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PR card

Printed From: Canada Immigration and Visa Discussion Forum
Category: Canada Immigration Topics
Forum Name: Preserving Permanent Residence Status
Forum Description: How long can a permanent resident remain outside of Canada? Commentaries on preserving permanent residence.
Printed Date: 02 Jul 2024 at 8:49am

Topic: PR card
Posted By: abbeyuk
Subject: PR card
Date Posted: 18 Oct 2011 at 4:04pm
Hello Please help, 

Posted By: jogruni
Date Posted: 18 Oct 2011 at 4:48pm
I don't get it.

Normally, when you land, you automatically apply for the initial PR card. This is actually done by the Immigration Officers and part of the landing procedure. So how can you land without getting the PR card?!?

AFAIR I needed my PR card to apply for SSN. So again I do not understand how you did that without PR card.

So you say, you landed (became permanent residen) on 2nd Now 2010 and did not get a PR card?
This is very unusual!

You can only apply for a PR card from within Canada, but without PR card (assuming you have the status of a PR) you cannot enter Canada. You need to get a Travel Document from the Canadian Embassy in UK to reenter Canada. But assuming you have the status of a PR, and you have enough evidence to profe it to the embassy, and they issue the Travel Document, then you should be able to work in Canada from the moment you arrive. The PR card is only required to facilitate traveling back to Canada.

And the current processing time is more like 150 days and adding days every week. You can check that on the CIC website.

Posted By: abbeyuk
Date Posted: 19 Oct 2011 at 6:21am
Hello Friend, 

First Many Thanks for ur reply. 

According to ur first question ...what happened with me when i first landed in canada.. 

When i first landed in canada in nov 2010.At that time i had record of landing(confirmation of permanent residence IM5292) with mi.After reaching there at airport only officers checked my passport and asked mi ,r u coming first time to canada then he send mi to lady immegration officer.

She checked my all documents and signed and she attached confirmation of PR document to last page of my passport.she said "when u will again come to canada u have to apply for travel document and what attached to back page of passport is not travel document it is confirmation of PR." 

I asked her about applying permanent residence card,she said u need to go to CIC office.I went there,again lady over there told mi , 
"U need to have proof of address (with my name on tenency papers),then only i can apply for PR card.and also she said any utility bills in canada on ur name,or driving liscence."
At that time due to lack of time i could not do more on i could not apply for Pr card at my first landing. 

Yes,now i want apply for PR card after 1 year (as i went canada in nov 2010)from outside canada 
I ordered forms online.But as i said,I will fill forms and my friend in canada will do it for 
Is this possible that i will apply for Pr card showing as if i m in canada staying with my friend (as existing permanent residence accoring to CIC website for PR card Processing Timeline )and now simultaneously i will apply for travel document ,so that when i will actually  reach canada,by that time i will have my PR card in my hand. 
Now as i said i have Po box in canada on my name with joint account with friend.And i m going to take telephone in canada.So i will ask them to send monthly phone bills to my Pobox address.

For SSN card,I just showed Passport and Confirmation of PR page attached to my passport
then they issued mi Social security number after 4 weeks(at my friends address),while getting SSN card ,i did not need to show my address proff in canada,so I got SSN card 

According to CIC website ,It tells for a freshly landed candidate PR card processing time is 39 days.And for existing permanent residence it takes 150 days.So as i could not apply for PR card in first landing.i want to do that from ouside canada and save my time. 

I heard that u need to have a Permanent residence card to apply for job.So i m bit worried of processing times of PR card.So i want to do it before i actually come in canada,and then after reaching there,i can search job.
so please any help will be appreciated,if u know more in this. 

Thanks ...

Posted By: Harmonia
Date Posted: 19 Oct 2011 at 10:46am
For a job, you don't need the PR Card -- you need your SIN #.  You also have your COPR -- which in conjunction with your SIN should be more than acceptable.
I don't think you can apply for the card and have it sent to a PO box.  Also - having your friend apply for it is probably not a good idea either --- I'm pretty sure CIC gets YOU to pick it up at their office (meaning you need to make an appearance int he office).  I could be wrong though...

