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Parents’ sponsorship: 90 days deadline

Printed From: Canada Immigration and Visa Discussion Forum
Category: Canada Immigration Topics
Forum Name: Family Class Sponsorship
Forum Description: A review of current sponsorship programs (permanent residence) promoting the reunion in Canada of close relatives from abroad.
Printed Date: 03 Jul 2024 at 2:27am

Topic: Parents’ sponsorship: 90 days deadline
Posted By: Minus35
Subject: Parents’ sponsorship: 90 days deadline
Date Posted: 20 Jan 2012 at 10:31am



This thread is for those for received a letter from CIC Mississauga dated November 25, 2011 to submit additional documents for their parents/grandparents (with optional police clearance certificates and landing fee).




Posted By: Dulce2012
Date Posted: 21 Jan 2012 at 12:09am
I received the letter as well with the same date, is this something not common? how come everyone's date is the same??
I'm looking at it as if the time starts running Nov 25 just to be safe.

Posted By: jkcad1
Date Posted: 21 Jan 2012 at 11:10am

My cousin applied for his parents in May 2008 and did not receive any forms dated 25 november.

do you think that everyone has received these forms or only few people?


Posted By: Dulce2012
Date Posted: 21 Jan 2012 at 12:42pm
I wish I knew, I thought that I would just receive a letter approving the sponsorship but instead CIC is requesting further documentation from my parents, no idea why (they have been to Canada 3 times as visitors). I wonder if being requested this further documentation is a good thing or a bad thing...Some documents they are requesting are copies of their documentation and some forms (family history, dependants form, etc).  

Posted By: jkcad1
Date Posted: 21 Jan 2012 at 12:59pm
Thanks Dulce,

When did you apply for your parents. Lets hope it is for faster processing!

Posted By: Dulce2012
Date Posted: 21 Jan 2012 at 1:32pm
I think I applied in Sept 2008, have you received any communication from CIC?

Posted By: Tarik
Date Posted: 21 Jan 2012 at 4:46pm
It seems all 2008/2009 applicants have recieved the same thing. They also asking applicants to pay the landing fee as it should accelerate the process according to them and asked us to prepare for police certificates... i think these are good signs of faster processing, but you never know.
One thing worth mentioning is that they encouraged us to send
the documents ASAP and mentioned that they will start processing as first come first served which indicates that they might override the quoe of initial application date, meaning if you are a 2009 applicant but reponded before some 2008 applicants, your file will go ahead before them !

Posted By: Dulce2012
Date Posted: 21 Jan 2012 at 7:00pm
Interesting, thanks for the info Tarik, who knows what their plans are. Fortunately, my parents aren't in a rush to get here so we are taking our time on these papers and just trying to do it right.
Concerning the landing fee, I read about that too...I would love to pay for it but I have no idea how, it seems like you have to pay it at your local Canadian embassy?, if so, I guess you don't have to mail the certified cheque to CIC in Canada right? I'm a bit confused about that, any thoughts?

Posted By: jkcad1
Date Posted: 21 Jan 2012 at 8:26pm

I dont think everyone who filed in 2008/2009 got the forms. My cousin called the immigration call center to verify and they mentioned that they have not send any documents to him.

he filed in may 2008.

so i think they cannot just ignore the original date of application.


Posted By: Tarik
Date Posted: 22 Jan 2012 at 2:22am
I don't know why your cousin didn't recieve anything from CIC. I know applicants before and after May 2008 who recieved this request for update. All of them, the letter was dated Nov 25, 2011. All of them, have a request to pay landing fee and prepare for police certificate. Also, the comment that CIC starts processing cases in the order they recieve our replies is in bold.
There are lots of people who complains here that the call centre don't give accurate information. I am afraid they sent him the request to a wrong address or the mail was lost. If I were him, I will keep calling and check or may send an email to CIC-M.

Posted By: Dulce2012
Date Posted: 22 Jan 2012 at 11:00am
Hi Tarik,
One question concerning the request for birth certificates for parents...I believe they only require the birth certificates for them and their dependants since these are the only ones listed in the document checklist. My birth certificate (I'm the sponsor), would not need to be included as it was already included with the sponsorship application, right?

Posted By: Tarik
Date Posted: 22 Jan 2012 at 11:16am
I did include mine, just in case they misplaced the one I sent initially. But, you are right, the wording in the check list, doesn't seem to ask for the sponsor's birth certificate.
I suggest if you have it handy, send them a copy.

Posted By: jkcad1
Date Posted: 22 Jan 2012 at 11:29am
Hi Tarik

Thanks for your response. Do you know the email ID we can use to ask CPC-M for this? it would be good to verify with them by email as call center has told us that they did not send any documents.


Posted By: smartin
Date Posted: 22 Jan 2012 at 8:59pm
Originally posted by Dulce2012 Dulce2012 wrote:

I wish I knew, I thought that I would just receive a letter approving the sponsorship but instead CIC is requesting further documentation from my parents, no idea why (they have been to Canada 3 times as visitors). I wonder if being requested this further documentation is a good thing or a bad thing...Some documents they are requesting are copies of their documentation and some forms (family history, dependants form, etc).  

