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Accra, Ghana

Printed From: Canada Immigration and Visa Discussion Forum
Category: Canada Immigration Topics
Forum Name: Family Class Sponsorship
Forum Description: A review of current sponsorship programs (permanent residence) promoting the reunion in Canada of close relatives from abroad.
Printed Date: 01 Jul 2024 at 4:46pm

Topic: Accra, Ghana
Posted By: suzieq616
Subject: Accra, Ghana
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 9:15am

Just wanted to get a thread started for the Accra people if they find this new forum.

Posted By: leappiah
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 11:04am

Got a little confused, but I'm here. :D Both my husband and I are on pins and needles this week, waiting to hear something as our bring-forward date was yesterday.

Posted By: suzieq616
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 1:30pm
It would be great to hear any news from that office.  My birthday is this coming Sunday and I could use a special present.

Posted By: Oheneba
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 2:58pm
 So we are in a new forum eh! Hope something new and good happen to our case files at snail pace CHC-Accra.Smile

Posted By: hazangel
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 4:02pm
Lets hope everyone finds their way to the new site. Hopefully this fresh starts brings us all good news soon!!!!
Thanks suzieq

symbol of endurance and resourcefulness
"An individual who wears this symbol suggests that he has endured many adversities and outlasted much difficulty."

Posted By: Oheneba
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 7:56am
Hey the Islamabad, New Delhi and Philipine folks have started hijacking the forum again with their long list of pages. Those guys seem to really get fast responses from their visa offices so they always have something to yap about.
I had hard time finding our Accra Forum, I thought Suzieque had deleted it.
Anyway , Have a great day everyone. Say a little prayer for the somewhat  monster  and heartless visa officers that are posted to the Accra Office. Perhaps God will change their heart so they can respect the sanctity of marriage  and need for couples to live together under one roof.
Peace out.Wink

Posted By: GildaNewBrunswick
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 9:49am
Hi Everyone
I managed to find the site.  Still waiting for my ADR date through Montreal office.  I expected to hear by end of Nov---but???

Posted By: Oheneba
Date Posted: 02 Dec 2009 at 8:25am
Lol! did we loose some members of Accra forum because of this new site?
Who has good news to brighten  our day!
Lets hear! Accra cant be dead silence with finalizing cases this long. its been couple months since we heard of visa issue!
I kinda wake up in the morning feeling angry that I am married but living a single life! does any of you feel that way sometimes?
UnhappyAccra visa office -killing me softlyThumbs Down

Posted By: suzieq616
Date Posted: 02 Dec 2009 at 8:30am
Believe me, Oheneba, I get really upset that I have to live the single life especially when special times of the year come around.  I hope the others from the other forum join us soon with good news.

Posted By: leappiah
Date Posted: 02 Dec 2009 at 9:54am
I'm with you, Oheneba. Both my husband and I hate always being the "single" ones when we've been married for more than two years. I'm the only one at family gatherings anymore who's "single" and it drives me nuts.
We're still waiting for our news, trying to be patient and hoping for something by the end of the week.

Posted By: Oheneba
Date Posted: 02 Dec 2009 at 10:25am
Thanks ladies for sharing. It is even more depressing for my wife whose friends get to live with thier fiances in the UK after performing ordinary engagement in Ghana. That leads people asking her constantly when are you joining your husband.
The Canadian spousal immigration program is really out of touch with reality. This lengthy separation of spouses never happens in the immigration programs of the other countries with which Canada compares as peers viz, UK, Australia, New-Zealand and even US.

Posted By: hazangel
Date Posted: 04 Dec 2009 at 11:37am
Does someone, ANYONE have any good news for us?!?!?!
STILL no news on my end..Hubby had to go back to the DMP to fill out a "new" form that the doctor didnt know about.Thus, ANOTHER  trip to Accra (more gas, more wear and tear on the car,more time away from the business)..This is probably his 5th trip since they started "reprocessing"..
Ohen, I'm sure you know what the drive is like from Kumasi to Accra.. I guess I shouldnt complain because it means they are working on our file..I just wish they would stop working and instead COMPLETE the darn thing!!!!! I dont think it's ROCKET SCIENCE.Censored
I hope more people find their way here so we can continue to support one another..If any group needs it, it's us.. CRAPPRA really is perpetuating the "single married" person..( I have to remember to add that phrase to my BEST SELLING BOOK!!! ) LOLOLOL
Take care everyone and stay strongHug

symbol of endurance and resourcefulness
"An individual who wears this symbol suggests that he has endured many adversities and outlasted much difficulty."

Posted By: suzieq616
Date Posted: 04 Dec 2009 at 12:51pm
Man, what do they do over there?  Come up with another sheet of paper that has to be signed as an excuse for not getting their work completed?  It is so frustrating.  It is like they want to prolong the pain as long as they possibly can.  This really sucks!!

Posted By: leappiah
Date Posted: 04 Dec 2009 at 12:57pm
No news here yet either. We were really hoping for something this week. My husband went to check at the post office this afternoon in case they've sent his medical redo forms, but since I haven't heard from him, I'm assuming there wasn't anything there.
Guess we're going to be doing another inquiry through our MP on Monday. Monday is also the one and only ultrasound I get... Daddy's going to miss seeing the baby for the first time. How sucky is that?!

Posted By: gggomez
Date Posted: 04 Dec 2009 at 3:28pm
finally! my husband got his inteerview date. Wouldn't you know they would have to give it to him just at about the same time I am leaving the gambia. Anyway thanks to you guys for pushing me to push the MP it worked.Wink

Posted By: hazangel
Date Posted: 04 Dec 2009 at 3:48pm
That's good news gggomez. Make sure your hubby knows that application inside out (he may think he does, but after so much time, he should review it)..
If there is enough time, order CAIPS..If we had we would have known exactly what their  "concerns" were and therefore would have come more prepared..(ie: more proof of living together etc)
Also, be prepared in case they call you.
Good luck we are all routing for you guys!!

symbol of endurance and resourcefulness
"An individual who wears this symbol suggests that he has endured many adversities and outlasted much difficulty."

