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Need general advice - wedding location, IO issues

Printed From: Canada Immigration and Visa Discussion Forum
Category: Canada Immigration Topics
Forum Name: Family Class Sponsorship
Forum Description: A review of current sponsorship programs (permanent residence) promoting the reunion in Canada of close relatives from abroad.
Printed Date: 14 Jun 2024 at 1:44pm

Topic: Need general advice - wedding location, IO issues
Posted By: hbwpg
Subject: Need general advice - wedding location, IO issues
Date Posted: 29 Nov 2009 at 10:58am
Hey everyone,

My fiance and I have set the date for our wedding, this June, and have everything ready to apply as soon as possible after that, outland.

In October we drove down to the Emerson, MB border, at the suggestion of a representative from the toll free immigration number, to renew his temp residence visa so he could stay and we could plan the wedding and continue to build up the case of our relationship. He was denied entry, because he doesn't have a job (obviously) and because of what he does (video editing, filmmaking, animation) because he couldn't prove that he WASN'T working. We had bank statement printouts, of his account and mine, showing where the money we live off comes from, and the fact that he has nothing in his personal bank account. She denied him entry, though she did give him another week in Canada to say goodbye to friends, get his things ready to go, and do any last minute things that we needed to do (like get a joint bank account set up, etc).

She said we hadn't done anything wrong, but that she couldn't let him back in the country because he had no income. When we explained that I'm the income earner she didn't even want to hear it. She told him in order for him to cross back into Canada he needs to show proof of employment, have a return ticket back, and at least a grand in his bank account (not our bank account, HIS bank account).

Anyway, he's been back in Vegas for a little over a month and still can't find work - it's next to impossible. It's easy enough to book a flight with a return ticket, and since we have a joint bank account he can always transfer funds into his personal bank account to appease the border guards, but we're a bit nervous. He does mostly freelance, but apparently that isn't good enough. He has no criminal record, is in his mid 20s and the guard had told us we did EVERYTHING right and NOTHING wrong and that she even put down on his file that she believes the relationship to be genuine. It's noted on there that we intend to get married as well.

However, she also told us that when he crosses back in to get married he must tell the guards that he is here to get married or else they will see him as lying (and that's fair, honestly.) She also said that if he tells them he's here to get married, which he should, they will likely deny him. So we run the risk of planning our wedding and having him not even being allowed into the country for it, it seems.

I suggested I fly down there and we just have a legal ceremony at city hall and continue to plan our 'wedding' for June 5th. That way, we're already married and this is just a celebration with all our friends and family (75% of which are from out of town, as far away as Sweden).

Would that be the better course of action to take? If he's already married can they deny him entry to have his Canadian wedding celebration with his friends and family as if he was getting married here? I know they can always deny him entry, obviously, but this is pretty terrifying to both of us, we're not sure what to do.

I'm also concerned about what a Vegas wedding would look like to them. The fact that he is from Vegas is the reason for it, but I feel it would still look shady to officials.


Posted By: scylla
Date Posted: 29 Nov 2009 at 7:58pm
Hi there,

I'm sure you'll receive replies from some of the more knowledgeable members and hopefully someone will be able to recommend how you should proceed.

To answer one of your questions:

Yes - unfortunately he could still be denied entry to Canada, even once you are married (and even if he is coming up for his own wedding celebration).

I recently married my American husband (wedding was in Canada - will be submitting the PR application in January). I was a little nervous when he crossed the border - so I can guess how you must be feeling. Fortunately my husband has never had problems going back and forth (knock on wood).

Good luck.

Posted By: hbwpg
Date Posted: 29 Nov 2009 at 8:59pm
Yeah, we know he can be denied entry. In fact his request for extension at the border in October was denied, so we're quite wary.

We're just trying to determine whether to run the risk of his being denied entry at the border then or whether we should get married in the US earlier and apply for PR prior to the 'real' wedding in June so that he has it on record, along with a return ticket.

Did your husband tell them he was crossing to marry you when he came over?

Thanks for the reply, and congratulations and good luck!

Posted By: mitamata
Date Posted: 29 Nov 2009 at 9:05pm
I doubt the Vegas wedding will be an issue with your application, especially if you include the explanation that you intended to have it in Canada but couldn't because of stubborn IOs. Well, don't put it that way, but you know what I mean ;)

They take everything into account when judging the relationship. If you have plenty of proof to show you're in a genuine relationship, it won't be an issue. Also, since he's from the US, having a big wedding isn't that important to CIC - they make it more of an issue for people from more traditional societies.

Nobody here can tell you whether he'd be denied entry again when coming to Canada. Either before or after the wedding. A lot is at the discretion of the IO - there are some who wouldn't even bother looking at him twice and then there are others like the one you had the "furtune" of coming across, who will turn him away. As he's already been denied entry once, it's more likely it will happen again though, since it's now on his file and will come up when he tries to cross the border again. Even with a copy of the PR application in hand after you submit it, there's no guarantee they'll let him in.