They do it to speed your processing up. Before they had the sponsorship approved and then transfer your paperwork to the visa office responsible for the sponsored person's country, & then the visa office would send the letter with request for additional documents. Now they will send all your paperwork together with the sponsored person's paperwork right to the visa office an they in the visa office will start the process without spending time for requesting anything (except some extra if they need to). It will definitely save lots of time & shorten the processing time. This process somewhat reminds me of the spousal sponsorship process when they request to send both sets of paperwork at the same time.

Posted By: smartin
Date Posted: 22 Jan 2012 at 9:02pm
Does anyone know whether the sent any paperwork requests to the applications submitted in 2010?

Posted By: Tarik
Date Posted: 23 Jan 2012 at 1:32am
not sure about 2010.
I've seen few poster who applied in 2007 and 2008, but not 2010

Posted By: smartin
Date Posted: 23 Jan 2012 at 2:39pm
Originally posted by Tarik Tarik wrote:

not sure about 2010.
I've seen few poster who applied in 2007 and 2008, but not 2010

We've heard about 2009 too. Just worried not to miss the deadline.
Do you know any way to find out if they sent or planning to send anything?

Posted By: phaedrustoday
Date Posted: 25 Jan 2012 at 12:18am
Any e-CAS updates to your case statuses after you sent the forms and documents to CPC-M? I sent my parents' forms on December 22 and the e-CAS does not show any change at all.
It is a bit unnerving especially because CIC's letter mentioned that if they do not receive any documents within 90 days, they will consider the application "abandoned".
What if CIC gets back to us in summer saying that they never heard back from us? The least they can do is to update the e-CAS status to reflect the receipt of the new forms.

Posted By: Minus35
Date Posted: 25 Jan 2012 at 2:16pm
well, if you sent the documents through registered mail, then you do have the proof.
I think its too early to expect e-CAS status update 'cuz they are in the middle of receiving tons of applications these days. Hopefully, they will update e-CAS after the deadline is over.

Posted By: cisco4w
Date Posted: 25 Jan 2012 at 4:57pm
Hello Everyone..

I have sent sponsorship application for my parents in May 2011 but I didn't receive anything including acknowledgement receipt. Still waiting and I want to know anyone recently submitted application and on the same page. I heard they going to process all pending application in next two years to clear backlog.

Please reply with comments, suggestion etc.. waiting to see some reply.

Posted By: Tarik
Date Posted: 25 Jan 2012 at 5:48pm
There are still 2007 applicants waiting...
CIC announces that they will increase the number of cases they process from 16,000 /year to 26,000/year. I didn't see any official notes about "processing all pending applications in two year"... could you please share the source of this comment? I wish it is true...

Posted By: phaedrustoday
Date Posted: 25 Jan 2012 at 5:48pm

What good is e-CAS if the status is updated after the 90 day deadline? After the deadline, there is nothing  anyone can do if the status says - "Case Abandoned". I would love to see how a Canada Post delivery receipt holds up to a CIC case closure. That will surely be an interesting conversation.

Going by the premise of minus35's explanation, I would suggest to all the people who are having trouble collecting the required documentation - just mail an empty envelope with Canada POst delivery receipt requested. That way you get your foot in the door and CIC can not blame you for not meeting the deadline :)
The point is - 'receiving tons of applications' is something CIC should have anticipated given their insistence that all applicants have a new 90 day deadline. Therefore it is them who should have planned for ways to do timely e-CAS updates given this onslaught of new packages arriving at their doorstep.
Given minus35's argument, we should now be prepared for even greater delays since CIC just created an order of magnitude more work for themselves by way of new paperwork being sent from existing applicants.
If there is a deadline that applies to us, the same should apply for CIC's updates as well. That is what is fair - after all we all are paying fees for all this work to be done. I know fairness is not the name of the game here and we all have made peace with this arrangement, but why? 
Makes you wonder what is it that our tax dollars working for?

Posted By: Tarik
Date Posted: 25 Jan 2012 at 5:51pm
I am all in agreement with you phaedrustoday...

Posted By: Minus35
Date Posted: 26 Jan 2012 at 12:17pm

You are absolutely right phaedrustoday. But the fact of the matter is that CIC is severely understaffed. If they had enough resources, they wouldn’t be a huge backlog. The acknowledgement of my parents’ application appeared months later on e-CAS. Based on our previous experience(s) with e-CAS, we need to keep reasonable expectations from CIC.


But you never know, may be the e-CAS will start showing updates within weeks.

Posted By: preetgagan
Date Posted: 26 Jan 2012 at 9:46pm
when u submitted u r parents documents in CPC-M.MEANS LAST MONTH ON WHICH DATE

Posted By: dreamk
Date Posted: 28 Jan 2012 at 2:16am
I also got one of these letter. And was kind of hoping it was some good sign that they are actually working on it. But I guess not cause if so many people received the same letter and dates isnt that just more backlog? 