Posted By: yere
Date Posted: 04 Dec 2009 at 6:08pm


Some advice re the interview-They often try to unnerve you with questions/comments such as "We have suspicions about you" "We don't believe you're age in the application" "We don't believe your religion"-Things like that. I believe those things are done to make you nervous. It doesn't seem the comment/questions are necessarily true they want to see how you react to it.
My advice is for your man to be confident and calm-don't let them "rent space in his head". When my husband was asked such questions he responded with "Ok-what suspicions do you have?" (of course they had nothing to say other then "we don't know we have to review your file"). I think I suggested you to get CAIPS. They take about 5 weeks from the time you send it out. Not sure how far away your interview is. The CAIPS will give you an indication of what their concerns are (because if they are interviewing they have some sort of concerns).
One other thing that came up with friends of ours-their medicals were expired at the wife's interview last month and the staff never mentioned it or gave them the medical re-do forms. I would recommend your husband ask them about the re-do forms. My husband asked at the interview and the staff filled them out and gave them to him on the same day. This speeds things up.
Good Luck to you both

Posted By: leappiah
Date Posted: 04 Dec 2009 at 6:28pm
Would have been nice to know this before my husband's interview. They definitely got inside his head. It still makes me see red when the IO told him, "I suspect you." He, naturally, said, "of what?" And she goes, "umm, I don't know. I'd have to look at your file again." WTF?!

Posted By: tgchi13
Date Posted: 04 Dec 2009 at 6:32pm
leappiah, I can understand being in fight or flight mode and not catching the IO hesitating and having to look in the file.

What asses. Sorry for your trouble, hope it goes well in the end.

tgchi ~
'so close, no matter how far, couldn't be much more from the heart, forever trusting who WE are and nothing else matters' Going State-side!

Posted By: hazangel
Date Posted: 04 Dec 2009 at 7:15pm
My husband's interrogator ( I mean IO)Wink used another tactic..She pretended to be understanding and kind HA!!! Either way, make sure he doesnt say too much, doesnt lose his cool and tell him to make eye contact when answering the questions.

symbol of endurance and resourcefulness
"An individual who wears this symbol suggests that he has endured many adversities and outlasted much difficulty."

Posted By: suzieq616
Date Posted: 04 Dec 2009 at 7:25pm
Make sure that he knows all aspects of your relationship like important dates, family members, etc.  He should know all kinds of things about your life here in Canada.  These are the sort of things that they are looking for.

Posted By: PeopleSpeakOut
Date Posted: 06 Dec 2009 at 11:22am



"The Lord Is My Light And My Salvation"

Posted By: Oheneba
Date Posted: 06 Dec 2009 at 4:19pm

Welcome aboard PSO, glad you found your way here. Any news with your discusions with the MP's.

It appears the Nairobi Office is taking the heat from the media and are thus moving files faster now. A whole bunch of the folks on that forum have received request to redo medicals or updates infor or submit passports  since October and November.
As for Accra, one is yet to see any real action.!!

Freedom is To Do What you Like
Happiness is to Like What you Do!!

Posted By: PeopleSpeakOut
Date Posted: 06 Dec 2009 at 6:07pm

Hi Ohebena,

Thanks for the warm greeting!.    Last week, I received two follow up communications via email from the Office of Foreign Affairs and MP's office.   My concerns have been acknowledged and now I am waiting for a positive resolve addressing the processing times in Accra, Ghana.  

My husbands application is at the Accra officeOuch!!!   There has been some processing developments in Accra and  expecting a status update soon.  With advance technology and via access to computers there is no reason why most qualified applications are not processed with in that 6 months window.  Pony Express and mail bags have almost become obsolete~. 



"The Lord Is My Light And My Salvation"

Posted By: Oheneba
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2009 at 11:35am
Yeah! You right on that one.

Freedom is To Do What you Like
Happiness is to Like What you Do!!

Posted By: gggomez
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2009 at 2:24pm
thank everyone for all those suggestions, we will be putting them to good use. I have already warned my hubby about the IO with the initials KS been reading how nasty she is!

Posted By: GildaNewBrunswick
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2009 at 2:24pm
Oh, also make sure he doesn't touch his hands to area near or on mouth because the interrogator will interpret that as "guilty" of "whatever they want to label him as"  especially if he is a Black Muslim married to an older Caucasian woman.
Hazangel, I am almost as frustrated as you are with your case---unbelievable delays tactics!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted By: robyng65
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2009 at 8:44pm
suzie, hazangel, gilda and others....keep me informed on your news and updates on the IAD, Appeals thread....I am dealing with Islamabad and not Accra, but I care alot about your cases and am always hoping your good news comes soon and let you know we are still waiting for our full appeal date, could be 3,6, or 12 months away, I hate living in the dark.

Posted By: GildaNewBrunswick
Date Posted: 08 Dec 2009 at 6:49am
Also your husband should give his answer to KS firmly.  Don't let her convince him to change his opinion on anything he decided.  For instance, my husband stated that he did not want kids when asked.  But KS stated "It is very important in Ghanaian culture to have children?" ---a questioning statement and he was stressed and did not know what to say to that.  He was very easily intimidated not being used to interviews especially when the pressure was on.  We did not know how things were conducted at interviews and had not done any research, presuming truthfullness would suffice.  She will make accusatory statements about his motives, possibly.   The solution is to stand firm.  My husband even forgot all he knew which shocked me and now here we wait for an appeal.  I think maybe he would have felt more comfortable with a male speaking Hausa or even maybe French.  We learn from our mistakes.  Good Luck!

