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Cuban sisters re-unite!!!!

Printed From: Canada Immigration and Visa Discussion Forum
Category: Canada Immigration Topics
Forum Name: Family Class Sponsorship
Forum Description: A review of current sponsorship programs (permanent residence) promoting the reunion in Canada of close relatives from abroad.
Printed Date: 13 Jun 2024 at 4:27am

Topic: Cuban sisters re-unite!!!!
Posted By: bellacini
Subject: Cuban sisters re-unite!!!!
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 9:52am
Where did our page go?  How do I find you all?  I am not very adept on the computer...and am lost.  Please help???

Posted By: Emad
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 10:12am
The old forum has been archived and set as read-only. You can still access the thread you were participating in at - . However you will not be able to post anything in the old forum anymore. 

All the members will be notified soon regarding the forum switch and hopefully your discussions will continue in the new forum. 

Posted By: dea
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 12:25pm
Thank you Emad.
Hi bellacini,
Yesterday I sent all our cuban friends an e-mail letting them know where we are.
Esquivel should be joining us soon.
How are things with you??

Posted By: bellacini
Date Posted: 30 Nov 2009 at 1:25pm
Hello Dea:

Thank God, we are still here...I would really, really miss the connection, if we weren't able to communicate.  I am doing better...each day; does get a little easier. (I know that you know how it is).  I have completed all of the necessary paperwork/changes, regarding my father's death, so, that is a relief.  We are just waiting for find out what kind of income supplements my mother will be eligible for, now that my father's CPP will be reduced (I never knew is absolutely criminal), and she will be without his Old Age Security.  I was really shocked to find out that my mom's CPP 'survivor's benefit will only be (about 60% of what my dad received??)...and to which he contributed to, since its inception.  It will make a huge difference to my mom's income, so, fingers crossed on the absolute maximum eligibility for ANY sort of supplements.  Even IF she receives some supplementation, I am pretty certain that she will (still) need to move into a one bedroom apartment, as it is a whooping $300 difference per month.  After my husband is here, and working, we will (of course), contribute, as much as we are able to. 

I had my first 'day off', since the beginning of September, and started to really prepare our 'nest', for my husband.  I have a huge pile of 'stuff' that I am getting rid of, as well, my 21 year old son has (finally) moved out the remainder of his 'stuff', so I can really start to organize.  There are alot of things that I want to get done, but, I am not in a panic about anything.  "We' can do, (whatever is required), when he is here.  I am hoping that our file will be dealt with very soon.  If I am remembering correctly; Nikima's file started to be processed the beginning of September, and Sita1976's, the beginning of October??  Our letter from the Embassy, is dated September 30th, so, (IF, IF, IF  there is any rhyme or reason) to how they process, I imagine, we should be hearing soon?  (Or, we can what until our DNR date of March, 2010------please God, NO!!!!)   From all the information that I have researched/read about/heard about...I believe that our file is complete?  My husband has pre-applied for his PRE, we just need the e-ticket and for him to remove himself from the ration system.  I was lucky enough to have Salsaj 'hook me up' with a woman, from Montreal, who is going to Cuba on Wednesday...and I will be couriering her our updated (copies) of our emails and phone bills, and will be bringing them all to my husband, in Havana.  Yeah!!!!  from what I have ascertained, the 'phone calls' seem to come from the Embassy on Fridays (usually?), and their 'appointments' at the Embassy, the following Wednesdays?  I have guarded optimism that we 'should' be hearing any Friday...and God will be just a matter of paperwork, from there.  Of course, IF they want an interview, (I believe?) that they schedule those 3 weeks in advance.  I feel confident that (even if there is an interview), we certainly have enough evidence to prove a 'genuine relationship', but, of course, none of us can assume anything. With aninterview, it really seems to be 'out of our hands', and it's a factor, that I simply do not what to have to be worried about.

This not knowing...this waiting game is absolute torture, as you know all too well.  Take care my friend...

Posted By: esquivel
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 4:28pm
Hey Bellcini OMG I found you woo hoo hoo
I added a forum too under CUBA PRE PVE WE ARE BACK
in case we loose each other again
I hope the others find us
Love Esquivel
Hope this message finds you well?


Posted By: esquivel
Date Posted: 01 Dec 2009 at 4:44pm
oh I see up top Dea is here also woo hoo hoo!!! were getting back together girls yippy
Glad to read your in clean up mode Bellacini. Me too my room mate moved out Friday so I know have my office back woo hoo hoo! now just need to get the daughter out I lkeep posting notes on the fridge RENT due today $350 so far she has removed them all and thrown them away.
My husband was a bit angry today he missed work because one of the dogs got out on the loose in the street so by the time he found him he was too late to go to work the guys had left already He was going to do some extra work on his days off with the guy who first hired him. So needless to say he is home and a little bit miffed but still happy to see me. I am tiered after only getting 4 hours of sleep I was overnighting in Saskatoon 2 hours different in time. Then my son called last  night at 11.30pm  thinking I was home which would have been 9.30pm Vancouver time.
After that yet another phone call hubby's boss so needless to say got back to sleep around midnight and my wake up call was 4am uuch!
Just had another blow up with my daughter like 10 mins ago she is beaking off at me about having to pay rent blah blah blah what about your husband WTF does he pay. Well that is not her business what he pays she wants to stay living at home not in school anymore then Rent is due. so there. Sorry personally venting grrrrrrrr Im miffed at her right now as she has no respect for me or my husband at all.
Anyway I glad we are back all us girls
chat again soon


Posted By: salsaj
Date Posted: 03 Dec 2009 at 11:03am
Finally... I am back ! I was lost in this new forum. Hope everybody is well ! Nikima, does you and your husband find a way to reunited yourself soon ?