Serve the Lord with all your heart.

Posted By: MattK
Date Posted: 28 Jan 2012 at 7:35am
Hi dreamk,

Can I know when you submitted your application? I did it on June 2010 but am still waiting.


Posted By: dreamk
Date Posted: 28 Jan 2012 at 11:02am
Hey Mattk, I sent my application, December 2008.

Serve the Lord with all your heart.

Posted By: smartin
Date Posted: 28 Jan 2012 at 11:22am
Originally posted by MattK MattK wrote:

Hi dreamk,
Can I know when you submitted your application? I did it on June 2010 but am still waiting.

we are in the waiting list too - our application was submitted in may 2010

Posted By: phaedrustoday
Date Posted: 30 Jan 2012 at 7:58am

Please post here if you have submitted your documents in response to the November 2011 letter and you hear back from CIC.

Apparently a lot of people got that letter asking for more documents, but it looks like CIC did not get back to anybody yet in response to the newly submitted documents.
Let us keep this thread going and make it more meaningful.

Posted By: canvis2006
Date Posted: 30 Jan 2012 at 11:58am
Anyone from 2009 got any letters from CIC?

Are these coming from CIC in Ottawa or from CPC-Mississauga?

Posted By: Tarik
Date Posted: 30 Jan 2012 at 1:29pm
I think I saw 2009 applicants posting here who recieved the letters.
The letters are coming from CPC-M.

Posted By: phaedrustoday
Date Posted: 03 Feb 2012 at 5:38pm
Just got a CIC letter from CPC-M that just says I have met the requirements for sponsor eligibility. It then goes on to say that the case has been transferred to:
CPP Ottawa - Case Processing Pilot
NHQ - Centralized Processing Region
It goes on to say that:
"If at any time during processing, it is determined that local knowledge is required, the file may be forwarded to the relevant visa office for processing and final decision."
This means that the November letter responses/document submissions are being reviewed in real time. It also means that cases are being actively pushed to the next stage - which is good news. This is good news for all of us who are sending in the papers once again.
The eCAS status also changed to "Application Received" under the Permanent Residence Status column. Earlier it showed "Not Available".
My details:
Original date of application for parental sponsorship - May 2008.
received the Nov 24, 2011 CIC letter asking for documents once again.
Documents submitted - Dec 22, 2011.
CIC letter approving sponsorship received on Feb 3, 2012.

Posted By: dreamk
Date Posted: 03 Feb 2012 at 5:50pm
Thanks phaedrustoday for sharing your results. 

Serve the Lord with all your heart.

Posted By: Tarik
Date Posted: 04 Feb 2012 at 4:59pm
Thanks for sharing that
So when will it be transferred to over seas office. Any idea?
did they mention anything about police certificates?

Posted By: phaedrustoday
Date Posted: 05 Feb 2012 at 8:23am
Tarik - No mention of either of those things.

Posted By: TorontoGuy
Date Posted: 05 Feb 2012 at 6:52pm
Phaedrustoday, are you sponsoring just parents ?
What's their age ? and .... do they have any dependants ?

Posted By: phaedrustoday
Date Posted: 06 Feb 2012 at 10:08am
TorontoGuy - Yes just my mom and dad, both aged 60-65 years with no dependents.

Posted By: smartin
Date Posted: 06 Feb 2012 at 3:29pm
what is UCI & do we need to write something in there?

Posted By: jaggudada
Date Posted: 06 Feb 2012 at 4:14pm
Originally posted by phaedrustoday phaedrustoday wrote:

Just got a CIC letter from CPC-M that just says I have met the requirements for sponsor eligibility. It then goes on to say that the case has been transferred to:
CPP Ottawa - Case Processing Pilot
NHQ - Centralized Processing Region
It goes on to say that:
"If at any time during processing, it is determined that local knowledge is required, the file may be forwarded to the relevant visa office for processing and final decision."
This means that the November letter responses/document submissions are being reviewed in real time. It also means that cases are being actively pushed to the next stage - which is good news. This is good news for all of us who are sending in the papers once again.
The eCAS status also changed to "Application Received" under the Permanent Residence Status column. Earlier it showed "Not Available".
My details:
Original date of application for parental sponsorship - May 2008.
received the Nov 24, 2011 CIC letter asking for documents once again.
Documents submitted - Dec 22, 2011.
CIC letter approving sponsorship received on Feb 3, 2012.

Is it possible for you to share a copy of the letter here? Please edit your personal information if you are willing to share the letter here.

Posted By: Minus35
Date Posted: 09 Feb 2012 at 10:38am

Congratulations phaedrustoday!

It seems like your parents will be in Canada in this summer.

Posted By: rentalfast
Date Posted: 10 Feb 2012 at 12:15am
Hello there,

I submitted my parents sponsorship - 1st stage in November / December 2009. Anyone aware of receiving the request letter around this time frame? 