Posted By: gggomez
Date Posted: 08 Dec 2009 at 3:28pm

Thanks Gilda. One of the things we were going to do while I am here in the gambia was to compile some evidence of our relationship and send it to them by mail cause its cheaper to do that from here than canada. Should we wait and take the evidence to the interview or just send it now. His interview is oin the 27th of jan.

Posted By: leappiah
Date Posted: 08 Dec 2009 at 3:43pm

I'll try not to ramble.... Big smile Just heard from my MP's office, as they did our monthly inquiry yesterday. Turns out our file got bumped sooner than expected (imagine that!) and everything was approved on Nov 23 and medical redo/police check was requested. This seems to be the last of it! I'm SO excited that we're wrapping up AND I finally have something to do (which is to find a way to come up with the money to pay for another set of medicals, haha). However, my husband checked his mail box last Friday and nothing was there, so I'm not sure where these medical redo forms are. Has anybody been able to go directly to the HC and get those forms? As excited as I am, I'm a little choked that we've been sitting here in suspense for the last three weeks when we could have already sent off those documents, and I want to get them going ASAP. Also, I know this question has been asked before, but I can never remember: his non-accompanying depended children have to have their medicals redone as well, correct? (If so, I'll try to refrain from commenting on how stupid that is... Confused) And will those forms be sent with his or can we just print off the ones from the application kit that we used last time?

Posted By: hazangel
Date Posted: 08 Dec 2009 at 4:21pm
Leappiah, sounds like good news to me.
My husband's medical redo forms took two weeks to get to him..They came in a sealed envelope that he was not supposed to open..His and all the children's forms were enclosed.AS WE KNOW, NOTHING IN CRAPPRA MAKES SENSE, SO YES THEY ALL HAVE TO REDO THE MEDICALS EVEN IF NON-ACCOMPANYING Angry..I really cant comment on him trying to pick the forms up at the HC, perhaps you can email them to find out.
Also, not sure where he is going in Accra to get the medicals done, but if he goes to the Phillips clinic (she is the cheapest doctor), make sure she fills out the correct form so he does not have to go back and waste more of his time waiting and waiting.... 
Originally posted by leappiah leappiah wrote:

I'll try not to ramble.... Big smile Just heard from my MP's office, as they did our monthly inquiry yesterday. Turns out our file got bumped sooner than expected (imagine that!) and everything was approved on Nov 23 and medical redo/police check was requested. This seems to be the last of it! I'm SO excited that we're wrapping up AND I finally have something to do (which is to find a way to come up with the money to pay for another set of medicals, haha). However, my husband checked his mail box last Friday and nothing was there, so I'm not sure where these medical redo forms are. Has anybody been able to go directly to the HC and get those forms? As excited as I am, I'm a little choked that we've been sitting here in suspense for the last three weeks when we could have already sent off those documents, and I want to get them going ASAP. Also, I know this question has been asked before, but I can never remember: his non-accompanying depended children have to have their medicals redone as well, correct? (If so, I'll try to refrain from commenting on how stupid that is... Confused) And will those forms be sent with his or can we just print off the ones from the application kit that we used last time?

symbol of endurance and resourcefulness
"An individual who wears this symbol suggests that he has endured many adversities and outlasted much difficulty."

Posted By: yere
Date Posted: 08 Dec 2009 at 7:02pm
ggg-I would suggest being careful about giving Accra things they don't ask for. When my husband went to his interview he carried all sorts of documentation in case they asked for it. They insisted he give them everything he brought (letters, my latest tickets, children's id's, his work/school papers). On the CAIPS they wrote something like "applicant came in with alot of things that we will need to review" (sort of implying that this was now going to take them a long time). They went over every document and ended up using it against us/strenghtening their suspicions. They found a small error on 1 child's documents, they challenged the content of our current emails. They took another 13 months to approve my husband. In the end it was all for nothing as they never pursued any of their claims (according to our CAIPS).
I'm not trying to make you nervous. I'm just letting you think about what you supply as they can take every opportunity to be a holes and challenge/scutinize. I would provide the very basic-like proof of your trip, maybe phone bills. If his interview is within a month I would take them to the interview as the mail system is so poor.  

Posted By: Oheneba
Date Posted: 08 Dec 2009 at 7:03pm
Great News ladies,
The days of "Singleton" is coming to a close for you ladies.
Does anyone knows when Accra go on recess for X'mas?
All the bestSmile

Freedom is To Do What you Like
Happiness is to Like What you Do!!

Posted By: yere
Date Posted: 08 Dec 2009 at 7:10pm
Ohen-They take all Canadian holidays as well as Ghanaian holidays. It seems from people's CAIPS very little happens over the holidays (our tax dollars flies most of them to Canada so they can experience snow and Santa Claus-they wouldn't want to suffer in Accra at 25-30 degrees over Xmas-that would be cruel and unusual punishment for our civic workers!).
Regarding medical re-do forms. I know someone not on this site whose wife had her interview about 5 weeks ago and got her medical re-do forms and police request in the mail last week. So that's 3 of you...Here's hoping that they conclude your files very soon.  

Posted By: leappiah
Date Posted: 09 Dec 2009 at 9:57am
Thanks for the answers, everybody! My husband is checking at the post office again today, perhaps I'll send him to the HC next week if we don't get anything. At least the timing is good for getting the medicals done as the kids don't need to be pulled out of school for them since they're on holidays. Hehe. Trying to find something positive in this. I just want him here now!