Posted By: dpenabill
Date Posted: 19 Oct 2011 at 1:19pm

Ditto Harmonia regarding capacity to work in Canada: If you have a SIN number, you can work. You may need to present the SIN card within a certain amount of time after starting work but I am not sure how that works.

Anyway, only the initial PR card is sent via mail and then ONLY if you provided a mailing address at the time of landing.

You are now "an existing permanent resident" and so the time it will take to get a PR card is the longer one (five months or so). No shortcuts.
See the - CIC page displaying processing times for PR cards . The longer timeline (currently over five months) also applies to the issuance of an "initial card" if the person applying is an existing PR, which you are.

You will be required to pick up your PR card in person.

That said, I am not familiar with the particulars of the process for obtaining an initial PR card for someone who did not have an in-Canada address at the time of landing and so was not initially issued a PR card following landing. It is my strong impression, however, that you must simply make the standard application for the PR card (form is the same for initial cards as it is for renewals or replacements).


I suspect you will have to go to the nearest Canadian embassy and apply for a Travel Document; this is so you can board commercial transportation, as in an airline, destined for Canada, and so the process of confirming your status is easier when you arrive at the POE in Canada.

Once you arrive in Canada, you can apply for a PR card.

Technically you are supposed to make the PR card application from within Canada (to be eligible for a PR card "you must be physically present" in Canada) and it is NOT a good idea to start your life in Canada playing games with CIC. Bad idea, simple as that, a bad idea.

Yes, I know, many, many PRs do this sort of thing, that is, use someone else's address in Canada, send the application to their friend and then have the friend in turn submit the PR card application from within Canada. And yes, CIC recognizes this goes on and, it appears, mostly only subject such applicants to a heightened level of scrutiny, and (of course) require the applicant to appear in person to pick up the PR card. But, you want to do things right. Get the Travel Document. Come to Canada. Then apply for the PR card.   

Just plain a bad idea to start out your life in Canada lying to the government about where you are. No moral judgment involved. As a practical matter. They see through these things. Then it becomes a permanent part of your history, your willingness to lie for convenience. Your credibility is, at least with CIC and CBSA, forever compromised. Not a good idea, really, for practical reasons not moral ones.

Bureaucracy is what bureaucracy does, or When in doubt, follow the instructions. Otherwise, follow the instructions.

BTW: Not an expert, not a Can. lawyer, never worked in immigration

Posted By: jogruni
Date Posted: 19 Oct 2011 at 1:40pm
It is unusual, that you didn't get an initial card, but you need a residential address to get a card (no PO box) so maybe this was the case, why you didn't get a card.

Here is what you can do:

1. Go to your home countrys Canadian Embassy and apply for a Travel Document to return to Canada. You have to bring your landing document and provide proof for the time present in Canada. Contact the embassy and check out with the what they need and how long it takes. The cost are around 50$. You can send them Passport and application with supporting documents or go there in person (which is better).


2. You can try to reach a Canadian port of entry (border crossing) on land via the US. That only works for citizens of a US visa waiver country. And you have to be allowed to enter the US through their online service. You can do that online and the permission can be done upfron even without travel details and is valid for 2 years. But only for certain citizens. THere you have to bring enough evidence that you are a PR (similar to TD).

TD is the best way, but as soon as you are back in Canada you can work and live here as a PR.
But you should apply for the PR card soon.

A PR card application has to be made from within Canada, but you can try to send the application via a friend. CIC is aware of this option and does not strictly forbid that.
There is an enforcement manual explaining this - ENF-27 . 5.2 clearly says:
Quote R56(2) states clearly that a PR card application must be made in Canada. Furthermore,
the card must be delivered in person to each applicant, pursuant to R58(3), and be
picked up within 180 days of the person receiving notification that it is ready for collection.
This enhances the integrity of the application process, allowing the local office to contact
the client to review documentation and assess residency issues in person. However, it is
recognized that the Regulations do not specify physical presence in Canada for purposes
of filing a PR card application. Applications cannot be refused solely on the basis of
evidence that the applicant was not in Canada when the application was filed. However,
applicants are expected to provide an address in Canada where they may be contacted
to provide additional information or to present themselves in person for the purposes of
reviewing either identification or eligibility for the PR card.
The CPC may refer a case to a
local CIC if all or part of the application originated from outside Canada, and if there are
questions as to the client’s identity, status or residency history, or the authenticity of the
documentation. Clients must report in person to pick up their card in Canada, in
accordance with R58(3).

