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I need documents from Montreal

Printed From: Canada Immigration and Visa Discussion Forum
Category: Canada Immigration Topics
Forum Name: Preserving Permanent Residence Status
Forum Description: How long can a permanent resident remain outside of Canada? Commentaries on preserving permanent residence.
Printed Date: 19 Jun 2024 at 8:19am

Topic: I need documents from Montreal
Posted By: boyana027
Subject: I need documents from Montreal
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2010 at 6:11am

Hello to all,


I was already in Montreal, Canada the year 1974. I was there from April 27th until October 1st. 1974.

My home country is Croatia (part from ex Yugoslavia) but I live in Slovenia since long time.

As in Croatia was war between 1991 and 1995 and all my papers were there; all was destroyed, together with the house. Now, I have nothing from Montreal, Canada except two documents from Canadian Embassy in Berlin, Germany.  One is Verification of Entry and other is the proof that I came to the Airport, Montreal April 27th. 1974.

During these five months in Montreal I was working four months in one small company for music cassettes and in the evening have visited French School.

I need some proof that I was working there, but don't know how to get them.

Is there any way, I could get it, please?

I can't fly now to Montreal (have monthly only 400 Euros) because of the papers.


Who can help me, please?


Ms. Bozica Vujcic

Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped.

Posted By: Harmonia
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2010 at 2:32pm

Go here: -
and get a replacement / certified true copy of your landing documents.
It is all on file, on microfiche from back then.  The process takes over 3 months.
Funny - my wife recently filed for a cert copy of her IMM1000 from Montreal in 1975.  A month later she got a letter from CIC saying they received her request, and would process it within 3 months.  We should get it any day now.
As for proof of working:  Does the company where you work still exist?  If so, can you contact them and ask for a record of employment?  Did you file taxes in Canada while you were living here?  If you filed taxes, you can get a copy of your NOA (Notice of Assessment) from Revenue Canada.  Not sure if they have full copies of your tax return from that year, but they might - and if they do, you might have a T4 from your former employer.
Hope this helps.
They will mail it to you wherever you live.

Citizenship App Sent: December 2012

Posted By: boyana027
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2010 at 5:41am

Hello Harmonia,

Thank you very much for good information.

About the company: I have no idea does the company exists. I only remember one of managers, called Stanly: he wrote me back and told that I am "always welcome back in Montreal". They wanted me to be their secretary after my French should be good enough.

About taxes there: I have nothing. There, in the small company we were young women from all countries. I remember green papers where my salary was for each week. Those papers are destroyed.

I hate the war. Who has damage from them? We, who did nothing wrong! - My documents are deleted. There will be nothing from all my writting around.

Kind regards,

Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped.

Posted By: boyana027
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2010 at 5:51am

Deleted post!

Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped.

Posted By: boyana027
Date Posted: 09 Oct 2010 at 2:39am
Deleted post!

Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped.

Posted By: boyana027
Date Posted: 11 Oct 2010 at 7:44am

Additional message:


I have got the job over: Immigration Office in Montreal.

What is interesting here: few days before my departure, I have got the letter where they gave me offer for new job, somewhere in office.


I left Montreal from two reasons:


1. Because people were talking about very cold winter there (I have chronic sinusitis and neuralgia's since Secondary School),

2. My mother became sick, just this summer when I was in Montreal. I was her youngest child, was early away and she missed me a lot. She was better then and lived until 1990.


p.s. I would like to have address, where can I send my two documents!

Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped.

Posted By: boyana027
Date Posted: 12 Oct 2010 at 4:47am
Can somebody remove my black-white photo, please?
I am sure, from all that will be: NOTHING!
Even people, they were in the war, have some proof they were there. If nothing else, they have killed somebody.

Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped.

Posted By: Harmonia
Date Posted: 25 Oct 2010 at 1:23pm
Boyana --
You can remove your own post (photo).  At the top right of the posting click on "Post Options" and edit your post (remove the picture).
As for tax information -- if you filed taxes in Canada, you can get the info right from Revenue Canada.

Citizenship App Sent: December 2012

Posted By: boyana027
Date Posted: 26 Oct 2010 at 6:49am

Deleted photo and the post!


Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped.