Our file sent to Havana 2009- sept 12
AOR received from Havana 2009- oct 04
Visa 2010- 28 of january
Landed in Québec 2010- 8 of march
Three years done !

Posted By: bellacini
Date Posted: 03 Dec 2009 at 12:05pm
Hola mi amigas:

Just an update:
File received by CIC in Mississauga:  August 18, 2009
File received in Havana "In Process':  September 30th, 2009
"DND" date March 23, 2010
(3 and 1/2 months since application submitted)

I called my MP's (Member of Parliament's) office on Tuesday, and received a call back yesterday.  I was curious to know if she was able to obtain any information on what is happening with our file/what 'stage' they are at/IF they require anything further, etc.  I had also asked if the Embassy would consider looking at our file (from a Humanitarian and Compassionate perspective), given my father's recent passing.  It was a very interesting call.  First, she said that the Embassy does not ever look at files from a H & C perspective, that is just a fact Jack!  She said: "I am going to tell you something that freaks out a lot of people, but, which is, actually very good news".  I'll bite.....she said, that there were absolutely no 'notes' on our file, and what that (indicated to her) was that the file had been reviewed, and there was not anyhting else that they were requiring, (at this point in time).  She said that if there are a number of 'notes' on the file, (for example--needs new medical---needs more proof of relationship, etc.), these would be causes for delays.  She felt that, by having no 'notes', it indicated that our file (was considered) to be complete, and we are just in 'wait mode'.  Now, of course, the file can still sit on someone's desk until our DNR date of March 23, 2010.  She said that they will not create a "Bring Forward Date" until the 5 month period has passed.  She based this on the usual processing time of 5-7 months (for Havana), and told me to call her back, on Jan. 18, 2010, if we had not heard anyhting.  She said, at this point (the 5 month mark), they would have to come up with a "Bring Forward Date', which is a date, whereby the file must be looked at, and dealt with.  Although, the Embassy has every right, to continue 'sitting on our file", until January 18, 2010, I found it very encouraging to know that there were no 'notes' on our file.  Having your MP make inquiries does not jeopardize (or piss off anyone), as it is within our rights, to do so, and go through this proper channel/protocol.  Of course, I have absolutely no idea if this phone call, from a diplomatic source will hasten the processing of our file, but, as she told me, it certainly doesn't hurt anything.  Knowing that Nikima and Sita1976's husband's had recently received their visas, (and having their applications submitted in fairly close proximity), does make me feel a little more confident.  Although, that being said, it can also mean absolutely nothing.  But, atleast I know, (for this moment in time) the Embassy is not questioning or requiring anything further from us, as so, I am optimistically hoping that this means, that someone/anyone will soon be picking up our file, and phoning my husband.  I have a 'feeling' that he will receive the phone call (either) this Friday, or the following, but, I really know absolutely nothing.  I don't know if this is simply wishful thinking, or an actual 'sense' that something is 'in the air'.  God, I hate speculating!!!!  I hope everyone is well....any updates from anyone...on anything??

Posted By: esquivel
Date Posted: 03 Dec 2009 at 12:47pm
Oh that is great new Bellacini.
It does help getting the infor from you MP it shows the immigration office your not just lying around waiting that you are seriously wanting your husband and your marriage to start today not in a few months. I can safely say your there my friend 99.9% your done and he will be hearing from the embassy soon. Woo hoo hoo!!
Keep me posted okay
Welcome back Salsaj happy to see you hear yippy


Posted By: salsaj
Date Posted: 03 Dec 2009 at 1:51pm
Hola amigas...  If there is no notes about new proofs of relationship Havana is very cool ! Much more cool than I was thinking ! it is sound like your MP looks at yours CAIPS notes.... they tell something that don't means nothing afterall.... Let's see what the future will bring to us now, we don't have the choice anyway. Bellacini, sooner you write that you were suppose to go back to Havana next enero to wait with your husband, do I dream or I see this in the forum ?  This should help this wait under the sun with your husband ! And in january, just 2 months left for our "no disturb date" ... Trust me if at this date we did not hear about nothing  I am going to knock and very loud, at every doors I can... 

Our file sent to Havana 2009- sept 12
AOR received from Havana 2009- oct 04
Visa 2010- 28 of january
Landed in Québec 2010- 8 of march
Three years done !

