, AOR Jan 04, Medical Apr 09
ziqbal_2000:Applied Jan 04, AOR NA, Provisional Acceptance May 09
C_Of_Dunces: Applied Jan 04, AOR Feb 04, Documents Update Jan 09
Libra23: Applied Mar 04, AOR Mar 04, Medical Apr 09
abidcro: Applied Mar 04, AOR Apr 04, Medical Nov 09
khan123: Applied Mar 04, AOR Mar 04, Medical Sep 09
manzar66: Applied May 04, AOR Aug 04, Provisional Acceptance Aug 09
ZAM:Applied May 2004, AOR NA, Medical Jun 09
Hamdan: Applied July 04, AOR Aug 04
hammadfari: Applied Aug 04, AOR Sep 04, Documents Update Jun 09
ajilani: Applied Sep 04, AOR Sep 04
prime: Applied Sep 04, AOR Sep04
Hotiana: Applied Sep 04, AOR N/A, Provisional Acceptance May 09
sheeraz: Applied Sep 04, AOR Sep 04, Medical Sep 09
tippu: Applied Sep 04, AOR Sep 04, Documents Update Jun 09
fahad_nedian: Applied Oct 04, AOR Oct 04
omairn: Applied Oct 04, AOR N/A, Provisional Acceptance Jun 09
logical: Applied Oct 04, AOR Nov 04
sasbuk: Applied Nov 04, AOR DEC 04
masoom: Applied Dec 04, AOR Dec 04
engrss: Applied Dec 04, AOR Dec 04
waq: Applied Dec 04, AOR Jan 05
manzoor_spain09:Applied Jan 05,AOR Jan 05, Documents Update July 09
yousufmasood50: Applied Jan 05, AOR Feb 05
qayamk: Applied Mar 05, AOR Mar 05
alinoor: Applied Mar 05, AOR Apr 05
chipmunk: Applied Mar 05, AOR Apr 05
sralmani: Applied May 05, AOR Jun 05, Medical Nov 09
imranleo: Applied May 05, AOR NA
mehdi110: Applied Jul 05, AOR July 05
dippynsippy: Applied Jul 05, AOR Aug 05
fids_hussain: Applied Sep 05, AOR Oct 05
joja: Applied Oct 05, AOR Nov 05
irfaniqbal: Applied Dec 05, AOR Dec 05
luhkhan:Applied Jan 06, AOR Feb 06
sna: Applied Jan 06, AOR Feb 06
musat999: Applied Jan 06, AOR Mar 06
asif995: Applied Feb 06, AOR Feb 06
Badboy: Applied Jan 06, AOR Apr 06
Sal123: Applied Apr 06, AOR Apr 06
nadeemyounas: Applied Apr 06, AOR May 06
Sultan12345: Applied Jun 06, AOR N/A
adeel2215: Applied Jul 06, AOR Aug 06
usmanamir: Applied Jul 06, AOR Aug 06
lewanai: Applied Aug 06, AOR Sep 06
Softncool: Applied Aug 06, AOR Sep 06
Coolblue80: Applied Sep 06, AOR Sep 06
goodboy:Applied Sep 06, AOR N/A
imranmashooquekhan: Applied Sep 06, AOR Sep 06
login: Applied Sep 06, AOR Sep 06
zeeshanyousuf: Applied Oct 06, AOR OCT 06
farahamir: Applied Nov 06, AOR NA
Potentialimmigrant: Applied Nov 06, AOR Jan 07
Aqeelmemonkarachi: Applied Dec 06, AOR N/A
Khanewal: Applied Dec 06, AOR Jan 07
Mazhar19: Applied Dec 06, AOR Jan 07
Mehraj2000: Applied Dec 06, AOR Jan 07
Saqibmasood: Applied Dec 06, AOR Jan 07
Mallhi: Applied Jan 07, AOR Feb 07
sage123: Applied Feb 07, AOR Mar 07
Faceoff: Applied Mar 07, AOR Mar 07
ZASOLANGI: Applied Mar 07, AOR Apr 07
Rima: Applied Mar 07, AOR Apr 07
hardworking: Applied May 07, AOR Jun 07
zokki2000: Applied Jun 07, AOR Jul 07
AsgharNiazi: Applied Jun 07, AOR Jul 07
Karpov: Applied Aug 07, AOR Aug 07

Posted By: libra23
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 8:38am
Dear Old friends. I hope i have copy pasted essential posts. Take care and stay in touch.