Thanks very much. 

Posted By: rentalfast
Date Posted: 11 Feb 2012 at 7:37pm
Hello there,

I submitted my parents sponsorship - 1st stage in November / December 2009. Anyone aware of receiving the request letter around this time frame? 

Thanks very much. 

Posted By: mkozdemi
Date Posted: 15 Feb 2012 at 11:45am
I also got the letter around 23rd November for the additional documents and submitted those for my mother in less than a month.

On Jan. 23 got a letter saying the case got approved (or a similar letter to pheadrustoday), and the case is now being transferred to our home country. Don't know how long it will take from that side.


Posted By: jkcad1
Date Posted: 15 Feb 2012 at 12:16pm

Can you please share your timeline? when did you send your sponsorship application?

Posted By: Tarik
Date Posted: 15 Feb 2012 at 1:09pm
Your file was transfered to your home country office? this is different than pheadrustoday. His file went to Ottawa..right?

Posted By: Shuga
Date Posted: 15 Feb 2012 at 2:13pm
my file was transferred to Ottawa on Jan 31 and i received an e-mail requestuing medicals and police certificate today...

Posted By: jaggudada
Date Posted: 15 Feb 2012 at 2:39pm
Originally posted by Shuga Shuga wrote:

my file was transferred to Ottawa on Jan 31 and i received an e-mail requestuing medicals and police certificate today...

Shuga, Can you please share the contents of the email you received today?

Posted By: Shuga
Date Posted: 15 Feb 2012 at 2:46pm
Originally posted by jaggudada jaggudada wrote:

Shuga, Can you please share the contents of the email you received today?
Dear Applicant:
All applicants who are seeking permanent residence in Canada must satisfy Canada's medical admissibility criteria. In order to determine your medical admissibility to Canada, you and your spouse are required to undergo a medical examination. This examination is required whether or not your spouse will accompany you to Canada.
Please take this letter and the enclosed Medical Report form(s) IMM1017 for yourself and your spouse to the medical practitioner performing the examination. You and your spouse should be examined by the same doctor.
The medical examination must be performed by one of the licensed physicians shown on the "List of Designated Medical Practitioners" (i.e. doctors). To access this list, please refer to our website: - . If you and/or your spouse are outside of your home country for an extended period of time, you may see a Designated Medical Practitioner in the country where you are presently residing.
The latest version of the Medical Report consists of five sections, A to E. You have only received Section A, "Client Identification and Summary." Sections B to E of the Medical Report form are for use by a medical doctor and are provided to physicians by the Department of Citizenship and Immigration, Health Services.
You should make arrangements to undergo the required medical examination immediately. Failure to do so within 30 days of this notice will result in unnecessary delays in the processing of your application.
Your examining practitioner will send your X-ray and results to our medical review office.
There are other important instructions listed on the back of this page. Please be sure to read them carefully.
Please quote your application number (see F# noted above) in all your correspondence with us.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Medical Examination
1. All expenses related to this medical examination are your responsibility.
2. Please bring the following to your medical appointment:
·Two recent passport-size photographs of each family member. Refer to our website for photograph specification: -
Eyeglasses, if applicable; list of prescription drugs taken, or any relevant medical report(s).
Original passport of each family member.
3. All applicants must submit to a standard X-ray film of the chest.
4. It is possible that after the completion of your medical examination and submission of reports, further tests or reports may be requested.
5. The issuance of these medical instructions does not constitute acceptance of your application. You should not make any commitments related to the application until your case has been concluded.
6. It is recommended, and a decided advantage to all applicants, that routine immunization is initiated or completed before departure for Canada, and where available, immunization records should be brought to Canada. Some provinces in Canada may require you to show your record of immunization.
Police Certificates
You must obtain a police certificate from each country or territory where you have lived for six consecutive months or longer since reaching the age of 18. It is your responsibility to contact the police or relevant authorities and apply for the required police certificate.
Instructions and information on obtaining a police certificate from any country can be found on our Web site at - .
The police certificate from each country must be received by our office within 60 days from the date of this letter. Failure to provide us with the police certificate may result in your application being assessed on the information available on your file and may be refused.
If you have already sent in the updated police certificate, you do not require to resend it.

Posted By: phaedrustoday
Date Posted: 15 Feb 2012 at 3:19pm

Congratulations to all those getting updates from CIC!

My file was sent to Ottawa - it looks like that's where the cases will be processed. I am very encouraged by the speed with which the cases are progressing. I know someone who missed a form with his December submission and CIC got back to him after just 4 weeks requesting the missing form.
Requests for medicals and police clearance are just great news!

Posted By: TorontoGuy
Date Posted: 15 Feb 2012 at 3:23pm
Shuga did you pay the RRPF Fee for your parents ?

Posted By: Tarik
Date Posted: 15 Feb 2012 at 3:28pm

Great news.. so do you guys think Ottawa will process the cases and issue the visa without the files being transfered again to oversees office?