Posted By: bellacini
Date Posted: 03 Dec 2009 at 3:07pm
Hola mis amigas:
Salsaj:  No, you were not dreaming, I did say that I might be able to go to Cuba in January (and wait with my hubbie), if we had still not heard from the Embassy.  Of course, I would rather be there (with him), than alone here (in the cold) alone.  However, with my father's passing, there has been a whole can of worms opened up. I just found out, that my parents had declared bankruptcy last year, and the small, small life insurance policy that my father had, may be taken by the bankruptcy trustee, and maybe my mother's CPP death benefit and her portion of his CPP pension??  This has come out of nowhere, completely changes everything, and has me scrambling for answers.  I don't see how they (the bankruptcy trustee) can take my mother's income, my lord, she has to live, but, I don't know the 'in's and out's' of the bankruptcy process.  At this moment in time, she will not have enough to pay her Janaury rent, and we have an appointment with the trustee next week.  Never mind, the freekin shock of finding out they had declared bankruptcy.  My head is spinning, to say the least.  I have 3 siblings; one that lives in Edmonton (and, is useless as tits on a nun), one that lives in Ottawa, and my sister , who lives in Greece.  For the past 20 years, I have been the only child that ever does anything (translation-everything) for my parents, and not one of them, has offerred to help(contribute)....with anything!! It is beyond my comprehension.  My sister is very rich, she owns a million euro property in the Beverly Hills of Atnes, has a summer home on the island of Mykonos...and nothing?!?!  My brother is a radio talk show host in Ottawa, makes about $100,000 a year...and nothing.  My brother , here, is a drunk and completely useless.  I live on a very modest disablity pension, yet, I am always the one to chip in.  It makes no sense, and I am feeling completely frustrated, by the entire situation.  Oh well, I just needed to vent, for a moment.

Yes, I was very pleased to have spoken with this woman from my MP's office.  Presumably, she was able to access the Caips notes, and I am thrilled to see there was nothing on the news is good news.  All I can do is assume that; there not being any notes, indicates that they do not require anything further...and we are simply waiting for 'the call'.  Of course, assuming anything in this process, is probably not the wisest of decisions.  I have no way of knowing, if her inquiry, will 'put a fire under their butts', or if it was just an internal inquiry, without the Emabssy really being aware of it.  What I mean by that, is this:  if it were an inquiry from one Candian dept. to another Cdn. dept., Havana may not even be aware of the inquiry, thus, it really having no impact on how soon they process our file.  IF, however, the call was actually speaking with a human being at the Havana Embassy, it 'may' get the ball rolling...afterall, if they are not requesting anything further, then, "let's rock and roll" my friends.  Of course, sheer speculation on my part...(OOOPPPSSS!)...which can ultimitely contribute to my own personal state of insanity.  Of course, it is logical that IF they require nothing esle from us, they need simply to call my husband.  But, we have all spent enough time in Cuba, to know that it may not be the case, nor, does anything need to proceed logically.  Oh God, I am really driving my self crazy, aren't I???  Yes.  Like I said, I have been having a really strong 'feeling' (even before I made the call) that my husband would be receiving 'the call', (either) this week, or next?  It will be very interesting to see if that 'feeling' was justified...real.....authentic...or wishing and hoping?

I need to breathe and have faith......Take good care my friends!!!!!!

Posted By: salsaj
Date Posted: 03 Dec 2009 at 3:45pm
I hope for you that your feeling was right you deserve it a lot after all happens in your life lately, (my god !)  I think it is your turn now for being happy and fast !!! Give us news if your husband received a call !!!

Our file sent to Havana 2009- sept 12
AOR received from Havana 2009- oct 04
Visa 2010- 28 of january
Landed in Québec 2010- 8 of march
Three years done !

Posted By: babycakes
Date Posted: 04 Dec 2009 at 3:07pm
Hello....I thought that I would join all of are my timelines:
Received Mississauga: August 28, 2009
Sponsorship Approved: September 29, 2009
Start Processing in Havana October 21, 2009
Hubby received call November 04, 2009: Document request for new phone bills
DND-April 2010


Posted By: salsaj
Date Posted: 04 Dec 2009 at 10:38pm
Hola babycakes !  Nice to have you here, you mean they request new phone bills for the period after you send your files to Mississauga ? Thanks to inform me ...

Our file sent to Havana 2009- sept 12
AOR received from Havana 2009- oct 04
Visa 2010- 28 of january
Landed in Québec 2010- 8 of march
Three years done !

Posted By: bellacini
Date Posted: 05 Dec 2009 at 11:34am
Welcome Babycakes!!!!  I too am curious (like Salsaj)....were they asking your husband for phone bills, since you sent in your application?  Or, was it just for phone bills, that they want to have in your file, (that, presumably were missing?). 

Question to all:  I have sent all of the copies of our emails/phone bills, etc (Since our application date--to CIC--- of August 18th), to Havana for my husband.  I am thinking of asking my husband to bring them directly to the Embassy, so that they have them (in their hot little hands), and are 'reminded' of our file.  Rather than, simply wait (passively) for someone/somewhere to call my husband?!  As I have indicated before, (after speaking with my Member of Parliament), our file does not appear to have any 'notes', which (both, my MP and I, think...) means that there is nothing further that they require?  And, so, I am of the mind, that bringing all of these (up to date) copies, will really 'complete' the file, and get someone (hopefully?) to look at (and act on) our file?  IF there are no 'notes' on our file....(assuming that indicates that our file is complete?), then, 'it' --- our file --- is simply sitting on someone's desk?   I know, I have said before that speculating is neither useful, or healthy...yet, here I am doing it again?!  But, seriously...since we have received no communication, (asking for further documentation or clarification), I think, (I am fairly safe in assuming)...that...our just laying somewhere...and, (by bringing in all of the updated information), it 'should' get someone/ look at, and process (CALL MY HUSBAND!!).  Our file has been at the Embassy since Sept. 23rd...I have seen others' husband receive their visas (well within our timeframe)....entonces....'they' need a reminder.  Even in Cuban terms, I cannot see it doing any harm, and only 'reminding' them, that we are here...we have submitted all that requires...and, to give my husband his freekin visa!!! 