Posted By: libra23
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 8:46am
Dear Shozee
Welcome back and HEARTIEST CONGRATULATIONS to you on having new addition to your family. May you have your wife see the happiness of your child. Last but not the least, the child is luckier than you as you have to wait for around 4 years to see the face of the Canadian Passport whereas your child is a born Canadian and as a matter of fact will be having his Canadian passport very soon. Once again brother wish you good luck and lots of prayers to you.

Posted By: libra23
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 8:53am
Although we all are back but i really think that we have lost so muh of info. that was present in form of different topics in the old forum.

Posted By: sayyed
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 9:00am
Hi Libra how are you? hope eid is going wonderful and you have blast in all three days of eid.

Yes you are absolutely right about the lost of contacts and for that I again stress you to join the yahoo group canadianaimmragion_pakistan atleast as soon i realized that moderator destroyed our lovely home i emailed all of the members at group.

In a situation if the new forum would not be created by what would be the options we have to interact with each others?

Best of luck to everyone!


Posted By: libra23
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 9:21am
Dear Sayyed
Eid went good, but yesterday i was running fever so took rest and today feeling fine. From tomorrow the routine will start. Sayyed I am already on that yahoo group but I didnt get any email.
Sayyed can u still access the old forum or not?
Take care

Posted By: tarzan9211
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 9:24am
libra old forum is still accessable.


Posted By: libra23
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 9:25am
Sayyed how did you eid go? I think the moderator didnt like your becoming the advanced member and re-initialized the forum but I hope the CIC will not re-initialize the processing :) Lets wait for the others to know that they have to re-register otherwise they keep on logging on their ids and passwords which would never work.

Posted By: tarzan9211
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 9:26am
we have email addresses of each other even on this forum. i emailed about the change to most of members via email. have u not receive the same?


Posted By: libra23
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 9:27am
Yeah thats right. i was reconfirming that but somehow i have a feeling that it may not be accessible very soon and they will delete all the posts.

Posted By: libra23
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 9:28am
No tarzan9211 thats really strange as i didnt got your email.

Posted By: libra23
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 9:31am
The good thing on this new forum is that we could know that how mnay of us are online and how many are offline so basically u are chatting in a way plus seems like security is good as unless i will add you all in my buddy list no one could email me. I have already added u all in my buddy list and allow u to email me.

Posted By: tarzan9211
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 9:33am
then it will be worthwhile to share emails publically at forum. mine is [email protected]


Posted By: tarzan9211
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 9:35am
what's ur pls send me a test mail. sayyed same to you


Posted By: Emad
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 9:37am
Originally posted by libra23 libra23 wrote:

Yeah thats right. i was reconfirming that but somehow i have a feeling that it may not be accessible very soon and they will delete all the posts.

Please rest assured that the old forum posts will NOT be deleted. 

Posted By: abidcro
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 9:38am

hi to all in this new forum and also thnaks to tarzan who informed me about this new updated forum

hi all of knew that i recived medicals on 15 th and doctor dignoze problem in my heart (ASD hole in heart) which i never knew before, now my DMP told me that i will not send ur medicals first do small surgery make ur problem finish then i will send ur medicals so that every thing should be ok and ur case will process normally,
now my question is that if my medicals reach late then 30 days will it make problem??
waiting for ur reply 


Posted By: tarzan9211
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 9:44am
abidcro --- its all depend upon ur dmp. ask advise from dmp.


Posted By: libra23
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 9:56am
Thanks a lot for that. Otherwise its like loosing a treasure of information.
Originally posted by Emad Emad wrote:

Originally posted by libra23 libra23 wrote:

Yeah thats right. i was reconfirming that but somehow i have a feeling that it may not be accessible very soon and they will delete all the posts.