Posted By: leappiah
Date Posted: 10 Dec 2009 at 10:55am
Okay, another question. Ugh, I am so ready for something in my life to just be easy for once! Last time my husband and his two children had their medicals done, they were 6 and 3. The oldest one didn't have a passport, but because of his age it was required, so we had to go through that process before his exam could be done. Now, they are 8 and 4 (will be 5 in a couple months). The younger one still does not have a passport. Does anybody know from experience if he will be required to have one? Or what age the cut off is? Reading on CIC's website, it says that everybody taking a medical exam is required to have government issued photo identity, either a passport or national identity card; however, at the last medical, the little one didn't have either and there were no problems, so I'm not quite sure what to think. I wish CIC was a little more consistent in their information!

Posted By: yere
Date Posted: 10 Dec 2009 at 8:42pm
Leap-You need a passport now for all ages. My husband tells me Ghana has recently started identity cards-they started issuing them last year-not sure if your child has one yet. The first time we did medicals we did not need passports but the following time March 2008 (and the one's last month) all the children had to have passports.

Posted By: leappiah
Date Posted: 11 Dec 2009 at 9:57am
Ugh. Sick. I'm kicking myself for not thinking of this earlier. I don't think either of the boys have identity cards... I'll have to look into that more and see if that will be easier/faster to get than a passport. Thanks for your help, Yere.

Posted By: GildaNewBrunswick
Date Posted: 11 Dec 2009 at 8:37pm
At this point, I don't have much faith in any type of mailing system---I would have it all organized and take it with me as long as I didn't have an unreasonable amount that they would need extra time to go over. Iif you did mail it, I would keep a copy of all for your husband to take with him when he goes to interview.
Please have him prepared!  I wish we could do ours over.

Posted By: hazangel
Date Posted: 12 Dec 2009 at 11:01am
I think Crappra has been "out to lunch" for a long time, nevermind taking the Holidays off..If we dont hear from them this week, I guess I will be seeing my husband some time in the new year..Perhaps they will bless us on our 5 YEAR WEDDING ANNIVERSARY on Jan 10..Not holding my breathe for that either.I guess we all just have to remember they are doing it for our own protection..HA!!!!!Ouch!

symbol of endurance and resourcefulness
"An individual who wears this symbol suggests that he has endured many adversities and outlasted much difficulty."

Posted By: N~Delta
Date Posted: 12 Dec 2009 at 1:16pm
I'm not sure how this bit of news will help your cases but i had no problems dealing with the Accra office during and after the interview..  The interview was tough but fair depending on your take..  Keep it simple and credible,study your case and be well prepared...
I landed a few days ago into a snowy Toronto. The landing process was short and quick.I was able to apply for the Ohip and Sin numbers at service Canada in Scarborough the following day. The driver's license people i was told are on strike but more importantly,the process looks daunting.. I am looking for solutions,ideas~please help..
Job options:I am a tradesman with a vast experience in Facilities Management /maintenance ,Gas,HVAC,Plmbing in the UK..  I have negotiated placement in a local training facility in Toronto to gain  G1 certification in gas.. It is a six months programme @ $7000 and the curriculum is approved by Tass. The only reason i am taking this route is to overcome the Canada experience jinx... Is this the right way to go....
Thanks and i look forward to your suggestions..

Posted By: hazangel
Date Posted: 13 Dec 2009 at 12:52pm
Everyone is different in their approach, but for me I think having my husband take some sort of schooling in Canada (whether it be mechanics, culinary, trades,medical) will be the best way to go. I believe it will be a bit of a struggle otherwise to obtain a decent paying job..
Even for myself, although educated in Canada (and a Canadian citizen) but having worked primarily in the US, I have found that my experience isnt taken into consideration here as far as pay scale. (which is quite funny to me because my experience while working in the US has been exceptional)..It is what it is, Canada has their own standards and it's about jumping the hoops and playing the game.
So, if one has the means, I think it's a good investment into the future to either upgrade your skills or find a new skill set that is marketable..(ie:with the aging population, the medical field may be the way to go).
Any other opinions out there?

symbol of endurance and resourcefulness
"An individual who wears this symbol suggests that he has endured many adversities and outlasted much difficulty."

Posted By: N~Delta
Date Posted: 14 Dec 2009 at 12:08am

hazangle,thanks... I have already paid for the gas programme and will start in March.My short term goal is  to establish some local contacts and leads through this process,especially seeing that most of the curriculum is field based....Low paying, dead~end jobs are not in my immediate plans...


Posted By: gggomez
Date Posted: 14 Dec 2009 at 10:55am
Ndelta, have you also checked other provinces in canada for work in this field! BC, youkon and Alberta are coming up with projects in this field. I don't know to much about ON though. Anyway check with you city hall for new and proposed projects that are happening in your area, it might be helpful to u.
cheers from the gambia

Posted By: yere
Date Posted: 14 Dec 2009 at 11:41am
Ndelta-Not sure what seemed daunting about the driver's lic. Though they are on strike there are 4-5 offices open that you can get some services at. My husband-who is a Ghanaian had to get a letter rom the Ghanaian High Commission saying his Ghana lic was legit. With that he was able to write the exam all Ontarians write to get their driver's permit (this is an exam on signs etc). Once you pass that you can practice drive with a someone else in the car (no driving on your own). The difference between those who have foreign lic is and canadians getting the permit for the first time is that you can move to step 2 immediately. That involves doing a driving test. Of course that part can't happen until the strike is over. 

Posted By: yere
Date Posted: 14 Dec 2009 at 11:44am
Ndelta-By the way you mentioned your experiences with accra weren't difficult-if you feel comfortable could you say a bit about your situation. Were you sponsored by your wife in canada? How long did it take? You mentioned Uk-were you living there? What country did you apply from?