Posted By: salsaj
Date Posted: 05 Dec 2009 at 12:08pm

I tell you what I think Bellacini. When we were at the embassy in october for asking for the visitor visa for my husband, we bring all new proofs ( tel bills, emails plane tickets ) and the woman there said we have to received news from them before to give them anything else that we sent with the main application. So we bring all evidences back at home with us ... The only thing they told us , was to bring on the next visit of my husband at the embassy, 4 pictures for the visa ( they are different that the application sponcering format).  So ... I hope it helps you a little.  I really don't know how they work in that office and god, I really would like to know !!!

Our file sent to Havana 2009- sept 12
AOR received from Havana 2009- oct 04
Visa 2010- 28 of january
Landed in Québec 2010- 8 of march
Three years done !

Posted By: esquivel
Date Posted: 05 Dec 2009 at 1:49pm
okay girls listen up
this is what the embassy looks for
after the files arrive they go through all your paper work photos phone bills visits places you have been together. hotels or homes you have stayed in together. Basically they are what they are looking for is that you act live eat and breath like a married couple.
People that have met you for example his family his freinds his co-workers. People that have had the chance to meet for example your family or friends etc. I was lucky my daughter came with me the first trip so she had met him. Two of my best freinds met my husband at my wedding in Cuba as did their boyfriends. Then a few of my other freinds went on Vacation to Varadero. So my husband met up with them while they were there and took pictures with them I sent in pictures of me with them from Canada, so see what im getting at? here is me with my friends her is my husband again with my friend blah blah blah. Big smile 
If, yes if they need any additional information then they will call your husband and ask him to bring that with him the day of his interview or daythey schedule him to come and pick up his Visa. Basically this information is anything that you have not given them in your initial package the one they receive in Havana. Plus they want to see if after your package was submitted if you have continued your relationship or not. Thats why any updates are important. I f you are unable to get back to Cuba to gve these documents to you husband then you can always fax them to the embassy they will add them to your file that way. That is what I did. I took some down with me from February then I went back in May and those photos from May after they had been developed were faxed into the embassy along with the hotel we stayed at etc etc. Hope I am making sence here? Tongue
On the other hand if they do not need any additional information you probably will not hear anything back from them untill the day they ccontact your husband to come to Havana. At that point he will be asked to bring his passport with him to the embassy.Big smile
In the interview they asked my husband the names of my children how old they are. They asked him what I did for work, when and where we met, who proposed to who. That was it.
He said it was very easy and his interview was done in Spanish so he did not need a translator at all like they mention in the paper work. Smile
I actually sent him a list of questions that they may possibly ask him which I downloaded off of the from the internet. I completed all the questions and then I filled ou tthe answers for him in Spanish of course and English as well. He didnt need them after all but it was good for him to be will prepared.
After the interview is completed they ask them to hand in their passports and then they have to leave the embassy for 2-3 hours they are then told to come back at which time they are given their Visa's.
That time is the most stressful because I knew he had the interview he called me right after but then he told me he staill did not have his Visa my heart dropped. I asked how the interview went he said fine. Then why dont you have the Visa? I dont know he said I have to come back in 2-3 hours. Omg !!! YOU GO NUTSO waiting let me tell you that. After he returend to the embassy he was called into a room and given all his paper work back all the photos, phone bills everything that you send into the embassy and he was handed his Visa. WOO HOO HOO!LOL
The next step then for them is to return home and go get their PRE put into their passports. If they have pre applied that helps as it only takes a few extra days. They also have to remove themsleves of of the ration book and they have to hand in the ID cards. At the embassy when handing in their passports to affix the PRE they muct bring with them the airline ticket or E-ticket showing date of travel to Canada. The airline they must fly on is eith Air Canada or Cubanna NO other ailrien is accepted. They do not have to fly out of Havana only it can be any airport across Cuba.  Then badda bing badda boom they are or their way to be with us Clap
Hope this helps a little bit
oh Bellacini money from husband all sorted if you know what I meanClap


Posted By: bellacini
Date Posted: 05 Dec 2009 at 4:02pm
Salsaj and Esquivel:

To you both; a big old THANK YOU.  It is always so helpful to have 'first hand information', regarding the "who's/what's and where's".  Especially, knowing that Salsaj had actually brought in this same information...and they said, to wait until the Embassy calls her husband.  There is my answer right there!  I had forgotten that Esquivel's husband received his visa, just a few hours after his interview.  For some reason, I was thinking that IF there was an interview, it took a few weeks to get an actual answer.  So, this is all good information.  I too have emailed my husband a long list of potential questions, asked in an interview.    