Please rest assured that the old forum posts will NOT be deleted. 

Posted By: libra23
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 9:59am
Dear Abidcro
Welcome back. I dont think you will be having any problem as you have already appeared for the medical within the stipulated period of time. But u must go for surgery which is the last resort in your case and do it quickly.
Take care
Originally posted by abidcro abidcro wrote:

hi to all in this new forum and also thnaks to tarzan who informed me about this new updated forum

hi all of knew that i recived medicals on 15 th and doctor dignoze problem in my heart (ASD hole in heart) which i never knew before, now my DMP told me that i will not send ur medicals first do small surgery make ur problem finish then i will send ur medicals so that every thing should be ok and ur case will process normally,
now my question is that if my medicals reach late then 30 days will it make problem??
waiting for ur reply 

Posted By: sayyed
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 9:59am
I dont think they will keep it for unlimited period after sometime they will delete the data .

Originally posted by libra23 libra23 wrote:

Thanks a lot for that. Otherwise its like loosing a treasure of information.
Originally posted by Emad Emad wrote:

Originally posted by libra23 libra23 wrote:

Yeah thats right. i was reconfirming that but somehow i have a feeling that it may not be accessible very soon and they will delete all the posts.

Please rest assured that the old forum posts will NOT be deleted. 

Posted By: Emad
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 10:04am
Originally posted by sayyed sayyed wrote:

I dont think they will keep it for unlimited period after sometime they will delete the data .

Originally posted by libra23 libra23 wrote:

Thanks a lot for that. Otherwise its like loosing a treasure of information.
Originally posted by Emad Emad wrote:

Originally posted by libra23 libra23 wrote:

Yeah thats right. i was reconfirming that but somehow i have a feeling that it may not be accessible very soon and they will delete all the posts.

Please rest assured that the old forum posts will NOT be deleted. 

Sayyed, there are absolutely no plans to delete the posts of the old forum. But If there were ever such plans in the future, all the forum members will be notified beforehand. 

Posted By: sayyed
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 10:07am
I will try to re-read the medical instructions i received but what i remember is that it was having 90 days expiry ..

Originally posted by abidcro abidcro wrote:

hi to all in this new forum and also thnaks to tarzan who informed me about this new updated forum

hi all of knew that i recived medicals on 15 th and doctor dignoze problem in my heart (ASD hole in heart) which i never knew before, now my DMP told me that i will not send ur medicals first do small surgery make ur problem finish then i will send ur medicals so that every thing should be ok and ur case will process normally,
now my question is that if my medicals reach late then 30 days will it make problem??
waiting for ur reply 

Posted By: tarzan9211
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 10:12am
libra and sayyed awaiting for ur test mails


Posted By: sayyed
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 10:12am
if this will be the case than why the members were not informed before locking the forums?
alternatively the posts can transfer to the new module.

Anyways as we cannot do anything in this regard i have no other choice but to trust in ur words.

Sayyed, there are absolutely no plans to delete the posts of the old forum. But If there were ever such plans in the future, all the forum members will be notified beforehand. 

Posted By: sayyed
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 10:16am
dear tarzan it is not a good idea to share your personal email addresses in the public forum , the chances are that you will be boombered by spam emails.

its better to register ur self in yahoo group and update about urself in data list.

Originally posted by tarzan9211 tarzan9211 wrote:

libra and sayyed awaiting for ur test mails

Posted By: shozee
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 1:37pm
Sayyad and Libra

Thanks for your prayers and wishes. I feel like home once again after seeing you guys here.
Sayyad , your input in this forum is prime, keep it up.
Job situation in Calgary is not good at all. I left my security job earlier. The Security company I was working was unreasonable and unable to understand my commitments with family.It was MICKY MOUSE company and I have no regrets leaving them.
Once again, I am jobless but no worries.....Allah looks after our RIZK not MAN.

All of you who are coming to Calgary, be prepared for unemployment for long periods.