Posted By: smartin
Date Posted: 15 Feb 2012 at 3:52pm
Originally posted by Shuga Shuga wrote:

my file was transferred to Ottawa on Jan 31 and i received an e-mail requestuing medicals and police certificate today...


Posted By: smartin
Date Posted: 15 Feb 2012 at 3:53pm
Originally posted by Tarik Tarik wrote:

Great news.. so do you guys think Ottawa will process the cases and issue the visa without the files being transfered again to oversees office?

If the parent is in a home country, how they will send a passport request?

Posted By: mamin
Date Posted: 15 Feb 2012 at 4:19pm
Hi Shuga,
Do you have any dependants on your sponsor application or it's just parents......trying to establish if applications with dependants will be going to home country or not.....or it's just random...


Posted By: mamin
Date Posted: 15 Feb 2012 at 4:29pm
Hi Tarik
You and I are from same country....I guess....have you received any update......I submitted my documents in first week of January.......with no update yet.


Posted By: Tarik
Date Posted: 15 Feb 2012 at 4:36pm
I didn't hear from them yet. I submitted the documents between Christmas and new  year
You mean we are from the same city (Calgary)?

Posted By: mamin
Date Posted: 15 Feb 2012 at 6:36pm

Same country of origin......that is what I meant


Posted By: Shuga
Date Posted: 15 Feb 2012 at 6:39pm
Originally posted by TorontoGuy TorontoGuy wrote:

Shuga did you pay the RRPF Fee for your parents ?
yes - i did

Posted By: Tarik
Date Posted: 15 Feb 2012 at 10:15pm
I found in another forum. It looks like some applicantions will go to Ottawa and others will go to oversees offices.
Hello Friends i found this post on the CIC which is related to our early letters and process.

I cant post the link but got to CIC webcites and then on right hand tabs go to resources/ click on publications/ click on opertational manual and bulletins/ and from the list click on Operational bulletins 2011 and you will see below post

Operational Bulletin 353 –
November 7, 2011
Change in Procedures for Processing Family Class Parent and Grandparent Applications
This Operational Bulletin (OB) will provide information about the change in procedures for parent and grandparent (FC4) family class applications beginning November 5, 2011. These changes are applicable when a sponsor applies to the Case Processing Centre in Mississauga (CPC-M) to sponsor a parent or grandparent.

The purpose of this OB is to provide operational instructions related to the change in procedures being implemented for FC4 applications. Effective November 5, 2011, CPC-M will be requesting from the sponsor a submission of their parents or grandparents' application for permanent residence (IMM 0008) and all supporting documents.

Prior to July 18, 2011, when sponsors applied to sponsor their parent or grandparent, they submitted only the sponsorship application (IMM 1344) to CPC-M. Once CPC officers determined that the sponsor met the eligibility requirements, or when the sponsor had indicated they would like to proceed if found ineligible, the sponsor was instructed to have the sponsored parent(s) or grandparent(s) submit an application for permanent residence (IMM 0008) to the relevant visa office within six months.

Letters to sponsors:

Starting mid-November 2011, CPC-M will begin sending letters to sponsors with the oldest sponsorship applications in the inventory, requesting the submission of the IMM 0008 for their parent(s) or grandparent(s) with all supporting documentation, as detailed in the generic document checklist (Annex A). This generic checklist will accompany the letter. The “complete” application will be submitted to CPC-M and if found complete, a file will be created in the Global Case Management System (GCMS).

In the letter to sponsors, they will be given 90 days to comply with the request. They will also be informed that should the requested documents not be received at CPC-M within the 90-day time frame, we will determine that the sponsor is no longer interested in bringing their parent(s) or grandparent(s) to Canada and their application will be closed. Should the application be closed, CPC-M will send a letter to the sponsor informing them of the decision that was rendered and outlining their options.

If the application is received within the 90-day time frame but there is missing information or documentation, the entire application will be returned to the sponsor with a letter. They will be advised that they have 30 days to return the application with the missing elements; otherwise, the application will be closed.

Following file creation, the file will be assigned to an officer to review sponsorship eligibility. If found eligible, or if the sponsor has opted to proceed if found ineligible, the file will be forwarded to the relevant visa office for processing.

In keeping with CIC's modernization agenda to move toward increased processing of applications from within Canada and with the implementation of GCMS, a portion of these FC4 applications will be processed from within Canada at the Case Processing Pilot in Ottawa (CPP-O). If at any time during processing it is determined that local knowledge is required, the file will be forwarded to the relevant visa office for processing and final decision.

Medical instructions will continue to be requested by the visa office or CPP-O.

For eligible sponsorships already referred to visa offices for which an application has been received:

For parent(s) or grandparent(s) who have already submitted their application for permanent residence to the visa office, they will be sent a letter from the mission requesting any updated or missing documents. They will be given 60 days to comply with the request or the application will be refused.

If after 60 days the visa office has not received the requested documents, the applicant will be sent a refusal letter.