I think I am just having a seriously long anxiety attack, now that all of the events (of the last few months, with my dad), are done...and, I have all of this 'extra time', and, I am alone (with my thoughts)...and the torture of 'the wait'.  But, as Esquivel has told us is all worth the be able to have our husbands next to us....whenever it is.

I am hoping that Nikima and Sita1976 find us here.  I'm wondering if Sita1976 has had her baby, and if everything is all lining up, for her husband to come to Canada. 

We have had a sh*tload of snow here (in Edmonton)...the roads are I am longing for Havana!!!!

So, once again, my appreciation to my Cuban sisters!

Posted By: salsaj
Date Posted: 07 Dec 2009 at 9:50am
Buen dia Bellacini, after an interview some have their visas, some don't. I know a woman in Montréal, her husband did have his interview in august, an they give him his visa in november ( crazy waiting !) after she called her MP...! could you believe this ??? But the good news is that now she have her husband with her at home for christmas...

Our file sent to Havana 2009- sept 12
AOR received from Havana 2009- oct 04
Visa 2010- 28 of january
Landed in Québec 2010- 8 of march
Three years done !

Posted By: bellacini
Date Posted: 09 Dec 2009 at 3:13pm
Hello ladies:

I am wondering if anyone knows what the normal waiting period is, (If you have already pre-applied for your PRE), once your husband has his visa, and has brought all of the required documentation to his Immigration office?  I have actually heard of others, whose husband's were able to pick up their PRE's, the day after they dropped all of the information/documents off?  Was this a very rare occurrence, or have other's heard of this (or experienced it?)  My husband is in Havana, and our experience has been that most offices are pretty quick?  I look forward to your feedback.

Any updates on anyone?  We are just waiting...and praying that this Friday is the day the he gets 'the call'.  I have noticed the vast majority of peoole seem to get their calls on Friday, for them to go to the Embassy the following Wednesday.  Interesting.......

Posted By: babycakes
Date Posted: 11 Dec 2009 at 2:17pm
Hello All!
Sorry but I have been off sick.....Havana requested copies of my husband's phonebills as they stated that my rogers phone bills did not show his number (bullsh*t!) of course they did.....I speak with my husband daily on the he had to bring them his phone call history from cubacel.....
I am frustrated....I know others that others sent in apllications around the same time as me and they have received their visa. This waiting is killing me!!!
Please let me know where others are at and any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


Posted By: bellacini
Date Posted: 11 Dec 2009 at 10:09pm

"Started processing in Havana October 21st".  I know the wait is absolute torture, but, most applications will be in Havana for atleast 3 months, more than likely 4-5 months.  Every once and a while, one or two, do get processed quicker than that, but, they are the exception.  I was totally shocked when I had seen Nikima and Sita1976's files get processed so quickly.  Trust me,t hey are the exception.  From the different sites that I have been on, about 4 months seems to be the average time that a file gets processed in Havana.  IF you think there is anything that you may not have included in your original application, get it and get it to the Embassy in Havana pronto.  From the timelines that I have followed, it's the delays that really make it torture.  So hang in my husband says to me: "Think like a Cuban"..patient...patinet...patinet.  It's a tall order, one that I am not used to, and one which I have very little practice.  But, I am has been 165 days since I have even SEEN my husband!!!!!!!!!!  I have (am) going through different levels of insanity, some days bareable, some not.  I just keep my eye on the prize, which to me, is my wonderful husband. 
Hang in there sweetie!

Posted By: babycakes
Date Posted: 14 Dec 2009 at 8:46am
thanks so much bellacini!Yes the waiting has been difficult BUT as you said keep an eye on the prize which is what we are doing. I am thinking of contacting my MP's office in the New-Year....just to find out if there are any notes on our file. I sponsored my previous husband 18 years ago and that seem to really help us when I contacted our gave us at least some did not speed up the process but it was wonderful to hear something. I cannot thank-you enough for your support!


Posted By: salsaj
Date Posted: 16 Dec 2009 at 10:13am
Amigas ...Christmas is coming soon.. I know that everyone of us were dreaming for the miracle to have our husband with us for this particular moment of the year... Maybe god do not want to send our husband in too much cold ???;) Anyway, I have the feeling now that we have going to wait for 2010 for the visas... Let's keep in touch please, I need your support, I am soooooooo tired of this waiting game. I know from the start that the average of visa's waiting is 5 months-6 months... but .... I have wish so hard for a 2 months waiting.... besos para todo!

Our file sent to Havana 2009- sept 12
AOR received from Havana 2009- oct 04
Visa 2010- 28 of january
Landed in Québec 2010- 8 of march
Three years done !

Posted By: bellacini
Date Posted: 22 Dec 2009 at 10:33am
Good morning Cuban sisters:

I hope everyone is doing well.  As always, I am ever so curious to hear about the adventures of those of you, whose husbands are already by your sides, and for whom this Christmas will be their first in Canada.  I am sure there are many wide-eyed Cubans, observing all of the decorations, lights and hustle and bustle around Christmas.  A beautiful Christmas to all of you; those with their spouses, and the rest of us, still waiting.