Posted By: Doctor
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 4:54pm
Originally posted by shozee shozee wrote:

Sayyad and Libra

Thanks for your prayers and wishes. I feel like home once again after seeing you guys here.
Sayyad , your input in this forum is prime, keep it up.
Job situation in Calgary is not good at all. I left my security job earlier. The Security company I was working was unreasonable and unable to understand my commitments with family.It was MICKY MOUSE company and I have no regrets leaving them.
Once again, I am jobless but no worries.....Allah looks after our RIZK not MAN.

All of you who are coming to Calgary, be prepared for unemployment for long periods.

do we need to land the same place as filled in the application or its up 2 us ?????

got AOR(from NS)= 18th aug'2009
document sent to local visa office= 1st Nov'2009
AOR from Visa Office received= 10th Dec'2009

Posted By: shozee
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 5:20pm

No, you do not have to come to a place which was stated in Forms.

Posted By: nocman
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 6:47pm
Bhai Log

Bohat Bohat Eid Mubarak Ho!

Dear Shozee
Congratulations for the little angel, May ALLAH PAAK Bless her with health, wealth and peace.
One thing I would like to say that I dont believe that we are like you said in your previous post that is your assumption. We all want to immigrate for our own reason,and we do argue with seniors as well
"Yeh Forum Koi PP ki Govt, Thora EE Hay kay Jo Sab Nay Bol Diya, Bol Diya"(No Offense to the Fans of ...) Haam Hum Sb Log Hallat say preshaan Zaroor hotay hain aur forum pe aakay zara VENT OUt kartay hain.(Which is Normal I believe)
One thing more that now we are all once again Junior MembersClap so...
Ab sab theek hay.

Yeh Jaga Insanoun ke Rehnay kay Kabil nahi hay , Yhan say jaan kab chutay geeBig smile(Just Kidding)
We all love Our PAKISTAN, one day we have to return... this is our IDENTITY

best of Luck

Posted By: nocman
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 6:49pm
Array Haan
Koii PPR ki Khabar bhi aaye ya nahi

Best of Luck

Posted By: nocman
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 6:55pm
In fact forum kee look n feel change hoiee hay naa
So zara previous posts miss kar gaya hoon ....
Hope nobody would mind.
Aur haan
Saaray ee aaa gaye hain ya koii reh gaya hay, Bhaio zara agay peechay check kar lo
If someone could Initiate a list like re-joined people tou pata chal jaye ga kay kaun kaun aa gaya hay like

Sayyed            Re-joined
Libra23            Re-Joined
Shozee           Re-Joined
Nocman          Re-joined
Tarzan            Re-Joined
So on
that would help to get to know that everybody has joined or not

best of Luck

Posted By: nocman
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 7:14pm
Hi Tarzan
Nice Work , Keep it up

Best of Luck

Posted By: nocman
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 7:37pm
That would be nice to keep the previous as it is.
Coz we all have lots of feelings attached with the forum, we have been through real tough times, long wait, shared jokes, worries, information and wishes, so it is requested to keep the info on the forum as it is and keep that available as well...

Posted By: sasbuk
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 12:14am
I have also joined the new forum which seems better looking then the old one.  Thanks to tarzan's e-mail who informed me too.

Posted By: sasbuk
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 12:25am not worry about job, Insha Allah you will find a better one soon as your
 " new little  Angel " will add to your RIZK....because you are blessed with a daughter and daughters are REHMAT.....Mubarak ho bohat bohat.
Since this is your first month in Calgary, you will get more oppertunities as you will get to know the area and the local business environment more in days to come. I think winter season is the worst season to find and get a job. Things turn better in summer. Thats why if one is not pushed to land Canada ( due to time constraint of one year from date of medical ) one should always wait and plan to land Canada near April / May.
Originally posted by shozee shozee wrote:

Sayyad and Libra

Thanks for your prayers and wishes. I feel like home once again after seeing you guys here.
Sayyad , your input in this forum is prime, keep it up.
Job situation in Calgary is not good at all. I left my security job earlier. The Security company I was working was unreasonable and unable to understand my commitments with family.It was MICKY MOUSE company and I have no regrets leaving them.
Once again, I am jobless but no worries.....Allah looks after our RIZK not MAN.

All of you who are coming to Calgary, be prepared for unemployment for long periods.