Posted By: Harmonia
Date Posted: 26 Oct 2010 at 2:11pm
If you filed your income taxes while you worked in Canada, you are entitled to get a copy of your Notice of Assessment for whatever tax year you filed in.
Note - this isn't proof that you worked in a specific place, but it could be proof that you worked in Canada and paid taxes.
If you didn't file - and the company no longer exists, I don't know where else you can turn to.
My question:  why do need proof of employment from a 4 month work term in the 1970's?
ALSO: to remove your picture, you just need to select "DELETE POST" from the post options. 

Citizenship App Sent: December 2012

Posted By: boyana027
Date Posted: 27 Oct 2010 at 2:51am

Hi Harmonia,


Now I have deleted the right and the wrong post. I can't believe.

Maybe I will write later, if I remember what was there.  


About taxes paid in Montreal, I have got every week green paper about salary. If they gave me this receipt, they have paid the taxes. Those papers were in the old wooden house (in Croatia) from my mother and sister. Somebody threw all away after 1995 because all people from there have escaped to other countries. That house is ruined, today.

In that time Immigration Office was in Montreal, At water 1. They gave me a job.

I should need detective to search all that.


I need those documents because I have got very small rent. I have left my job here 2001, because have steady pains in the eyes and cheek bones and I am always very tired. In 21 years searching of the cause of my pains, nobody did help me and I had no other choice than to leave.


The life is very miserable if somebody has pains every single day.



Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped.

Posted By: boyana027
Date Posted: 27 Oct 2010 at 5:07am

As my father died when I was child (9 years old) and I had no brother to build the house, I wasn't able to build new house and to help to my mother. She had small farm with some fields and the garden. She didn't have any money except my sister gave her (my sister was working eight seasons in Austria - that is all her work). When I came back, I did help to my sister (divorced, no salary) and to my mother (died, November 1990). Beside that all my therapies I had to pay myself as doctors didn't help me at all.


1991 started the war. My sister escaped to other country and was in Refugee centre for 10 years. She came back, 2005 and since then she lives in other sister's house, that my brother in law has built short before the war. My other sister stayed with family close to Belgrade and they started new life there.

I was in my village, October 2009 and the village looks like from some other planet. There is no trace that there was very nice place. As I had pains and went with my niece to visit my sister, I didn't care so much about the house. The health is still more important than any house.

From other side I think how come people hated each other in ex Yugoslavia.


Here is photo from the ruin that once was small wooden house (made from the neighbour there). -  

I don't like snow because there as is not possible to see all. 



Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped.

Posted By: boyana027
Date Posted: 16 Nov 2010 at 5:49am
I must add: since Secondary School I have atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia. I knew for TN, but not that there is ATN. Now I know but have to find where from comes TN. ATN are terrible pains.
I do my own Research: with photos and with Medical Astrology (that is, what I want to do, together with research medical doctors). I would like to help other people, to tell them where are potential pains (in their life).

Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped.

Posted By: boyana027
Date Posted: 16 Nov 2010 at 6:35am
Sorry, I forgot:
Medical Astrology is for that: to find potential illness and to prevent them.
There is also the way how to help, how to avoid many of diseases.
p.s. It is out off Topic: all my situation brought me so far to study my pains and to have a proof that many doctors gave me wrong diagnosis, as they didn't see, what I see. Only one German Neurologist did help me, when I was 25 years old: to be painless for five years.
Otherwise I wouldn't be here.

Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped.

Posted By: boyana027
Date Posted: 18 Nov 2010 at 5:26am

I must explain why I want to get those documents (in fact, why everybody should save all documents).


Here is not going about the money (for four months is difficult to count, because it was very short tome): maybe I could get five (5) CAD per month.

There is something else from my life that has learned me how is important to have the proof, black on the white.

When I was 23 years and less than 6 months old I have got job in Germany. The problem was, doctor refused to give me health certificate for work. Why? I had pains since I was 16,5 years old. I have begged doctor to give me that paper to go away. Finally he told me: I give you this certificate, because you go to other country, but you are not healthy person. I had pains but had no idea, how he has seen that. I don't have those papers. Now I know: it was because of urine.


When I was in Germany, after working 3 months I took 24 pills because of pains all around my head, eyes and face that made me very sleepy and totally tired. There were big windows, open in January and I am allergic on the cold air. It was one Friday, during the lunch pause. In the small apartment for girls I fell in a deep sleep. I was found and brought to the hospital and woke up after 48 hours. I didn't know that I could die on that way. All I wanted is to sleep (only then I don't have pains).

