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Spousal Sponsorship - Are we doing it right?

Printed From: Canada Immigration and Visa Discussion Forum
Category: Canada Immigration Topics
Forum Name: Family Class Sponsorship
Forum Description: A review of current sponsorship programs (permanent residence) promoting the reunion in Canada of close relatives from abroad.
Printed Date: 03 Jul 2024 at 5:53pm

Topic: Spousal Sponsorship - Are we doing it right?
Posted By: NickStix40
Subject: Spousal Sponsorship - Are we doing it right?
Date Posted: 18 Jul 2019 at 10:01am
Hi guys,

So..  I am marrying my girlfriend and hoping to emigrate to Canada. But am I doing it right?

Really, big thank you in advance for your input! Any advice will be welcomed, I'm happy to go into any further detail if required.

I've tried to be as thorough as possible with the research so far, but I'm nervous before putting my plan into action, in case I have overlooked any essential parts of the process, or that I'm doing something that might delay or jeopardise my chances of permanent residency in Vancouver.

Forgive me if I have gone into too much detail here - or missed anything out. I've tried to structure it so the info is easy to understand, if there's anything else I can clarify please let me know.

Thanks everyone, I really appreciate your help!


I'm a British-born, UK national who recently proposed to my Canadian girlfriend of 5 years, Sarah. (To my delight she accepted).
Sarah has a permanent residency visa for UK, and lived here from 2006-2016.

We plan to start a life together in Vancouver, having lived together in UK for a couple of years, and more recently on trips to visit each other after Sarah returned to live in her home town of Coquitlam BC in 2016. However, during this time her name remained on the lease of our shared, rented property, and we visited each other regularly.

-I am available to visit - and ready to move - to Canada at very short notice.

-I understand that if our application for a Canadian Spousal Sponsorship visa is successful, I will be unable to legally work in Canada for 12 months, and so will need to rely on income from work in UK, and/or support from my gf/her parents.

-I was in ill health and unable to work from 2014-2019, however I am now fully recovered and actively seeking work in UK.

1. VISIT CANADA on tourist Visa
2. MARRY FIANCE (we could wed in UK, but I assumed Canada would be as good/better)
3. APPLY FOR SPOUSAL SPONSORSHIP, allowing for extension to tourist visa if required.
4. LIVE WITH GF'S PARENTS initially (they approve and kindly have agreed to support us in terms of food, shelter, and basic living costs) or in rented accommodation (if gf and I can raise collateral)
5. VISIT UK TO WORK if necessary, while awaiting visa approval (as it will not be legal to work in Canada for 12 months following spousal sponsorship visa approval.

For your info, some more detailed info on each of us:

Age: 40
Status: Single, no previous marriages, no children.
Nationality: British
Country of residence: UK, 5 visits to gf in Vancouver since 2015.
Occupation: Unemployed (Sales and Marketing background)
Criminal convictions/arrests/court convictions etc: None
Savings: <£1000
Debt: None (I have 8 months remaining on a Debt Relief Order (DRO) for debts of £7,000, but from what I understand that this is NOT classed as bankruptcy or bad debt in Canada. If I'm wrong, please let me know!).

Age: 31
Status: Divorced 2016, 1 previous marriage to UK citizen, no children.
Country of residence: 2006-2015 in UK, currently lives primarily in Vancouver, 5+ visits to UK.
Nationality: Canadian (and permanent British residency visa from previous marriage)
Occupation: Freelance Marketing Consultant
Criminal convictions/arrests/court convictions etc: None
Savings: <£3000 (Family should be able to offer £10,000+ as security if required)
Debt: None

We have been in a committed relationship since meeting in 2013, following separation and subsequent divorce from her now ex-husband.
2015 - 2019: Lived together, named on 3 joint UK tenancy agreements. Names appear on various shared bills for the same property.
2016 - 2018: Each of us can demonstrate 5+ documented trips visiting each other in Vancouver/UK, each lasting 4-12 weeks.

If there's more that I can do, other routes I should consider, something I'm doing completely wrong, I'd be really grateful for the advice.

Thanks again guys.

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