Posted By: N~Delta
Date Posted: 14 Dec 2009 at 4:16pm

Thanks yere and gggomez... It took all of 12 months from the date Accra acknowledged receipt of my file to the interview,i was sponsored.

I was living and working in the UK albeit without status and only returned home(Nigeria)to attend the interview. All of the documents included in my petition were from the UK including academic credentials,taxes,bank and job details.I made her aware of my status in the UK and answered her questions honestly. My sponsor travelled to Accra with me but was not allowed into the interview room.She is a divorcee,10yrs older and fairly financially well off and no children.. She is caucasian and i'm Black.

I didn't have the benefit of a site like this before the interview and only prepared myself like i would for a job interiew. I was in a good employment in the UK as a shift engineer and could've continued in that capacity.So,coming to Canada wasn't looked upon as having any economic advantage. I left the interview knowing i have been accepted but had to wait 2  weeks for the re-do medical instructions to arrive in the post..
Hope this bit of information will help someone... Cheers.

Posted By: leappiah
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2009 at 12:11pm

It's way too quiet around here! There should definitely be some communication from Accra for SOME of us! Unless they've already left for the holidays... Wacko

My husband and children were able to do their medicals today. We got around the passport issue with a document that the clinic provided that is used as a stand-in passport, usually for people who's passport applications are still in process. He just had to take it to the courthouse to have it notarized/authenticated. Tomorrow he picks up his police certificate, so Monday he should be making a delivery to the HC. Guess we'll find out then if anybody is still working there, hehe.

Let's hope that these immigration officers are so refreshed from their holidays that they get really busy in January and those of us who are waiting for final word get it!

Posted By: suzieq616
Date Posted: 17 Dec 2009 at 1:14pm
Accra has had all our completed documents now for over 2 months and been in process for almost a month.  I ordered CAIPS that I hope to have sometime next week.  At least then I can see what they have actually done on the file and what the holdup might be.  Doesn't look like there will be any good news for us for Christmas or before the new year.

Posted By: hazangel
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2009 at 2:31pm

One year ago today we won our ADR..Cant believe I am still waiting to reunite with my husband.I suppose they are hoping we will throw in the towel.

Hopefully everyone votes on this poll..Looks like you can only vote once..If I could I would vote 365 times (amount of days waiting since winning appeal).Doubt voting changes anything, but it made me feel better. -
Hang in there everyone.This too shall pass

symbol of endurance and resourcefulness
"An individual who wears this symbol suggests that he has endured many adversities and outlasted much difficulty."

Posted By: suzieq616
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2009 at 2:48pm
One year.  That is horrible.  I hope you hear something positive soon.

Posted By: gggomez
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2009 at 3:27pm
hi everyone, I am still in the gambia! As I mentioned before my husband got an interview date but nothing was sent to his e-cas and he didnt recieve a letter yet, so I e mailed my MP and asked her to get the information for us. i emailed her on tuesday and she eailed me back today with a copy of the letter. Now we can move forward with booking his plane ticket to ghana. As suggested by members here we will send our compiled information proving our genuine relationship with my husband *in hand* and not by mail. What we have are copies of phone calls, copies of air line tickets and boarding passes, pasport pages showing my entry and exit, copies of money sent via westren union and gift reciepts. My only thing I have not together yet were my e mail chats, I have them all in order but I just want to know peoples opinion on how many chat logs should I send them. I read a post I think by kamjeet in another form and she stated that they put her IAD date to a full hearng due to the number of pages that she sent them. I don't want to over whelm them with too muh paper and put our case possibily furture behind. oh and how many pitures should we send

Posted By: N~Delta
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2009 at 3:55pm

The following are document/s i submitted to the Accra office on the date of my interview:

Copy of my inbox  showing sent/received mails from my wife.
Pictures taken with my wife and family members(6 Total)
Contract document from my employer showing my wife as beneficiary and next of kin.
If i were you,i will reconsider presenting the western union money receipts... I just don't see the relevance...

Posted By: GildaNewBrunswick
Date Posted: 18 Dec 2009 at 4:46pm
I hope the interview goes well and that you are enjoying your time with your husband---because right now I am really missing mine!
I never saved chats at all for our interview thus we are in the queue for ADR.  I think coming from West Africa depending on relationship strengths(as viewed by Immigration) you can determine whether to send the first page of all chats from relationship beginning or all for a certain period as I am now doing.  I only started end of may 09 but as time for my ADR approaches I will decide if I will send first page only.  In my case I feel they need to see the type of interactions.  Ours was considered a non genuine marriage.
You are not in the appeal stage so I don't think that will cause a problem for you.  Two members on here felt it may have caused their ADR to be put off to a full hearing but I don't have an opinion on that yet.
Senior members may have better idea on that.

Posted By: Stablous
Date Posted: 19 Dec 2009 at 12:05pm
I believe everything you have is in order.
At my interview in April, we submitted around 500 pages of saved chat. However, we recognised that questions based on the content of our chat would be fair game. Actually, that applies to everything you've ever presented to them.
Regarding Ndelta's comment about western union receipts, I'd say ideally the sent cash should count towards interdependence. If yours is a Caucasian woman - African man relationship then Accra would probably be more impressed if the caucasian was the dependent. So while it is not a definite landmine, I'd advise caution (with the volume maybe?) , and thats only if your situation is the type I referred to above.

Posted By: GildaNewBrunswick
Date Posted: 20 Dec 2009 at 7:12am
I agree with the financial interdependence being positive if the African man was sending money to his Caucasian wife but it is often the other way around.  So, yes, you have to be careful not to send too much and they will ask reasons for the money.  I have sent money(never requested by my husband) mainly for health issues because I felt he needed it and I will submit these with my appeal.  Others have cautioned me about the Western Union receipts but I have to find some ways to indicate interdependence.  I will use these receipts for my income tax also.
It is stressful to wait for an ADR date not knowing if they will later change that date or as another member on here had theirs cancelled on that date for reasons beyond the member's control.