Posted By: sherry
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 12:33am
lagta hei bohat say dost kisi naee jaga mill rahay hein.. previous forum ki aadat ho gai thi any how lets enjoy here
chalo eid kay baad phir shuroo ho jao

Posted By: sherry
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 12:34am

Posted By: shozee
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 12:51am
Thanks Nocman and sasbuk for your kind prayers and wishes for me and my daughter.

Posted By: nocman
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 1:27am
count down start hoye more then 7 months ho gaye hain and still counting

Best of Luck

Posted By: nocman
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 1:28am
welcome, welcome
Its nice to know that all friends are joining.

Best of Luck

Posted By: nocman
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 1:35am
Mera Khyal hay kay senior members apnay saath khud hee say senior likhna shrou kar dain takay new comers ko pata ho...
Jaisay pehlay waqtoun main log apnay kay saath apni degree Likh kay name plate laga diya kartay thay...
For example Engineer Mohammad Saddiue, Mian Asghar M.A, Akleem KhanB.A
so the members name would be like
Nocman(400 posts-senior hay dhayan say)
tarzan(700 posts bohat hee dhayan say)
etc. etc.....

best of luck Nocman

Posted By: libra23
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 2:14am
Welcome sasbuk, nocman and sherry on this new platform.

Posted By: libra23
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 2:18am
Dear Shozee I do agree with that daughter is a gift of Allah and for sure you will see the increase in your rizaq this is something my own experience. Initially i used to heard it but after becoming a father of a daughter i saw the downpour of rizaq. Shozee InshAllah you will get a better job very soon but thats true that during winter the mobility of people is less and jobs opportunities are lesser but again think positive and you'll have positive things in your life.
Originally posted by sasbuk sasbuk wrote: not worry about job, Insha Allah you will find a better one soon as your
 " new little  Angel " will add to your RIZK....because you are blessed with a daughter and daughters are REHMAT.....Mubarak ho bohat bohat.
Since this is your first month in Calgary, you will get more oppertunities as you will get to know the area and the local business environment more in days to come. I think winter season is the worst season to find and get a job. Things turn better in summer. Thats why if one is not pushed to land Canada ( due to time constraint of one year from date of medical ) one should always wait and plan to land Canada near April / May.
Originally posted by shozee shozee wrote:

Sayyad and Libra

Thanks for your prayers and wishes. I feel like home once again after seeing you guys here.
Sayyad , your input in this forum is prime, keep it up.
Job situation in Calgary is not good at all. I left my security job earlier. The Security company I was working was unreasonable and unable to understand my commitments with family.It was MICKY MOUSE company and I have no regrets leaving them.
Once again, I am jobless but no worries.....Allah looks after our RIZK not MAN.

All of you who are coming to Calgary, be prepared for unemployment for long periods.

Posted By: libra23
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 2:20am
From today the CHC has started its working again so lets see who is gonna be the next one to be lucky enough to get his PPR. Wish you all best of luck.

Posted By: libra23
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 2:22am
This is something really good and should be understood.
"If  Life is Water...then the Jobs,Money and Position we hold in society are the Cups... They are just tools to hold and maintain our Life; But the quality of Life doesn't change... If we only concentrate on the Cup, we won't have time to enjoy or taste the Water in it...."

Posted By: mod
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 3:44am
its means that when this forum will full then new will be created by Administration! nothing is permanent.

What about our old Forum & Info residing there.

Posted By: mod
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 3:46am
Although I am not new but unfortunetly this cloned forum is showing/recognising me as new, its means that cloning is not proper.

What about our old Forum & Info residing there.

Posted By: sayyed
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 3:47am
Dear Shozee , jahan raat hai wahain din bhi hai , jahan preshani hai wahain khushee bhi hai... although we feel that winter is not good for searching job but i also believe that it is the prime time to search job.  To get job is more likely in this period , but yes you need to put more efforts than usual.

In winter normally people become lazy and do not put extra efforts , if you just explore market in early morning Iam 100% sure by the Grace of Allah you will find a new job very soon.

In winter different types of work opportunity also arises like food supply , stocking etc etc.