One and half year later, I was by Neurologist and he gave me just one injection in the right neck side. My pains were over: for more than five years. I have no idea, what he gave me: everybody asks me about that. I wish, I could dream about his diagnosis, but I can't.

With 32 years I have started to work in tourism, tourist agency (in Croatia). I had two very good managers, but the problem was again the same as 9 years before: young female doctor didn't give me certificate that I am healthy. My urine was the reason. I had to find solution for that and I have found. I wish, I could have diagnosis from her, but I don't have. In those times I was very angry about both doctors in Croatia: today I see they were right. They were precise and they didn't lie to me.


Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped.

Posted By: boyana027
Date Posted: 18 Nov 2010 at 6:27am

1979, I came here and nobody asked me for any certificate.


As my pains started again, August 1977 on one Isle, I was very disappointed about that.

1986 I was in the ENT Hospital in Croatia, private. Very good female doctor, gave me lots of therapies (I was there 10 days) and wrote five diagnosis. She wrote me also, what kind of therapies could help me. After all therapies I still had very sharp pain in the right eye. That means it was something else except sinusitis, rhinitis and more.

1989 I wrote to the hospital in Switzerland and have sent diagnoses, what should I do? They wrote me back, I have to find the cause for my pains. Since September 1989 I was by many doctors, specialists. There are many diagnoses from hypotireosis until kidney failure. I was told, my pains are from the neck muscles.

1990, the first time I was thinking about Neurologist in Germany that he was talking about some Neuralgia. 1994 for the first time I have got diagnosis by ENT doctor: Trigeminal Neuralgia, 1 and 2.

Since 1989 I had many therapies and took many different pills. Really help I have got only from private therapies (I had to pay them). I still have the same pains.


Consequences: December 2000 there was terrible pressure from frontal head deep into eyes. I was unable to work but had to, because had big minus hours. It was most difficult winter for me.

May 2001 I have left the job and moved here, where am I now. I had only two choices: to go or to commit suicide.

Since then started my drama:

1. Employment office didn’t give me one Euro (because I left the job). I have lived one year from my savings. From May 2002 until September 2009 I have lived from Social Help, 200 Euros.

2. I had loan by Bank for my small apartment and from 200 Euros, wasn’t possible to pay 150 Euro for the loan. The Bank wrote me warning letters from July 2004 until February 2006. After that they gave my apartment to the Insurance Company.

3. Insurance company sent me to the Court. From October 2006 until March 2008 the Court sent me warning letters every month. I was afraid every day that they will throw me out. I had no money to pay.

4. Few times I went to the neighbor countries and took sleeping pills, but told at the right time: it is because of my pains and I need help. Nobody did help me.

5. I wrote letters to the health institutions and to the government, that I need help. Nobody cared about my letters. Some of them told me, I have to get second opinion and I had already hundreds opinions.

The only help were pills, I have found in London, December 2004. As I met there one very kind couple, they have sent to me those pills. This year from May I bought more of them but since September there is possible to get only one package (12 pills) for 28 days. I still have some but don’t know how will go on.

In short: half of my life I am living here. This country has destroyed my life. This country took 8 years of my life. They made me more damage, than Croatia did. There was a war and many people lost all. Material things can be earned but the lost time can never come back.

I am afraid to stay here; I am afraid since very long time.  




Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped.

Posted By: boyana027
Date Posted: 25 Nov 2010 at 5:51am

More from my story:

I was working over 23 years in tourism and that job was some kind of medicine for me. I like talking with foreign tourists. I missed a bit French tourists to see, can I speak French or have I forgotten it. The two French groups were August 2000 there and I have seen that my French is good, I only have to be with French people: in France or in Switzerland.

I can also speak Spanish, if I am in Spain. I had one month Spanish lessons in Spain, summer 2004 and later was in International Forum for languages, where I have learnt a lot.

They are my two great wishes: to speak FRENCH and SPANISH!

From 1985 till 1995 I was working (in the summer) with WALKING GROUPS from Great Britain and Ireland. I had really good time, as I was some kind of assistant for the leaders of the groups. Many tourists wrote to me, have sent me things, I wanted to have.