Posted By: leappiah
Date Posted: 20 Dec 2009 at 6:32pm
Just my own personal experience with Western Union receipts. When we sent our original application, I sent just a few of the receipts from my husband's end. However, when he went for his interview, he made the mistake of taking every receipt from the time he sent me the application until his interview date (July to March). Considering that I send him money every two weeks, it amounted to quite a lot and caused a lot of questions from the IO. I think a few receipts over a wide period of time would be helpful, but unless the receipts go both ways, I would strongly discourage giving them everything you have. I believe this was one of the issues that caused 8 months of "investigation" on our file.

Posted By: hazangel
Date Posted: 21 Dec 2009 at 10:39am
FINALLY! FINALLY! FINALLY! My husband got his visa
He received an email late on Friday night (they had emailed the letter to a random email that he hardly uses). Over all these years, they have ALWAYS corresponded to us through the same email address. On this special day, they decided to send the letter to an email that they had never used  before ( I found that strange).
Anyways, he was in line at 0730 this morning amongst about 50 people.. Once the HC let them in, they were able to hand in their passport with 2 photos..At 1130am they told them to come back at 230pm. Once he arrived back at 230pm, they were made to queue up again and about 30min after that, my husband was given his visa!!!
It's been a very long, very difficult journey, but it is FINALLY (almost) over for us..I will believe it when he gets off that plane at Pearson and I can see his 6'4" frame and his big beautiful grin.Then I will know we can finally live our lives together..
Thank you all for your support..Lord knows I vented enough, but it was good to know that a lot of you understood where my frustrations were coming from.
I hope to hear good news from you guys very soon.

symbol of endurance and resourcefulness
"An individual who wears this symbol suggests that he has endured many adversities and outlasted much difficulty."

Posted By: Can_Zim
Date Posted: 21 Dec 2009 at 10:55am
hazangel, CONGRATS!!!!!!!!  i'm tearing upEmbarrassed!!!  i've been following your posts and have really been hoping for good news for you two soon!!!  best xmas present EVER!!!!!   sooooo happy for you.  enjoy your holidays, knowing that you'll be together SOON!!!!  love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted By: leappiah
Date Posted: 21 Dec 2009 at 10:56am
HAZEL! I am SO excited for you! I actually just got a call from my husband, who was also at the HC today submitting his documents. He said they were handing out visas like candy and it was all so exciting. I wish I'd known your husband was there - they could have met up! Oh, how exciting this is for you! I'm almost in tears. Wow, wow, wow! Let us know how things go as far as travel plans. Wow! I imagine you'll get to be together for your anniversary! I'm seriously squealing over here for you! This is so exciting!

Posted By: suzieq616
Date Posted: 21 Dec 2009 at 1:10pm
Oh, Hazel, I am just getting chills thinking of how great this Christmas will be for you.  Hallelujah, it is over for you!!

Posted By: maks
Date Posted: 21 Dec 2009 at 3:08pm
Congratulations Hazangel. I am so happy for you.Kindly relax and enjoy this Christmas with your hubby. The lord has done you well. cheers

Posted By: Oheneba
Date Posted: 21 Dec 2009 at 4:03pm
Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas hazangel.  This is is the best Christmas gift ever after 4 long yrs.
Unto God we give Thanks
Woman! may you be fruitful with beautiful canadian Children when thou meet thy Husband AmenSmileThumbs Up

Freedom is To Do What you Like
Happiness is to Like What you Do!!

Posted By: leappiah
Date Posted: 21 Dec 2009 at 4:40pm
Oheneba... you make me laugh! LOL Any news from you?

Posted By: hazangel
Date Posted: 21 Dec 2009 at 4:57pm

Thank you all for your kind words.

Ohen my brother, you are a jokesta!! I will be checking in to ensure you hear good news soon.That B/Forward date is quickly approaching.

symbol of endurance and resourcefulness
"An individual who wears this symbol suggests that he has endured many adversities and outlasted much difficulty."

Posted By: mcneil
Date Posted: 21 Dec 2009 at 4:57pm


Been reading your threads- what awesome news............CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!, well deserved girl. What a Xmas present. GOOD LUCK!

Posted By: GildaNewBrunswick
Date Posted: 21 Dec 2009 at 5:45pm
I am so happy for you!  You have had a long difficult journey.  Keep us posted on your husband's arrival.

Posted By: PeopleSpeakOut
Date Posted: 21 Dec 2009 at 6:50pm

Hi Hazel:

I am delighted by this wonderful news.  May God continue to bless you and your family.  The best of life is yet to be!  Merry Christmas and a Happy, Happy New Year!!!

"The Lord Is My Light And My Salvation"

Posted By: Stablous
Date Posted: 21 Dec 2009 at 11:20pm

Congratulations hazangel. Your energy is definitely exemplary. I am sure you guys will outlast a lot more than this Smile

Posted By: hazangel
Date Posted: 22 Dec 2009 at 3:02pm
Thanks so much again you guys.
I think everyone on here will agree that getting through this process prepares you for the other challenges you may face as a couple. My husband and I say "we are joined at the hip" FOREVER now..LOL
I will definately keep everyone posted re:his landing experience.

symbol of endurance and resourcefulness
"An individual who wears this symbol suggests that he has endured many adversities and outlasted much difficulty."

Posted By: gggomez
Date Posted: 22 Dec 2009 at 3:04pm
congrats hazangle, God bless u both. Have a wonderful journey through live with your husband.