Check the local news paper and explore.

get involve in pakistani community or muslim center from their also you get references..

send me email i will give you some references their.

Best of Luck!

Originally posted by shozee shozee wrote:

Sayyad and Libra

Thanks for your prayers and wishes. I feel like home once again after seeing you guys here.
Sayyad , your input in this forum is prime, keep it up.
Job situation in Calgary is not good at all. I left my security job earlier. The Security company I was working was unreasonable and unable to understand my commitments with family.It was MICKY MOUSE company and I have no regrets leaving them.
Once again, I am jobless but no worries.....Allah looks after our RIZK not MAN.

All of you who are coming to Calgary, be prepared for unemployment for long periods.

Posted By: sayyed
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 3:56am
I still not comfortable with this new forum because of various reasons , but  donot have any choice but to accept.

various important info is saved with me or in yahoo group, but majority are also unsaved.

Members please pray for Abidcro as he is undergoing for heart surgery.

Our Eid was excellent we invited 12-15 families on eid day for lunch majority arrived , it was wonderful evening but tiring also , we finished at 1 am , next day half day was spent in cleaning in evening we went for dinner and thats all, from Sunday work started tommorrow is national Day so we have holidays upto saturday , will back on sunday.

All canadian members what about Child Tax Benefit Program?

Originally posted by libra23 libra23 wrote:

Welcome sasbuk, nocman and sherry on this new platform.

Posted By: mod
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 4:08am
Any updates or visa receipts or medicals

What about our old Forum & Info residing there.

Posted By: mod
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 4:20am
Dear softncool yar dobara mehnat karo track list generate karo ya copy paste. this is your work and your copyright

Posted By: sasbuk
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 4:26am
 How do we join Yahoo group which you have mentioned earlier...plz give us the link so that we all should stay in touch even after this forum gets out of reach. There is no doubt that the old forum posts were TREASURE OF INFORMATION...which we have lost.

Posted By: sayyed
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 4:36am - pakistancanadian_immigration

Originally posted by sasbuk sasbuk wrote:

 How do we join Yahoo group which you have mentioned earlier...plz give us the link so that we all should stay in touch even after this forum gets out of reach. There is no doubt that the old forum posts were TREASURE OF INFORMATION...which we have lost.

Posted By: libra23
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 4:40am
Dear Shozee
It would be really beneficial for all of us if you would elaborate your experiences in detail. May be this would help in the elimination of dark side from anyone's life. Try to write differents apects of everyday life and what are the problems that one has to face as a new comer so we can have those things to accept as challenges once we arrive there.

Posted By: libra23
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 4:42am
Dear Sayyed
If everyone of us will agree at one point then we all can easily switch over to that yahoo group and continue our discussion there. At present i dont see many posts by our fellow members on that group. Lets decide and stay together.

Posted By: sasbuk
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 4:44am

sayyed thanks for providing the link.

Shozee yes we all need your personel experience of Canadian life that you have just started, plz share with us all the experiences that you come across.

Posted By: sasbuk
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 4:46am
Guys new format is better in the sense that at least we know which one of us is currently online.....thats great. Wink

Posted By: libra23
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 4:57am
Sasbuk I am not sure if i dont logged out and simply close the page then in that case will it still show me online or offline?
Originally posted by sasbuk sasbuk wrote:

Guys new format is better in the sense that at least we know which one of us is currently online.....thats great. Wink

Posted By: sasbuk
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 4:58am
What if we use both the forums at the same time and if this forum is again locked or we lose track of it, we can always stay intouch with Yahoo group.
I have requested to Yahoo group moderator for membership just now. Insha Allah we will meet there as well.

Posted By: sasbuk
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 5:01am
i think when we close the page, we are logged out.....lets do this experiment to confirm. Are you going to be there for a while..........i am going to close the page and afterwards you see my status and then let me know when i will come back. OK

Posted By: libra23
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 5:02am
Yeah I also thought of it last month when i gained the access of membership to the group but in that case the posts will be diversified into two areas. But yes we can always cling together in case of any emergency on that group. I remeber last year the forum was hacked and was closed by the hacker for 2 or 3 days.
Take care
Originally posted by sasbuk sasbuk wrote:

What if we use both the forums at the same time and if this forum is again locked or we lose track of it, we can always stay intouch with Yahoo group.
I have requested to Yahoo group moderator for membership just now. Insha Allah we will meet there as well.