Outland - spousal - Vienna - 2009
Feb 16th - app received at CPC-M
Mar 3rd - decision made at CPC-M
Mar 27th - received AOR
Apr 29th - PPR received via email
May 12th - Passport with visa received :)

Posted By: hbwpg
Date Posted: 29 Nov 2009 at 9:13pm
It's not a big wedding to begin with, and we're not terribly concerned about how it looks; we have plenty of proof it's a real relationship including hundreds of pages of communication, joint bank accounts, joint utilities, and testimonials from friends and family.

I wasn't really asking whether he'd be denied. Obviously I wasn't clear. I'm essentially looking for people's experiences with this type of situation.

We certainly understand there's no guarantee they'll allow him in.

The irony is that this IO, who denied his extension, said we did everything right and to keep on keeping on, basically. I fail to understand how, if we are doing everything right, he wasn't allowed back. She said it was due to the fact that he's not working (which you'd think they'd be pleased with) and that he does freelance work back in the States.

She had given him an extension for a week and instructed him to hand it to an IO upon his departure and said him doing so would help prove his compliance and even said she was helping us build his case.

We're not concerned about proving it's a real relationship; we're more concerned about flying friends in from Sweden, and all over the US, for a wedding that may need to be cancelled and just generally looking for some pearls of wisdom, no matter how small or irrelevant I suppose.


Posted By: scylla
Date Posted: 29 Nov 2009 at 9:27pm
My husband has a Nexus card. This means that most of the time he doesn't even speak with anyone when he crosses the border (almost all of his crossings have been by air). He wasn't questioned when he crossed for the wedding.

I agree that the Vegas wedding won't be a problem as long as you show sufficient proof that your relationship is genuine. Hopefully you have already started gathering e-mails, photos, travel info (e.g. flights, hotel bookings) and anything else that might be useful for your PR application. If not, start now to make it easier on yourself later.

Posted By: hbwpg
Date Posted: 29 Nov 2009 at 9:35pm
Yeah those Nexus cards are handy. My father lives in White Rock and uses his regularly. He buys bread in WA state, haha.

We're just wary due to the ridiculously hard time he got last time he had to leave. Without wanting to sound prejudiced, both he and I are under the distinct impression she wasn't happy that a woman was supporting him.

We have loads of documentation, online communication every day he hasn't been here, phone records, joint bank accounts, family and friends' testimonials. The one thing we're short of is photographs. We have maybe 20 total but that's it.

I know regardless there's a risk. I'll probably just fly down there for it, that way it's less stress if he's turned away for June.

Perhaps it's worthwhile speaking to a consultant about it.

Posted By: mitamata
Date Posted: 29 Nov 2009 at 9:53pm
The IO can refuse entry to anyone they suspect will try to stay or work in Canada illegally. They can assume that if the person has no ties to their home country. I think that's why she was telling him to get a job in the US, so that he could show he has something to come back to in the US.

There practically nothing you can do to guarantee he'll be able to come to Canada, no matter who you talk to. Unless you're a huge fan of stress, I'd not plan a wedding in Canada.

We had our wedding in Slovenia and until just a couple of days before, we didn't even know if we could go through with it. My husband had to get some documents from Canada and even though we started getting everything 3 months earlier, they only arrived on the tuesday before the wedding - the wedding was on saturday! We were supposed to have them in the magistrate's office 2 weeks before the wedding, it took a lot of pleading and kindness on their part to have them wait as long as they did. I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown by the time we got the papers, I would SERIOUSLY not recommend it. We had some 50 guests invited, I don't know what we would've done if things hadn't worked out as they did. lol

Outland - spousal - Vienna - 2009
Feb 16th - app received at CPC-M
Mar 3rd - decision made at CPC-M
Mar 27th - received AOR
Apr 29th - PPR received via email
May 12th - Passport with visa received :)

Posted By: hbwpg
Date Posted: 29 Nov 2009 at 9:58pm
That's exactly why she refused him entry. She said if he finds work in the US (which he still hasn't been able to do, for crying out loud), has a return ticket and enough funds he should be able to make it back January/February.

Thankfully she said she put a notation on his file that our relationship is genuine.

We know we can't guarantee anything, which is why we're probably getting married there instead of here. Now I'm contemplating even holding our June wedding at all, and just waiting until he has PR status to have it.

We're having about 50 guests as well, for the June wedding, and frankly we're scared sh*tless. Your story is exactly what I'm terrified of.

We figured if we flew him up a few weeks before and flew him home a few weeks after, that would be a month, which would under normal circumstances be fine, but we're not so sure.

I'm happy things worked out for you! Was that the worst part of the process?