June 26th, 1991 the first time I have got tablets (painkillers) from one female tourist, from England: she asked me, what kind of pains I have and gave me one package of the tablets. They really have helped me. The group left Hotel June 28th, and I went to North England, July 3rd 1991 (to the friends, I knew five years) and stayed there 15 days. I bought full bag of those pills. When I came back, many tourists brought me or have sent those pills. It was good for one year.

Second time (I didn’t work since May 2001) I was in London, December 2004 because I was looking for the job in England since end of 2002. The Employment agency in England sent me mails, there are two jobs for me and I should go there for conversation. Unfortunately one job was already occupied and for other I didn’t get connection with that company. After two days I had no job, no money and terrible pains, but nothing to help me. I went to one beautiful church and started to cry there. After a while came out the priest and asked me, what is wrong with me? I told him my story. He tried first to get help over Embassy from this Country but they didn’t care. He was so kind and called his wife to tell her that there is a new guest on the way. In short: I had wonderful time next 13 days. I felt with the lovely couple like I came to home. Here is also positive that on the last day I found the right pills (painkillers) for me. The first time in my life was good that I didn’t have enough money to buy SUDAFED, pills for sinusitis. Pharmacist asked me, what kind of pains I have and brought me other tablets. I have tried them, when I was back here. THEY WERE RIGHT! I didn’t understand that so cheap tablets were right for me. After that I wrote to the Factory for those pills, but they didn’t sell them. I have tried also to find something similar in neighbour countries: nobody had tablets. They all have either drops or sprays.

Finally end of 2005 I wrote to my new friends in London, if they can send me those tablets as I have terrible pains and no help. There was no problem: I sent the money and they sent me tablets.

It was good few years but then was nothing more to buy in the Pharmacies in London. I had to write direct to Chemist Direct and have bought tablets over them in May and June this year. As I have got those tablets only over my friends in London and they were on holiday July and August, I have ordered tablets again the first days in September and have got them. I wrote again end of September but Chemist Direct wrote to me: I can get only one package (for 28 days) with 12 tablets. I can’t believe that! True is: I still have them as I save as much as possible. After New Year I don’t know what to do?

Since 2007 I have tried to come to Research Centre in UK but the problems were here: I didn’t get any References. Beside that Health Insurance here is not going to pay for me. I have feeling they want me to die or to what!



Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped.

Posted By: boyana027
Date Posted: 25 Jan 2011 at 6:33am
Here I leave only my photo: for memory!
I don't want to write anymore.

Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped.

Posted By: boyana027
Date Posted: 10 Mar 2011 at 12:22pm
Now, I have no more energy to write to Canada.
The same question, I wrote more times and there is automatic machine answering me: they will contact me, soon. So can go until my death.
I wrote here, today again:

Citizenship and Immigration Canada // Citoyenneté et Immigration Canada

Thursday, March 10, 2011 5:14 PM




Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped.

Posted By: boyana027
Date Posted: 20 May 2011 at 5:49pm

End of conversation!


Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped.

Posted By: boyana027
Date Posted: 27 Aug 2011 at 1:31pm
Hello lovehipr,
You are "very busy" with your three posts here.
Here is Forum for Visa's, what you don't need.

Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped.

Posted By: boyana027
Date Posted: 17 Feb 2012 at 9:14am
I am still waiting for some sign from Montreal.
The only people I remember from there are MICHEL LATREILLE and his girlfriend HELEN.
p.s. If somebody knows, where to write, please write it here.

Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped.

Posted By: boyana027
Date Posted: 05 May 2012 at 12:23pm
Deleted post!

Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped.

Posted By: canvis2006
Date Posted: 06 May 2012 at 3:11pm
Try facebook or something else like social media to find people. Not every person is on this forum. In fact, very few on forums.

Try contacting some law firm if you need to obtain documents.

Posted By: boyana027
Date Posted: 19 May 2012 at 5:43am
Originally posted by canvis2006 canvis2006 wrote:

Try facebook or something else like social media to find people. Not every person is on this forum. In fact, very few on forums.
Try contacting some law firm if you need to obtain documents.
Hi canvis2006,
Thank you for advice.
I must write there, even if my two documents were given to some place from the niece of my good friend. She did it in May 2011. She lives in Montreal, but he doesn't know, where she gave the papers and also doesn't know here name (married to Italian).
Can you please block this Topic?
Thank you in advance,

Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped.

Posted By: boyana027
Date Posted: 21 May 2012 at 4:24am
Hello canvis2006,

Do not look where you fell, but where you slipped.

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