I have been emailing a member , from this forum, and I completely forgot that my husband already has his Liberation Letter, from his Ministry?  I had been wondering how long it would be, before we received his Liberation Letter (???), and had completely forgotten that he has had his Letter, for he has already pre-applied for his PRE. I really am losing my mind.  I must say, that after not seeing my husband (since our wedding in June)...176 days  (but, who's counting?!)..I am starting to feel as if 'it' all was a dream.  When I left Cuba on June 29, I had every intention of returning in November, and 'waiting it out' with my husband.  At that point in time, I simply could not imagine how I could bare waiting for 4 months, before seeing my husband again.  My father feel ill, and the last few months have been a complete blur, and I simply cannot fathom, that it has been (almost) 6 months, since I have seen him.  It's not necessary for me to expalin the absolute and utter angst, that I am feeling, without him by my side, and no 'real' plans on when I will see him again. 

Application submitted to CIC:  August 18, 2009
Sponsorship approved:  Sept. 15, 2009
Started processing in Havana:  Sept. 30, 2009

I have made 2 calls to my MP, to see if she was able to find out anything, that we were unaware of.  The first call, just determined that the file was there.  The second call, (around the beginning of December) she told me that there were absolutely no notes on our file, which she said, was a good thing, as it (presumably) indicated that our file was complete, as there were no requests for anything.  She said that IF we had not heard anything by January 18, 2010, to call her back.  This would (officially) be the 5 month mark (since our file was submitted), at which point, she 'should' be able to get them to determine a "Bring Forward Date...which (essentially) is a date, by which they must 'deal' with the file'. She said that the average processing time is between 5-7 months, and not until the 5 month mark, would they be willing to 'do' anything?

Husband went to Embassy in Havana: Dec. 14, 2009 ("Hello, I am still here!"  Told by Embassy staff--after they had accessed his file--"Everything is fine, it's all good, you just have to wait").

Knowing that our file is there, (presumably) complete, since they have not requested anything further, is (of course) sheer torture.  Our files are on someone's desk, in the Embassy...PLEASE PICK UP OUR FILES AND PHONE OUR HUSBANDS!!!!!  I guess this is where one is really able to practise faith and lots and lots of patience. (I'm getting really tired of all of this).  We are so close that I can taste it, yet, it still may be drawn out until our "DND" date of March 18, 2010, if they really want to. Yuck!

I would love to hear from others here, to 'see' where they are at?  Blessings to everyone...and here's hoping that more reunions are right around the corner!

Posted By: salsaj
Date Posted: 22 Dec 2009 at 1:35pm
hola Bellacini, I really do not know how comes your husband gets his liberation lettre from the ministerio he is still working... It sound very strange to me...  And the really first time I heard about it believe me.  You can pre apply for the pre without your liberation letter I think.  A cuban must have to leave his job to having that king of letter.. Please check this to be sure !

Our file sent to Havana 2009- sept 12
AOR received from Havana 2009- oct 04
Visa 2010- 28 of january
Landed in Québec 2010- 8 of march
Three years done !

Posted By: bellacini
Date Posted: 28 Dec 2009 at 2:50pm
Dear Salsaj and others:

I do not know the 'why's' of the circumstances, but, I do know, that there are some Cubans that are able to continue working, AFTER they have requested (and received) their Liberation Letters, from (both) their employers and their related Ministerio?  Some situations have the Liberation letters sent directly to the Immigration offices, and some to the applicant, directly.  There seems to be no rhyme or reason, (that I have been able to determine), all I know, is that it can (and does) happen.  Not all Cubans (necessarily) have to have stopped working, for the Liberation letter to be issued.  I wish I knew why, so that I was able to give you information, which could help your husband's Liberation Letter along faster.  But, as I said, it seems to be random.  Typical Cuba, different rules and procedures, depending upon the circumstance, and (maybe) just the whim, of the person you have made the inquiry to?  I know it's difficult for me to accept something, if I cannot fully understand it.

It is correct, you must have your Liberation papers, BEFORE you can pre-apply for your PRE.  But, all Cubans do not necessarily have to have eft their jobs, in order to obtain the Liberation papers.  I know, it doesn't make any sense, but, it is how it (sometimes) happens.  Unfortunately, we (and our husbands) are at the mercy of whoever it is they are dealing with, and often the information is contrary. 

There are a number of posts on our old discussion board (PVE vs PRE), starting on Page 3, and continuing, on from there.  I know that Ms. Gomez's husband, was also able to continue working, and was able to have his Liberation Papers issued, while still working?  Perhaps, it is dependant upon the relationship the applicant has with their employer, perhaps it is relevant to the particular Ministerio, perhaps, it is nothing more than dumb luck.  All I know (for sure) is that my husband requested his Liberation, (a few months ago), and actually has his Liberation papers in his home, (with him) ready to bring to the Immigration office, upon receiving his PR visa.  He has already shown the officers at the Immigration office, his Liberation papers, and so, they are fully aware of their existance.  I know it must be incredibly frustrating, when you are reading about other peoples' cases, which are processed differently.  I know it would drive me nuts.  I appreciate your concern, in making sure that I have verified everything, and that the situation is as I have indicated.  My husband assures me that he has his Liberation papers, in his home with him, (and that the Immigration office) is aware that he has them.