If within the 60 days the visa office has received some, but not all documents, the applicant will be sent a letter giving them an additional 30 days to comply or the application will be refused. Following the additional 30 days, the applicant will be sent a refusal letter.

Other considerations:

Applications received between July 18, 2011 and November 4, 2011:

Sponsors who submitted applications between July 18, 2011 and November 4, 2011, will have already submitted the IMM 0008 for their parent(s) or grandparent(s) with their IMM 1344. Once eligibility has been reviewed, the sponsor will be instructed to submit an updated IMM 0008 and all supporting documentation to the CPC-M.

For further information outlined in this OB, please contact your supervisor or your Regional Program Advisor (RPA). RPAs may in turn contact Operational Management and Coordination Branch at OMC-GOC-Immigration @

Posted By: Tarik
Date Posted: 15 Feb 2012 at 10:20pm
and here is the link -

Posted By: Tarik
Date Posted: 15 Feb 2012 at 10:25pm
phaedrustoday and Shuga,
You have been approved as sponsors, so you are done with step one. I wonder if CIC checked for you current income? whether you still meet the minimum income requirement?

Posted By: mrzaman94
Date Posted: 15 Feb 2012 at 11:39pm
Hello Folks,
I have been going through all posting in this topic. Yes, I have submitted my application Dec 15 and have received a latter from CIC dated Feb 1 that my sponsorship is accepted and they have sent my parents application to the visa office responsible to our home country.
Based on Shuga info, I am bit worried that how long will it take in my case?
Based on CIC Nov 25 letter....we are now ready to process your application....please ask your parents to process PCC....submit RPRF to avoid further delay......I am totally confused what is going on the application process.
Hoping for the best

Posted By: Tarik
Date Posted: 15 Feb 2012 at 11:43pm
You are one of those whose application was sent to the visa office responsible for your country and not ottawa office. My guess is that ottawa office is meant to clear backlogs, so applicants to busy offices will be sent to ottawa, while applicants from fast offices will be sent to their office.
What is the processing time for your office?

Posted By: Shuga
Date Posted: 16 Feb 2012 at 7:40am
Originally posted by Tarik Tarik wrote:

phaedrustoday and Shuga,
You have been approved as sponsors, so you are done with step one. I wonder if CIC checked for you current income? whether you still meet the minimum income requirement?
i sent my option C printout for 2008-09-10 along with the documents that CIC requested in November to prove that i meet the income requirements... no sure if CIC looked at it...

Posted By: phaedrustoday
Date Posted: 16 Feb 2012 at 12:03pm
Originally posted by Shuga Shuga wrote:

Originally posted by Tarik Tarik wrote:

phaedrustoday and Shuga,
You have been approved as sponsors, so you are done with step one. I wonder if CIC checked for you current income? whether you still meet the minimum income requirement?
i sent my option C printout for 2008-09-10 along with the documents that CIC requested in November to prove that i meet the income requirements... no sure if CIC looked at it...
I only sent income documents as part of the initial application to sponsor in 2008. My guess is that CIC has a way to pull your most current income from CRA - but this just a guess.

Posted By: phaedrustoday
Date Posted: 16 Feb 2012 at 12:05pm
Originally posted by Tarik Tarik wrote:

You are one of those whose application was sent to the visa office responsible for your country and not ottawa office. My guess is that ottawa office is meant to clear backlogs, so applicants to busy offices will be sent to ottawa, while applicants from fast offices will be sent to their office.
Makes sense.

Posted By: smartin
Date Posted: 16 Feb 2012 at 3:20pm
Originally posted by Tarik Tarik wrote:

You are one of those whose application was sent to the visa office responsible for your country and not ottawa office. My guess is that ottawa office is meant to clear backlogs, so applicants to busy offices will be sent to ottawa, while applicants from fast offices will be sent to their office.
What is the processing time for your office?

Not sure about that, as there are people whose file was transferred to the visa office which timeline comes up to 44 months....

Posted By: mrzaman94
Date Posted: 16 Feb 2012 at 8:57pm
Originally posted by Tarik Tarik wrote:

You are one of those whose application was sent to the visa office responsible for your country and not ottawa office. My guess is that ottawa office is meant to clear backlogs, so applicants to busy offices will be sent to ottawa, while applicants from fast offices will be sent to their office.
What is the processing time for your office?
I know as you posted the OB-353 is clearling stating that a portion of these FC4 application will be process in CPP-ottawa. This make senses that they will send some application to visa office out side Canada.
My question is in both cases, the processing time line will be same or differenct?
The current processing time in my visa office is 44 months...:(

Posted By: mrzaman94
Date Posted: 16 Feb 2012 at 9:04pm
Originally posted by smartin smartin wrote:

Originally posted by Shuga Shuga wrote:

my file was transferred to Ottawa on Jan 31 and i received an e-mail requestuing medicals and police certificate today...

Hi Shuga,
Would you mind to let us know what is the processing time in your corresponding visa office?