Posted By: mitamata
Date Posted: 29 Nov 2009 at 10:20pm
That was certainly the most intense part, haha! It was insane, I was an emotional wreck. If it hadn't worked out, I would've probably had to have been institutionalized. At that point, I had 5 years of a long distance relationship behind me, most of that time we spent on separate continents (we got to see each other once a year, for a month). That was about 4 years more than I would've liked xD
My husband arrived to visit 2 weeks before the wedding and left a week after it. It was the last time that we would have to do the dreaded airport goodbye. If the wedding had not happened then, we would've had to wait months until the next chance and I really don't think I could've survived the disappointment with my sanity intact. Not to mention having to explain to everyone why there'd be no wedding

When the Fedex guy finally showed up with the papers, I almost kissed him. I just burst into tears from joy. Not even the news that I had my visa approved got to me as much.

Waiting for the visa was quite stressful too, I had insane dreams of having to chase an IO through town to make them let me take an interview and... oh, it was quite a year. lol. It took me two months of staring at the app forms to get to filling them out because I was too worried to do it wrong. And then the waiting, hoping the app didn't get lost, not knowing what was going on with it... ugh!
But it was so incredibly worth it. So don't worry, I'm sure you can survive anything they can throw at you and in the end, it will be worth it   

Outland - spousal - Vienna - 2009
Feb 16th - app received at CPC-M
Mar 3rd - decision made at CPC-M
Mar 27th - received AOR
Apr 29th - PPR received via email
May 12th - Passport with visa received :)

Posted By: scylla
Date Posted: 29 Nov 2009 at 11:03pm
My husband came up almost a month before the wedding (church + full reception with 70 attending). Although his border crossings had always been problem free, I didn't want to chance a late entry in case there were problems. Turns out I worried for nothing. But I did worry!

I do think the Nexus pass helps a great deal (hbwpg - unfortunately I don't think this is an option for your guy at this point). My husband is also semi retired and an international IT consultant when not in retired mode. So he's never had problems explaining why he able to take extended trips to Canada. Also, he travels so extensively (between coming here, work in international locations and the travel we do together) that frequent trips here don't stand out at all in his passport.

My only worry about the PR application relates to one of the police clearances he has to obtain (he lived in this country for about a year but it was 20 years ago). This country went through a fair amount of unrest (war) a few years after he left and we're pretty sure any records from that period no longer exist (i.e. were likely destroyed). Hopefully whatever they can provide will suffice - even if it's a "we have no idea who you are" statement.

hbwpg - what about getting married in Vegas asap and then submitting the PR application immediately? If everything goes well, he could have PR by the time of your planned wedding here. Of course once again there's no guarantee...

Posted By: dpenabill
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 6:48am
What relationship is "genuine?" You are not qualified common-law yet nor married yet, so you have a genuine fiance? But that relationship, unfortunately, is not one that qualifies for PR sponsorship. So he needed to show he had an independent source of support. Your vouching for his support is of little weight until you are actually in a qualifying relationship.

Not having a job in the states does hurt in this scenario, quite a bit.

On the other hand, while there are no guarantees, particularly not someone who has been flagged (and odds are high he is now flagged, though how that affects a different examining CBSA officer at a POE down the road may vary greatly), the odds are very high that an American accompanied by a sponsoring spouse will indeed be allowed entry into Canada to wait out the PR app process. So the plan to do a civil marriage in Vegas, return to Canada, and have at least the app fees paid so you can show the receipt at the POE (to show commitment to sponsoring him properly) even if you have not actually submitted the paperwork yet (yes you can pay fees in advance), with you doing the talking since you are the sponsor, will greatly improve (though not guarantee) his odds of being allowed into Canada.

Bureaucracy is what bureaucracy does, or When in doubt, follow the instructions. Otherwise, follow the instructions.

BTW: Not an expert, not a Can. lawyer, never worked in immigration

Posted By: hbwpg
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 8:36am
Well I think worry comes with the territory, scylla!

I'm happy everything worked out for you.

No, A Nexus card isn't really the best option for him. The only reason he was denied an extension previously was his lack of 'real' employment in Vegas and the fact that he does freelance video work, which is understandable.

As far as getting married, that is our only real issue - here or there. We're more than likely doing it there, now, and applying right afterwards. If we can do it soon enough we may still be able to hold the June 5th date as planned and everything will go smoothly. If not, well, we'll deal with it when it comes.

As you say, there's certainly no guarantee, but it seems to be the least stressful option.

Thankfully we haven't done more than just book the venue, a resort in the White Shell, and a few odds and ends.

I hope everything works out for your husband - how is that going?

Posted By: hbwpg
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 8:44am
dpenabill, my question was relating to whether it's best to marry immediately in the States or continue with our planned wedding date of June 5th and apply after that point.