You had indicated (a while back) that your husband was told that it may take as long as 6 months to 1 and 1/2 years to obtain his Liberation Papers?  Am I remembering correctly? Was he ever given a reason for this?  If he has finished his job (in May?), why would it take so long for the Liberation papers to be completed?  That was 7 months ago already?  Is that (simply) how the procedure works, for his particular Ministerio, or were you given a specific reason?  I remember Nikima (I think), who had said that her husband's Minsterio (Education?) only released Liberation papers, in July?  Even that is (atleast) once a year.  Why would your husband's (possibly) take up to 1 and 1/2 years?   Is there anyone that your husband can go and speak with, to get more specific information?  Maybe, there is someone on this discussion board that has experienced something similar, and can help in your process?

I am praying (all the time) for all of pur husbands to be by our sides...sooooonnnn!!!!!  We have waited long enough and we are ready!!!

Hang in there, and keep in touch.

How was everyone's Christmas?  What was Christmas like for the new spouses?  I'm surte they were all pretty shocked to see how bif of a deal Christams can be, for some people in Canada?  I'd love to hear some updates.

Take care everyone.

Posted By: salsaj
Date Posted: 29 Dec 2009 at 2:16pm
I course if my husband received his visa soon and not yet his liberation letter, he will have to speak with people and maybe pay for getting it faster but it should be all right now after 6 months of wait. In january we will go in Matanzas at the Immigration and go to check for that. We don't care to having an PRE or a PVE so we don't made the pre-application for the PRE.  I wish you a very nice and happy end of year Bellacini !

Our file sent to Havana 2009- sept 12
AOR received from Havana 2009- oct 04
Visa 2010- 28 of january
Landed in Québec 2010- 8 of march
Three years done !

Posted By: bellacini
Date Posted: 02 Jan 2010 at 1:03pm

(I deeply believe in the power of prayer, especially when the prayer is amplified by many.  For those of you, that believe in the 'power of prayer', please join me......)

DEAR....  God/Allah/Buddha/Jehovah/(Olòrún, the divine creator and source of all energy)/Krishna/El Shaddai/Jesus/Satnam/Ishwar...and any and all deities that I have not listed.

 -- Our prayers, wishes and desires (for each and everyone one of us--in the midst of this Sponsorship process), are simple, very specific and to the point:

1.  For each and every one of our spouses to receive 'the call', from the Canadian Embassy in Havana, (in the month of January 2010), for their 'appointments'.

2.  For each and every one of our spouses to receive their Permanent Resident visas, (in their passports), after said appointment.

3. For each and every one of our spouses, to experience a flawless and expeditious process, in receiving their PRE, or PVE, (whatever the method).

4.  For each and every one of our spouses, a wonderful flight from Cuba to Canada, in the month of January, 2010.

5. For each and every one of our spouses: a smooth, flawless and UNeventful journey through Immigration, at their respective border crossings. 

6.  For each and every one of us; a smooth and joy filled transition in truly beginning our lives together.

7.  For each and every one of us:  the commitment, hope, strength, courage, friendship, the strongest love, determination, patience, belief, fortitude,  empathy, sense of humor,  understanding and deep and abiding faith; in order for each of us to develop (and maintain) a strong, healthy, and life long, equal partnership, with our Cuban spouses.

8.  For each and every one of our "Cuban families"--(those remaining in Cuba): a huge dose of faith, peace and knowing, that their loved ones are doing well,  and basking in the comfort of that knowledge.

9.  MY PRAYER FOR OUR BELOVED CUBA: Expeditious changes towards an abundant, healthful, peaceful, justice filled (and long overdue) society and standard of living.

These are my prayers, desires and wishes; with the clearest and purest of intentions.


Posted By: Nikima
Date Posted: 05 Jan 2010 at 4:37pm
 Hello to all again.....
Sorry I have not logged on to the new form until now. I have been very busy as I work a lot. And my health has not been that great. I hope everyone had a great holiday season. I also hope that you have heard some good news from Havana. As for me, if everyone remembers my husband received his visa in November and it expires in March 2010. The problem is that in his work field being the education field they do not grant the liberation paper until July 21 every year. So we faced the problem of what we were going to do since his visa was going to expire before he would get his liberation paper. So he continued to talk to the people in charge of his work field and bug them. They finally said they would write the liberation paper as they would make an exception. This exception was made due to my health and the fact I might need surgery. My husband told them that I live alone and my parents live far away from me and I have no one to care for me. All of this being the truth. Now that being said that they will grant him the letter, they have not made it easy for him, nor has he finished getting all of the letters they require. They told him they would grant him his letter at the end of November. So to get the final liberation paper from the country he has had to get 2 letters from his boss and 2 other letters from people involved with the educational system in his school, one letter from the person in charge of education in his municipality, one letter from the person in charge of education for his province. (he just finished getting this letter, and he had to travel 4 hours to get it) Now he needs to travel to Havana to get we hope the last letter from the person in charge of all education in the country. He will travel there for next Monday (since they will only see these type of cases on Mondays) which will take him about 16 hours by bus, but as we all know trying to get transportation in Cuba is very hard. So when he went to Havana to get his visa it took him 2 days to get there. So once he gets his letter he will travel home and apply for his PRE which they said would take 1 to 30 days depending on how busy they are. He also just completed the paper work for his proof that he has served in the military which takes about 15 days.