Posted By: Shuga
Date Posted: 17 Feb 2012 at 7:52am
Originally posted by mrzaman94 mrzaman94 wrote:

Hi Shuga,
Would you mind to let us know what is the processing time in your corresponding visa office?
21 months

Posted By: Andrei
Date Posted: 17 Feb 2012 at 4:16pm
The processing time in my corresponding visa office is less than 12 months but they are processing the application in Ottawa.

Posted By: Tarik
Date Posted: 17 Feb 2012 at 4:23pm
When did you respond to their Nov 25 letter? Did CIC requests medical and police certificates yet?
I guess I was very late responding Dec 27 and so I still didn't hear anything from CIC.

Posted By: TorontoGuy
Date Posted: 17 Feb 2012 at 5:24pm
I sent my requested document on Dec 30, 2011.
They returned my whole application on Feb 1, 2012. They wanted proof of continuous full-time study for my brother since attaining the age of 22.
My brother's age is locked-in at 19. He does NOT have to provide any proof.
I called CIC, asked to speak to the CIC complaint department. I spoke to their manager.
She checked with CIC Mississauga. Called me back and told me that CIC Mississauga had made an error in asking me for those documents.
She asked me to re-submitt my application to CIC Mississauga explaining that they fucked up and mention her name.
I re-submitted my application on Feb 2, 2012.
Thanks to a CIC agent's mistake, I have to go to the bottom of the line again.
This sucks... Now who knows how many more months I have to wait for !!!

Posted By: Tarik
Date Posted: 17 Feb 2012 at 5:45pm
I feel sorry for you TorontoGuy. But I am hoping that they will speed up for every one so that they finalize for all in a reasonable time

Posted By: smartin
Date Posted: 18 Feb 2012 at 10:33am
Originally posted by Andrei Andrei wrote:

The processing time in my corresponding visa office is less than 12 months but they are processing the application in Ottawa.

is your visa office - Russia?

is your parent with you in Canada?

Posted By: Tarik
Date Posted: 18 Feb 2012 at 1:22pm
I still didn't recieve any correspodent from CIC, but noticed today a change in my ecas.
It used to have one line only and it would have "application recieved" under Sponsorship Application Status and "not applicable" under Permanent Residence Application Status. Today, there is another line that shows "application recieved" and both Sponsorship Application Status  and Permanent Residence Application Status.
Did you guys saw similar changes in the ecas before recieving CIC mails?

Posted By: canvis2006
Date Posted: 18 Feb 2012 at 1:28pm
Anyone knows which dates CPC-Mississauga is sending the update letters to?
Is it still only early 2009 applicants to CPC-M?

Posted By: smartin
Date Posted: 18 Feb 2012 at 4:16pm
Originally posted by canvis2006 canvis2006 wrote:

Anyone knows which dates CPC-Mississauga is sending the update letters to?
Is it still only early 2009 applicants to CPC-M?

they need to finish with 2007/2008 first... I guess another wave will come in November this year.

what is your timeline?

Posted By: Shuga
Date Posted: 18 Feb 2012 at 5:54pm
Originally posted by smartin smartin wrote:

Originally posted by Andrei Andrei wrote:

The processing time in my corresponding visa office is less than 12 months but they are processing the application in Ottawa.

is your visa office - Russia?
why Russia? Actually the current processing time less that 12 months is only in Haiti and Cuba: -                                                   26 -                                        - -                                            23 -                                                39 -                                    36 -                                                          7 -                                                 43 -                                                                31 -                                               40 -                                               8 -                    28 -                                                       - -                 42 -                                                     27 -                                                        26 -                                                      23 -                                               19 -                                                           20 -                                      22 -                                                     21 -                                                           26 -                                                              40 -                                                        21 -                                                     16 -                                                         42 -                                                40 -                                                 34 -                                               43 -                                         13 -                                                37 -                                                     31 -                                                 31 -                                           44 -                                                    22 -                                                          - -                          41 -                                                          52 -                                                            26 -                                                       - -                                                     35 -                                                        54 -                                             35 -                                                      37 -                                                        28


Posted By: phaedrustoday
Date Posted: 19 Feb 2012 at 11:42pm
Originally posted by Tarik Tarik wrote:

I still didn't recieve any correspodent from CIC, but noticed today a change in my ecas.
It used to have one line only and it would have "application recieved" under Sponsorship Application Status and "not applicable" under Permanent Residence Application Status. Today, there is another line that shows "application recieved" and both Sponsorship Application Status  and Permanent Residence Application Status.
Did you guys saw similar changes in the ecas before recieving CIC mails?
Yes, that is the way the updates happen. Pretty soon you will see your Sponsorship Application Status change to "Decision Made". This more or less coincides with you receiving the CIC letter. Watch out for the brown envelopes in your mail this week.

Posted By: Tarik
Date Posted: 20 Feb 2012 at 1:49am
Thank you phaedrustoday .
I just checked ecas a minute ago and it shows now decision made on my sponsorship application. :)
They still didn't ask you for medicals or police certificates?