Posted By: morenikim
Date Posted: 22 Dec 2009 at 8:52pm
I've got good news!!..i think...anyways i checked our file online and i see ''decision made'' this is been on for 9 solid years of heartache and pain and fustration!!..

2002 begin inland sponsorship
2003 spouse deported to Nigeria
 re-applied for sponsorshipjuly 2005 ( Lot of immigration issues btw 2003 and 2005)
october 2006..refusal
october  2006..appealled
April 2009..approved appeal
july 2009..file sent back to accra
August 2009...medical and every pssible document request from us! (ARC, Deportaion fee to be refunded by us..etc..list goes on!)..
Dec status says ''decision made''. visa office will contact you soon!!!!!

I hope/know this HAS to be a good news!!!!!

Posted By: suzieq616
Date Posted: 22 Dec 2009 at 8:57pm
Wow, you have really been in the process for a long time.  I hope very much that you do get good news soon.

Posted By: morenikim
Date Posted: 22 Dec 2009 at 9:23pm
@ hazangel...
MY motto is: If  canada immigration did not tear you apart..nothing else can!

MY motto is: If canada immigration can not tear you apart..nothing else can!

Posted By: leappiah
Date Posted: 23 Dec 2009 at 9:56am
wow, morenikim, that is an insane amount of time to have to deal with this crap. Hoping this is good news for you... it's certainly about time! Keep us updated as you find out!

Posted By: gggomez
Date Posted: 27 Dec 2009 at 11:35am
hi everyone, hope ya all had a wonerful holiday. I have a question! I expressed to my husband that we shouldn't take any of our chats to his interview that show the negative side of our conversations and he said that we should that it shows that we are normal, that couples do have arguments and thats just a part of marriage. What do you think about this. please let me know how much details we should give or not give within our chats or e mails.

Also we have another issue. My husband thinks that his e mails between us has been hacked into. He showed me many e mails that we sent to each other as being redirected to his inbox back to his box as a notification of failure. He also told me that he got two phone calls at one point from someone in ghana asking questions rather personal ones. The person on the phone did not say who they were but my husband dismissed the calls nicely and hung up. Do you think that this may be part of their investigation into his file? has this happened to anyone before?

Posted By: suzieq616
Date Posted: 29 Dec 2009 at 8:06pm
Got my CAIPS notes today.  They have made a few notations about some changes that have occurred since our last application and then said that made a notation that medicals be issued and that IMM0008 needs to be completed in full.  We had already done this and sent it to them.  And then they said my husband's passport had expired.  In their own notes, they have recorded that they had received the updated passport page that I had sent them.  Man, these people seem so incompetent.  Anyhow, our BF date is January 15 which isn't that far away.  Hope they find our documents by then.

Posted By: hazangel
Date Posted: 30 Dec 2009 at 2:33pm
That place is a HOT MESS!!! As of this past Monday, my husband's ecas changed to
"medicals received.A decision has been made and we will contact you". This is 3 weeks after he received his visa. 
Everything will show up on your file, it will just take them some time.The only thing I will say is that they may ask him to redo one of the forms (dont remember what IMM form it is right now.It may be the IMM0008) because they want his work history completely up to date (not like they verify anything), but it seems to be a stickler of theirs. Hang in there..I am hoping 2010 is the year they get it together.
Morenikim-I must say I agree with your motto!
gggomez-not sure about that phone call, but I wouldnt put anything past them. My husband didnt receive any such calls.I would say to just include emails that are positive (but not too flowery)..Seems like they can take any one "negative" email and make it an issue. Perhaps others can expand.My husband and I lived together for most of the process, so we did not include many emails/chat logs..

symbol of endurance and resourcefulness
"An individual who wears this symbol suggests that he has endured many adversities and outlasted much difficulty."

Posted By: suzieq616
Date Posted: 30 Dec 2009 at 3:01pm
Hazangel, we just completed the IMM 008 with as up to date info as there is.  This just a month before they look at the file.  And we haven't received any requests for any kind of forms even though someone was supposed to contact us with requests.  So maybe they saw they were there and decided not to.  Who knows?  I have asked my MP's office to contact them to see if those forms actually are there and they are just so imcompetent that they can't find them.  They were right with the forms that KS (yep, dear old Karen Salloum from the first time) looked at for our file.  Boy, their inaffectiveness just ticks me off!!

Posted By: maks
Date Posted: 30 Dec 2009 at 3:58pm
Hello Brothers and sisters in the forum, if you discover that you made a mistake in the form(Additional family IMM 5406) Signed where we are not supposed to sign, can we fill  the form again and send to them even if the immigration has not requested for it yet?
 All the answers are appreciated

Posted By: yere
Date Posted: 30 Dec 2009 at 11:18pm
GGG-I would not include any negative emails. And I would limit the amount of what I send as they can misconstrue (sp?) anything/everything.
Maks-where are you in the process? I would send a corrected form if it is in Accra already (if only in Miss not sure if they would get it). Anyway I guess it doesn't hurt to send it to Miss...   

Posted By: maks
Date Posted: 31 Dec 2009 at 7:23am

Posted By: maks
Date Posted: 31 Dec 2009 at 7:24am
Thanks Yere, yes, it is already in process in Accra. I am looking forward to hearing from them soon by God's grace.

Posted By: yere
Date Posted: 31 Dec 2009 at 11:28am
Maks-in that case I'd sent it with your file number and an explanation to Accra

Posted By: hazangel
Date Posted: 31 Dec 2009 at 7:00pm


symbol of endurance and resourcefulness
"An individual who wears this symbol suggests that he has endured many adversities and outlasted much difficulty."

Posted By: Oheneba
Date Posted: 01 Jan 2010 at 3:50pm
HappY New Year Everyone!