I was concerned that a wedding in the States, with few of my friends and family, and few of his friends and family, because we are intending to have another wedding here, would look off to officials, but it seems that as long as the relationship is genuine there's not much to worry about.

Yes, his not having a job in the states aside from his freelance work is an issue. Unfortunately he's not alone there. 21,000 people left his area last month alone to find work elsewhere in the country. That means little to IOs but it is what it is.

That said, he's highly educated and trilingual with a specific skillset that would be beneficial to Canadian culture, apparently.

I really appreciate your input - the issue of where we marry is what is concerning us most right now. There's never a guarantee of his being allowed entry, though I agree entering with him is the best way to approach it.

And I understand that he can apply outland while he is in Canada, correct?

Thanks for your help.

Posted By: scylla
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 10:20am
Yes - he can apply outland while he is in Canada. Outland is preferable because the process is faster than inland and because you retain the right to appeal. Keep in mind that if he is called for an interview, it will take place in the US.

We will be applying outland (my husband will be spending most of his time in Canada on visitor status by the time we apply). Once we actually submit the application - I'll make sure I track our time lines on this board.

Posted By: Mrs.Sam
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 10:31am
So then what happens when they approve the PRV? Question
Does he have to go back to the Outland office to have the Passport processed? Question
I'm wondering because I have a friend who's husband is arriving on a 6 month TRV tomorrow.
Originally posted by scylla scylla wrote:

Yes - he can apply outland while he is in Canada. Outland is preferable because the process is faster than inland and because you retain the right to appeal. Keep in mind that if he is called for an interview, it will take place in the US.

We will be applying outland (my husband will be spending most of his time in Canada on visitor status by the time we apply). Once we actually submit the application - I'll make sure I track our time lines on this board.

"Knowledge is Power" Sir Francis Bacon 1597

Posted By: mitamata
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 1:36pm
The visa is put in the passport at the visa office processing the app. But that doesn't mean you have to go there in person. You can mail the passport to them and most have no trouble sending it back to you even if you're in another country (some visa offices like New Delhi for example don't do this though, one should check first). Of course, that would leave you in a foreign country with no passport, which would make me nervous. But a lot of people do it with no problems.

Originally posted by Mrs.Sam Mrs.Sam wrote:

So then what happens when they approve the PRV? Question

Does he have to go back to the Outland office to have the Passport processed? Question


I'm wondering because I have a friend who's husband is arriving on a 6 month TRV tomorrow.



Originally posted by scylla scylla wrote:

Yes - he can apply outland while he is in Canada. Outland is preferable because the process is faster than inland and because you retain the right to appeal. Keep in mind that if he is called for an interview, it will take place in the US. We will be applying outland (my husband will be spending most of his time in Canada on visitor status by the time we apply). Once we actually submit the application - I'll make sure I track our time lines on this board.

Outland - spousal - Vienna - 2009
Feb 16th - app received at CPC-M
Mar 3rd - decision made at CPC-M
Mar 27th - received AOR
Apr 29th - PPR received via email
May 12th - Passport with visa received :)

Posted By: dpenabill
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 2:23am

Yes, outland can be done by Americans while they are physically staying in Canada (I did it this way -- app submitted late April 08, visa issued Aug 08, and I was in Canada the whole time). And, frankly, because the outland is so clearly the better and preferred way for Americans sponsored by their Canadian partner, it appears that those who file inland apps tend to be treated skeptically, thus referred to a local office for processing and subjected to greater scrutiny, ending up taking a lot longer of a time.

My point was, indeed, that given the lack of demonstrable ties in the U.S. in contrast to known ties to Canada (now, a partner and intent to settle in Canada), that getting married in Nevada would indeed enable you to accompany him on return to Canada resulting in a much better prospect of being allowed entry, though it would be best to have at least paid the fees for the PR app and have a copy of the receipt to demonstrate an intent to actually sponsor him and to comply with immigration law. You can still have the ceremonial wedding in the summer. For most American-Canadian couples there is virtually little or no negative implications from having a small civil marriage (might be different if the couple's background, culture, religion strongly suggested such a civil union would be very unlikely, but I doubt that applies here). Since you have spent a considerable amount of time together physically, just documenting some of that should overcome the "genuineness" issue easily.

Prospects of a required interview are very remote in these circumstances. I would not let the prospect of an interview affect which course of action you take at all. (This is, of course, specific to an American-Canadian couple who have spent substantial time together physically.)

Bureaucracy is what bureaucracy does, or When in doubt, follow the instructions. Otherwise, follow the instructions.

BTW: Not an expert, not a Can. lawyer, never worked in immigration

Posted By: GildaNewBrunswick
Date Posted: 24 Feb 2010 at 9:51am
I would presume they would treat your husband in the same manner that the rest of the married people on this forum are treated when their spouses want to travel here to see us.  Because it is the US should not make a difference.

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