So you can try, but need a canadian contact address. You can
  • download the application forms,
  • fill them out
  • send them to your friend
  • he can forward the application to the CIC processing center
But processing of initial cards takes 47 days right now and normal application ~150 days. Even urgent processing takes 30+ days, so it might not work out for Feb 2012 with sending stuff back and forth. So you are left with getting a TD.

Now you should know what you have to do.

Posted By: jogruni
Date Posted: 19 Oct 2011 at 1:46pm
Damn you were typing faster .....
But as enf-27 mentions the situation and says the application cannot be denied on this, I would not consider it "illegal" to forward the application through a friend. I just wouldn't try to hide the fact.

Posted By: mina
Date Posted: 19 Oct 2011 at 2:58pm
Hi I am new here
I have a question my ecase shows my PR renewal approved on Aug 26 and I was supposed to get the picking up letter but no letter yet. I called CIC 3 times and everytime different answers. Would you please tell me how long I should wait for the letter?

Posted By: jogruni
Date Posted: 19 Oct 2011 at 3:07pm
Almost 2 months is a bit too long. What did CIC tell you?

Maybe contact you local CIC office or go there and ask them. You have to go there anyway for the pick up.

Posted By: mina
Date Posted: 19 Oct 2011 at 3:37pm

One of them told me it will take 4 weeks for Sydney office to print the card and then send to local office then after that local office will sent me a letter. It doesn't make sence, does it?

Posted By: jogruni
Date Posted: 19 Oct 2011 at 3:50pm
Hi Mina,

4 weeks printing time corelates to the minimum "urgen processing time". You have to expect 2 weeks for the shipping and another 2 weeks for the letter from local CIC office.

If you do not plan to travel, there is no need to rush. So maybe just wait.

But still give the local CIC office a shout. Maybe they can help.

When I landed in 2006 for some reason my picture was not accepted from the processing center. I landed in June and got an invitation for taking a new picture in November at a firm date and time. But I needed to leave the country again in September. In the letter and even on the phone they were not willing to change the appointment. I just went to the local office in Vancouver in person and a friendly officer said, that it is no problem doing it right now (August). So going there might help.

Posted By: mina
Date Posted: 19 Oct 2011 at 4:27pm
Thanks jogruni, The call center told me my local office would be in Niagra falls. from my postal code. do they send my Card to there for sure? I don't trust these call center's guys because each of them says different things.

Posted By: jogruni
Date Posted: 19 Oct 2011 at 5:19pm
I would say so. You have to pick the new card up in person and return your old card.
If you can go there or call them. But visiting might be better.

Posted By: abbeyuk
Date Posted: 20 Oct 2011 at 5:36am
Hello Friends,

I m really thankful to all of U.Smile

I complete my 1 year outside canada in nov 2011.

As u all suggested ,I will b applying for travel document soon.Before that i want to know ,

1) How long it take to get travel document(days/months)?

2)After getting TD ,what is expiry limit of TD,
(That How much time i get after getting TD to enter in canada)

3)I read that I can stay 2 years outside canada out of 5 years to get citizenship.Is this correct limit?

4)In those remaining 3 years Whether I have to show to government that i am paying tax to Canadian government then only it fulfills the criteria for applying citizenship,

Is it mendatory to show exact 3 years(36 months tax paid)to Gov.?

as I will apply for PR card,and apply for job after reaching there in canada.