May God bring Swift Changes to the Accra visa offices through the arm of Parliament, so that cases may be processed faster than before, so that the sanctity of Marriage as ordained by God and put together by God will be free from the manipulative hands of the half hearted visa officers. Amen!!!

Freedom is To Do What you Like
Happiness is to Like What you Do!!

Posted By: morenikim
Date Posted: 01 Jan 2010 at 7:41pm

MY motto is: If canada immigration can not tear you apart..nothing else can!

Posted By: morenikim
Date Posted: 01 Jan 2010 at 7:42pm
Originally posted by Oheneba Oheneba wrote:

HappY New Year Everyone!

May God bring Swift Changes to the Accra visa offices through the arm of Parliament, so that cases may be processed faster than before, so that the sanctity of Marriage as ordained by God and put together by God will be free from the manipulative hands of the half hearted visa officers. Amen!!!


MY motto is: If canada immigration can not tear you apart..nothing else can!

Posted By: gggomez
Date Posted: 04 Jan 2010 at 3:10pm
I just wanted to mention that my husband to this date has not received a letter from accra for an interview date nor has anything been posted on his e-case. With that being said they posted his interview date on my e-case with just the date of the interview and thats it. I e-mailed my MP and she e-mailed them and they sent a letter through her stating the date and time. I am just wondering if this has happened to anyone? also do you think that we can just use the letter that my MP sent me. The only problem with that is when you go to print it out it doesn't have the letter head on it showing that it is from accra! whatda ya think folks. Also I wanted to ask has anyone had to contact them to confirm their interview date and if so how do you go about doing that in such notice. And they are already difficult to get a hold of as it is!

Posted By: gggomez
Date Posted: 04 Jan 2010 at 3:11pm
And by the way! where is everyone?

Posted By: suzieq616
Date Posted: 04 Jan 2010 at 3:24pm
Right now, I am so ticked off at Accra.  I received a request today to redo our IMM 008 forms and medicals.  It just blows my mind how these people can screw with our lives like this.
For our interview, they originally sent us a letter by email stating a date that was on a Saturday.  I sent a case specific enquiry asking about this and they changed the date to a Monday.

Posted By: leappiah
Date Posted: 04 Jan 2010 at 3:37pm
Gggomez, my husband had 10 days warning for his interview; he was notified by phone and then received an email a few days before he went. He didn't get a physical copy of the letter until after his interview. As far as I know, he just took a print-out of the email request along, but I don't think anybody even asked him for it. His may have been a peculiar case as we found out eight months after his interview that he wasn't ever supposed to have one, so who knows what those crackheads were doing. Other than telling the person who called him on the phone that he would definitely be at the interview, we didn't do any kind of confirming for the interview.
Suzie, you already sent in updated forms and medicals, didn't you? (Sorry to have to ask... there's a bunch of you in the appeal process and I get confused as to who's doing what!) Do you have some kind of confirmation of receipt from Accra that can be sent in response to their request? 

Posted By: suzieq616
Date Posted: 04 Jan 2010 at 3:45pm
We did send in the updated forms including the medical.  I have CAIPS notes that say that they received the updated forms but they didn't itemize them.  We do have a copy of the medical form that shows we did do our new medicals.  My husband made a copy of that before sending the package to them.

Posted By: leappiah
Date Posted: 04 Jan 2010 at 3:48pm
Erg, how frustrating. It seems like Accra is just way to easily confused. Hopefully they'll just go ahead and process things regardless of the request they sent out.

Posted By: hazangel
Date Posted: 04 Jan 2010 at 4:25pm
I feel your frustrations, Suzie (and everyone). It is like going up a hill with a giant rock.
The good thing is that you have proof of doing the medical, so email Accra or better yet,have your MP or Minister of Immigration email them to let them know that it is done.I remember reading somewhere that they dont open attachments, so maybe your MP can send the information for you and will be better able to relay the message that the medical is sitting on someone's desk in ParisEvil Smile.
What I have learned is to keep communication to a minimum and stick to the point with these people because they will take any little word/phrase and interpret it differently and that can add unneccesary waiting to an already long process.

symbol of endurance and resourcefulness
"An individual who wears this symbol suggests that he has endured many adversities and outlasted much difficulty."

Posted By: GildaNewBrunswick
Date Posted: 04 Jan 2010 at 4:30pm
I responded elsewhere

Posted By: morenikim
Date Posted: 04 Jan 2010 at 8:04pm
Originally posted by suzieq616 suzieq616 wrote:

Right now, I am so ticked off at Accra.  I received a request today to redo our IMM 008 forms and medicals.  It just blows my mind how these people can screw with our lives like this.
For our interview, they originally sent us a letter by email stating a date that was on a Saturday.  I sent a case specific enquiry asking about this and they changed the date to a Monday. and me both!..i just received the same letter saying to redo the IMM8 schedule section 11 as we did not fully detail my husband where about in the last 10 years. we did!!!....oohh i wanna punch sumbody so bad..who are this this even legal? God!..All this is after post on ecap>>>>>>>>>Decision made. we will contact done trying to figure out this fools...God's time is the i'll just wait.......again

MY motto is: If canada immigration can not tear you apart..nothing else can!

Posted By: yere
Date Posted: 04 Jan 2010 at 11:07pm
Suz and Morenikim-Don't want to make light about Accra's a hole/disorganized behaviour but as far as all the cases that mention the step you are at (asking for that form to be filled out) including my own husband, this is the last step (usually). So I think your nightmare is coming to an end.
I suggest that if your mates are flying from Nigeria start looking at flight routes that have nothing to do with the US or Britain.
Hang in there. Good luck.

Posted By: N~Delta
Date Posted: 05 Jan 2010 at 12:06am
You all know what the score is with Accra,get there if you can for the interview~the MP's office has provided you the dates and time,,,,good luck..

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