Posted By: phaedrustoday
Date Posted: 20 Feb 2012 at 9:54am
Originally posted by Tarik Tarik wrote:

Thank you phaedrustoday .
I just checked ecas a minute ago and it shows now decision made on my sponsorship application. :)
Originally posted by Tarik Tarik wrote:

They still didn't ask you for medicals or police certificates?
Not yet... but I am not complaining. Due to some personal reasons, I actually need another year or so before my parents residency gets approved.

Posted By: ssj
Date Posted: 20 Feb 2012 at 5:33pm
I am a new member to this forum. i sent back my mother application on February 6, how I can check on line status, which identification number I have to use.

Posted By: smartin
Date Posted: 20 Feb 2012 at 8:02pm
Originally posted by ssj ssj wrote:

I am a new member to this forum. i sent back my mother application on February 6, how I can check on line status, which identification number I have to use.






Client ID #, Receipt #, Immigration File # - whatever is more suitable for you.

Posted By: ssj
Date Posted: 20 Feb 2012 at 8:51pm
I tried to check on line status but it did not show any thing and the message came as "We were not able to identify you using the information you provided. "  How many days after they received application  it starts showing  status  on line. I applied on Feb6 and it was delivered on Feb 9, 2012.

Posted By: Tarik
Date Posted: 20 Feb 2012 at 10:28pm
choose "client id" and put your PR card number "8 digits", and use your name and date of birth.
It should show at least your sponsorship application at a "recieved" level given that you must have applied in sometime before 2010

Posted By: smartin
Date Posted: 20 Feb 2012 at 11:10pm
Originally posted by Tarik Tarik wrote:

choose "client id" and put your PR card number "8 digits", and use your name and date of birth.
It should show at least your sponsorship application at a "recieved" level given that you must have applied in sometime before 2010

we have "received" status with our application mailed in may 2010. we use receipt # without any problem.

Posted By: ssj
Date Posted: 21 Feb 2012 at 12:08am
Thanks Tarik
I checked status and it shows application received on December 31, 2008
Thanks Again

Posted By: ssj
Date Posted: 22 Feb 2012 at 12:18am
My mother is in Canada on visitor visa and i sent back her application after she came to Canada and  i gave current mailing address in Canad, Is her presence makes any difference in processing her application.

Posted By: Tarik
Date Posted: 22 Feb 2012 at 7:19am
No it makes no difference

Posted By: alexsteward
Date Posted: 22 Feb 2012 at 11:09am
I had send my papers in Jan , 2012 regarding the 90 day deadline. I hope to hear back from them soon.
My parents are planning to visit U.S. for a while and there will be no one in India to collect the post.
Can I update my Parent's address to U.S. address temporarily? If yes, how to do that so that they will not miss a post.
Thank you

Posted By: Tarik
Date Posted: 22 Feb 2012 at 11:20am
The first mail will come to you in Canada to approve you as a sponsor. Then, further down the road, not sure when, you will recieve medical request and police certificate request, and what I can see here is that they will probably send it to you by email, if you authorize them to do so in your application.
You can ask your parents to send a representative form and name you as their representative and then all mail will come to you in Canada.

Posted By: alexsteward
Date Posted: 22 Feb 2012 at 4:53pm
Thanks Tarik.
Where can i find this representative form on CIC?

Posted By: Tarik
Date Posted: 22 Feb 2012 at 5:50pm

It is in the same link they provided for us to print the forms. -

Posted By: alexsteward
Date Posted: 22 Feb 2012 at 6:23pm
Thanks Tarik

Posted By: radson
Date Posted: 24 Feb 2012 at 10:06am
Submitted sponsorship application on August 1st 2008
Letter requesting/additional info on Nov 25th 2011.
Package with permanent residence applicatoion sent jan 10 2012
Tracking shows receipt in Misssissauga on jan 11th 2012

Just got an email from CIC stating that my application for PERMANENT RESIDENCE has been received on Aug 1st 2008 ... I wonder if they ment that they've received addtional documents? Do you think that means they have approved sponsorship and now reviewing perm. res. application for my folks? I'm kind of confused

Anybody else got the same "confirmation"?

Posted By: preetgagan
Date Posted: 24 Feb 2012 at 10:09am
did u r e-cas updated to decision made on sponser eligibilty

Posted By: radson
Date Posted: 24 Feb 2012 at 10:15am
Still same
Sponsorship : "app received" PR status: "not available"

Posted By: Andrei
Date Posted: 24 Feb 2012 at 10:29am
< ="-" ="text/; =utf-8">< name="ProgId" ="Word.">< name="Generator" ="Microsoft Word 11">< name="Originator" ="Microsoft Word 11">

Sponsorship: "app received" PR status: "not available" - will always remain same.

But they will add another line after they will make a decision:
Sponsorship Application Status: Decision Made

Permanent Residence Application Status: Application Received

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