Posted By: dpenabill
Date Posted: 20 Oct 2011 at 6:05am

How long it takes to obtain the Travel Document (TD) probably depends on which embassy you need to apply through and, to some extent, on the particulars . . . where you landed as a PR less than three years ago (meaning there is still more than 730 days before the 5 year anniversary of your landing, the date by which you need to have been in Canada for at least 730 days to be in compliance with the PR residency obligation), it should not be complicated, mostly a matter of confirming identity.

I do not know how long TDs are good for, but not for long is my impression. I'd suggest applying for it a few week before planning to return to Canada.

Regarding citizenship:

The residency obligation for citizenship is that you must be "resident-in-Canada" for at least three years out of the four years immediately preceding the date you apply. The practical side of this means that you must be actually, physically present in Canada for more than 1095 days in the four years preceding your application.

So no, you cannot be outside Canada for two out of five years preceding applying for citizenship and still qualify, unless one of those years was totally before the beginning of the four year period immediately preceding the application for citizenship . . . and even then that would be cutting it way too close. Not wise to apply for citizenship without having a margin well over the minimum requirements.

Payment of Canadian taxes is not a requirement for citizenship, but of course to become a citizen you must be resident in Canada and if you are resident in Canada you must pay Canadian taxes.

Since you did not begin living in Canada immediately after landing, if you want to become a citizen you need to firmly establish a residence in Canada and then maintain that residence, and before applying be certain to have been actually, physically present in Canada for at least three full years within the four years preceding the date of applying. (And I suggest being in Canada long enough over and above that to establish a margin . . . and especially so for someone like you who did not establish a residence in Canada soon after landing.)

Bureaucracy is what bureaucracy does, or When in doubt, follow the instructions. Otherwise, follow the instructions.

BTW: Not an expert, not a Can. lawyer, never worked in immigration

Posted By: abbeyuk
Date Posted: 20 Oct 2011 at 6:09am
Hello Friends, 
I m really thankful to all of U.Smile 
I complete my 1 year outside canada in nov 2011. 

As u all suggested ,I will b applying for travel document soon.Before that i want to know , 

1) How long it take to get travel document(days/months)? 

2)After getting TD ,what is expiry limit of TD, 
(That How much time i get after getting TD to enter in canada) 

3)I read that I can stay 2 years outside canada out of 5 years to get citizenship.Is this correct limit? 

4)In those remaining 3 years Whether I have to show to government that i am paying tax to Canadian government then only it fulfills the criteria for applying citizenship, 

Is it mendatory to show exact 3 years(36 months tax paid)to Gov.? 
as I will apply for PR card,and apply for job after reaching there in canada. 



Posted By: abbeyuk
Date Posted: 20 Oct 2011 at 6:58am
Thanks My Friend.

1)How often i have to renew PR card.?
I became PR on Nov 2010

2)Assume  If I will get My PR Card in Nov 2012,

Then after I will complete my 3 year residence in canada out of 5 years in 2015.

But as u said I have to be residing in canada of 3 years of my remaining 4 year period preceding to my application to Citizenship.

In this case ,there can b 2 cases.
I will b employed for 3 continuous years or may be a gap in between.

3)So Is it acceptable for applying for citizenship?
(just needed to b residing in canada for 3 years and submiting tax as per employed durations)
or in that case I will have to wait for another year for my citizenship.?

Second case,if i come canada early like 4(3 and half year) years before of my 5 years period then
4)Can 3 years residence out of 4 year can be like this?

2 continous year inside canada+6months out of canada +1 continuous year inside canada

(Bz U have to keep exceptions,We cant predict future so just calculating roughly my pre-plan)

Is it acceptable?

Posted By: abbeyuk
Date Posted: 20 Oct 2011 at 10:12am
Document checklist-Applying for Travel Document

Its written in this checklist-
1)Application form
2)Passport size photo
3)Confirmation of PR
4)Your Passport or Travel/Identity document from ur country of citizenship.
Do i need to submit Original Passport for this with COPR attached back page of passsport.
Or birth certificate or Identity certificate from my country is sufficient?

Posted By: jogruni
Date Posted: 20 Oct 2011 at 12:34pm
Originally posted by abbeyuk abbeyuk wrote:

1)How often i have to renew PR card.?
I became PR on Nov 2010

PR card is valid for five years.