Posted By: sherry
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 5:02am

this is really boring.. atleast i am not confirtable at all.. any how have to accpt it..

here we have lost lot of usefull information

Posted By: libra23
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 5:04am
Ok Sasbuk lets check it out. I am online and you close the page at 15:05 as it is 15:03 right now.
I'll check it out.
Originally posted by sasbuk sasbuk wrote:

i think when we close the page, we are logged out.....lets do this experiment to confirm. Are you going to be there for a while..........i am going to close the page and afterwards you see my status and then let me know when i will come back. OK

Posted By: sasbuk
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 5:05am
Did you notice my status ?....I closed the page for a minute

Posted By: sayyed
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 5:06am
Dear Libra, yahoo group is not for discussion , we all will remain in this forum only, yahoo group is only for sharing personal info , so that we will keep intouch out of this forum also.

the idea is to create a network so that we will help each other in newland.

Originally posted by libra23 libra23 wrote:

Dear Sayyed
If everyone of us will agree at one point then we all can easily switch over to that yahoo group and continue our discussion there. At present i dont see many posts by our fellow members on that group. Lets decide and stay together.

Posted By: libra23
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 5:07am
U remained online. Thats what i noticed.

Posted By: sasbuk
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 5:09am
This seems boring at the moment because we are used to it.....but soon we will find it interesting. This happens every time when people switch to new systems, new olaces , new when we will go to Canada.Insha Allah, after copule of days we will miss Pakistan and canada will lose its attraction to some extent.

Posted By: sayyed
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 5:09am
Other problem is high security features , i am unable to post various time in this thread showing spam activity. further if i just want to go back by clicking back button from top , all my posting lost. 

Posted By: sasbuk
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 5:09am
May be I went out for a ver short time. Let me go again for a longer time. Watch me again. Plz. Thanks

Posted By: libra23
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 5:11am
Dear Sayyed
I have visited the group many a times and i saw our members postings in there. Yes there is also a sheet for the info but there are only one or two entries in there without the real name. Am i accessing the right page of that group or not.
Take care
Originally posted by sayyed sayyed wrote:

Dear Libra, yahoo group is not for discussion , we all will remain in this forum only, yahoo group is only for sharing personal info , so that we will keep intouch out of this forum also.

the idea is to create a network so that we will help each other in newland.

Originally posted by libra23 libra23 wrote:

Dear Sayyed
If everyone of us will agree at one point then we all can easily switch over to that yahoo group and continue our discussion there. At present i dont see many posts by our fellow members on that group. Lets decide and stay together.

Posted By: libra23
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 5:13am
Ok I am observing and keep on refreshing my page continuously too. Go on.
Originally posted by sasbuk sasbuk wrote:

May be I went out for a ver short time. Let me go again for a longer time. Watch me again. Plz. Thanks

Posted By: sayyed
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 5:20am
Dear Libra, exactly two entries are there in members directory under data base and both are with real names with all details.

Originally posted by libra23 libra23 wrote:

Dear Sayyed
I have visited the group many a times and i saw our members postings in there. Yes there is also a sheet for the info but there is only one or two entries in there without the real name. Am i accessing the right page of that group or not.
Take care
Originally posted by sayyed sayyed wrote:

Dear Libra, yahoo group is not for discussion , we all will remain in this forum only, yahoo group is only for sharing personal info , so that we will keep intouch out of this forum also.

the idea is to create a network so that we will help each other in newland.

Originally posted by libra23 libra23 wrote:

Dear Sayyed
If everyone of us will agree at one point then we all can easily switch over to that yahoo group and continue our discussion there. At present i dont see many posts by our fellow members on that group. Lets decide and stay together.

Posted By: libra23
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 5:20am
No Sasbuk not even for a sec ur status showed u being offline. I also checked u in my buddy list and even in there u were online.

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