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PR card has expired in 2012-Advice needed

Printed From: Canada Immigration and Visa Discussion Forum
Category: Canada Immigration Topics
Forum Name: Preserving Permanent Residence Status
Forum Description: How long can a permanent resident remain outside of Canada? Commentaries on preserving permanent residence.
Printed Date: 01 Jul 2024 at 10:36am

Topic: PR card has expired in 2012-Advice needed
Posted By: Pavel
Subject: PR card has expired in 2012-Advice needed
Date Posted: 28 Apr 2016 at 12:17am
Me, my wife and my son got PR in 2007 and went to Canada three times-2007,2009 and 2011-stayed total for 7 months(so RO not met)-every time had to come back because of my son's health issue(severe eczema-dry skin)  . My PR card has expired in June 2012. As my son's condition has improved so now I like to go to Canada and settle permanently.I have another two kids born after I have had my PR. Expecting some suggestion regarding:

1. If I apply for PRTD on H/C ground-what is the likelihood of getting that(based child's health issue as I mentioned before)?
2. If I enter Canada crossing US boarder and stay for 2 years to complete my RO and apply for renewing my PR card-what are the known risks?
3. Can I work(Serial 2 case) and can my kids go to school?
4. how about my access to health cover during this 2 years period?

Appreciate if anyone can give some realistic advice/suggestion either based on their own situation or seen in this forum before.

Posted By: ski
Date Posted: 28 Apr 2016 at 9:29am
1. In my opinion it is unlikely, partly because dry skin is a common issue in Canada due to its dry climate in many areas. The condition is quite common, as evidenced by tons of Vaseline and Aveeno products on store shelves across the country.

2. That is perhaps your only viable chance to continue in your PR status. However, to enter Canada, you will need to have a conversation with CBSA officers, and it is unclear what you are planning to say regarding your status.

3. Until you are stripped of your PR you remain PR regardless of your compliance with the residence obligation. So provided you are let into the country without PR-related consequences yes you can work etc. You will need your SIN for employment, PR card is irrelevant for that.

4. Health insurance is a provincial matter. Generally you should have access to it according to provincial rules, e. g. in most provinces you would have access to it after a 3-month wait period after moving into the province, while in some (e. g. Alberta) you would have access to it immediately after resettling from abroad. Note though that if you are just "silently" coming back through U. S. border then you are "imitating" the situation that you never have left, so in principle your health coverage in that scenario would be uninterrupted as you would be just a resident that for some reasons did not use health coverage for a long while.

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