But you have to understand a valid PR card and having a status of a PR are two different and independant things. YOU DO NOT NEED a valid PR card to be a legitimate PR!!!

You only need a valid PR card for traveling outside Canada. Actually just to return to Canada!
You need to understand that.

Keeping the status of a legitimate PR you need at least 730 days of physical presence in Canada within the proceeding 5 years. If you became a PR less than 5 years ago, the days present + the remaining days until the end of the first 5 years since landing (date you became a PR).
Again you have to understan that.

Quote 2)Assume  If I will get My PR Card in Nov 2012,
Then after I will complete my 3 year residence in canada out of 5 years in 2015.
But as u said I have to be residing in canada of 3 years of my remaining 4 year period preceding to my application to Citizenship.
3)So Is it acceptable for applying for citizenship?

For citizenship you need min 1095 days of physical presence in Canada AND you need to establish your "residence" in Canada. Meaning you must appear to center your life in Canada. This requirement is a bit vaguem but you should read a bit more in this forum to get an idea what that means. There lave been lengthly discussions on this.

Originally posted by abbeyuk abbeyuk wrote:

Second case,if i come canada early like 4(3 and half year) years before of my 5 years period then
4)Can 3 years residence out of 4 year can be like this?

On the CIC website there is a residency calculator (part of the application process) you can enter all your dates and find out when you can apply for citizenship.

Originally posted by abbeyuk abbeyuk wrote:

2 continous year inside canada+6months out of canada +1 continuous year inside canada

YES besides the residency requirement you need at least 1095 days of physical presence within the 4 years preceeding the application. 2x365 + 1x365 = 1095 = OK.

But I would all some days, to avoid questions about the calculation. I would suggest at least a month safety margine.

Originally posted by abbeyuk abbeyuk wrote:

Its written in this checklist-
1)Application form
2)Passport size photo
3)Confirmation of PR
4)Your Passport or Travel/Identity document from ur country of citizenship.
Do i need to submit Original Passport for this with COPR attached back page of passsport.
Or birth certificate or Identity certificate from my country is sufficient?

Contact the Embassy and ask them. Processing times depend on the embassy.
I would suggest to go there in person, rather than sending them the documents.
Also I would only send the passport and a copy of COPR. You can get a new passport, but this document is more difficult to get, if lost. It is your only proof of PR right now!

Posted By: abbeyuk
Date Posted: 21 Oct 2011 at 10:45am

I need to apply for TD in Uk (as 
 that is where i first received initial permanent residence card.only or 
I can apply for TD from my home country ?


Posted By: pmm
Date Posted: 21 Oct 2011 at 1:11pm

Originally posted by abbeyuk abbeyuk wrote:

<span ="Apple-style-span" style="line-height: normal; : rgb204, 204, 204; font-size: small; ">Hello,</span>
<span ="Apple-style-span" style="line-height: normal; : rgb204, 204, 204; font-size: small; ">
<span ="Apple-style-span" style="line-height: normal; : rgb204, 204, 204; font-size: small; "></span>
I need to apply for TD in Uk (as </span><span ="Apple-style-span" style="line-height: normal; : rgb204, 204, 204; font-size: small; "> that is where i first received initial permanent residence card.</span><span ="Apple-style-span" style="line-height: normal; : rgb204, 204, 204; font-size: small; ">only or </span>
<span ="Apple-style-span" style="line-height: normal; : rgb204, 204, 204; font-size: small; ">I can apply for TD from my home country ? </span>

<div id="isChromeWebToolbarDiv" style="display:none">
<span ="Apple-style-span" style="line-height: normal; : rgb204, 204, 204; font-size: small; "></span>
<font ="Apple-style-span" size="2"><span ="Apple-style-span" style="line-height: normal;">Cheers.</span>

You can apply at any CHC in any country for a TD.


Posted By: jogruni
Date Posted: 22 Oct 2011 at 9:22pm
But contact the Embassy, because some Embassies have 10 working days processing time and some have a same day processing. Include that in your decision.

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