So he it very optimistic about all of this and thinks he will be here by the end of January. I am not as optimistic as I have found I have gotten to excited many times and have been disappointed too many time. So I told him once he had his PRE and plane ticket in hand and I see him walking out of the doors in the Toronto airport I would be excited.

So how is everyone else's process going? I really hope everyone hears some good news soon. Also I hope people are not getting the run around like we have been getting. I am praying and hoping for everyone to have their loved ones here soon.

Also just a side note is there anyone one here that lives in the Toronto area? Just wondering as it would be nice to know that there are others around in the same area.

Hope everyone is well,


Posted By: salsaj
Date Posted: 05 Jan 2010 at 9:34pm
The ambassy call my husband today and leave a message to call back tomorrow..... I think I will get some trouble to sleep tonight... I give you news tomorrow night girls !!! If it is for an interview I will be in Cuba with him I thing it is great news !!!

Our file sent to Havana 2009- sept 12
AOR received from Havana 2009- oct 04
Visa 2010- 28 of january
Landed in Québec 2010- 8 of march
Three years done !

Posted By: babycakes
Date Posted: 06 Jan 2010 at 8:47am
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! My prayers are with you. Believe that all will go well and he will have the visa in his hands.xo


Posted By: salsaj
Date Posted: 06 Jan 2010 at 9:37am
Haaaaa gracias Babycakes !!! I hope so like I never wanted something in my life... I give news as soon as I talk to my husband tonight, and you ? any news from the embassy ? Did they finally leave you in peace with your phonebills ????

Our file sent to Havana 2009- sept 12
AOR received from Havana 2009- oct 04
Visa 2010- 28 of january
Landed in Québec 2010- 8 of march
Three years done !

Posted By: babycakes
Date Posted: 06 Jan 2010 at 10:09am
no news from embassy. I left a message with my MP asking for some support and for them to inquire about our file. I have not heard back. Embassy  has not asked for anything else or contacted us. I am dying....this is a real test of patience.....and so much more!!! I just returned from one week of visiting my husband and it gets harder and harder leaving him at the airport. He is stressed BUT we both are optimistic and staying positive.


Posted By: salsaj
Date Posted: 06 Jan 2010 at 10:12am
I know I am going next week for  15 days and I am really praying for my last trip to Cuba, I really hope that the next plane ticket will be for my man...! I am really confuse now because I know that when I will call my husband later I will know if they ask him to bring his passport or not and if is is not.. I will be very very  stressed and so sad... I know you already live all that crazy experience once in your life, it was with Havana ?
Let's stay in touch...

Our file sent to Havana 2009- sept 12
AOR received from Havana 2009- oct 04
Visa 2010- 28 of january
Landed in Québec 2010- 8 of march
Three years done !

Posted By: babycakes
Date Posted: 06 Jan 2010 at 10:27am

I was approved as sponsor in September and our file was sent to havana and opened in October. Approx. one month later Havana contacted my husband and asked for more copies of phone bills, photos of his children, and a letter stating that he has never left the country in the past (don't they know that!)....they claimed that when he worked as a security guard 10 years ago that the company often sends their workers away for training BUT he has never gone anywhere!!!I was very careful with submitting all my documents and ensuring we had everything. I had an immigration lawyer review our package.....I photocopied everything and there were no missing phone bills, photos or anything. When I called immigration in Mississauga in September to enquire if I was approved as sponsor and they told me yes.....I asked them what does this all mean....and they stated that it ensures that everything was intact with the package and there was nothing missing so the package was sent to Havana....BUT they told me that the Embassy in Havana can request whatever they want to ensure that they have sufficent evidence when making their decision!!! This is Cuba and I am not surprized.....and I am sure that this has delayed our process and added weeks to our waiting BUT...all we can do is pray!!!!!!


Posted By: salsaj
Date Posted: 06 Jan 2010 at 10:31am
I do not knwo what to think... they never ever ask for nothing and now I have the feeling it is for the interview.. I do not know but I know this is the last straigt.....I am happy of it but I am very stressed too...

Our file sent to Havana 2009- sept 12
AOR received from Havana 2009- oct 04
Visa 2010- 28 of january
Landed in Québec 2010- 8 of march
Three years done !

Posted By: bellacini
Date Posted: 06 Jan 2010 at 11:26am
< ="-" ="text/; =utf-8">< name="ProgId" ="Word.">< name="Generator" ="Microsoft Word 11">< name="Originator" ="Microsoft Word 11"> NIKIMA:  I am so glad that you found us.  I have wondered several times, how you were doing, and how your 'process' was unfolding.  That is fantastic that you have found a way, (to work through the usual process), of your husband NOT having to wait, until July.  I am thrilled for you and your husband!  You are in the long stretch, for sure.  You had mentioned some of your own health concerns, I hope you are alright?  Feel like sharing with us?  I know it's such a hassle for the husbands that do not live in (or near) to Havana, with trying to secure rides...taking time off work, the expense, etc.  I really lucked out, with my husband living in Havana.  Please keep us posted, as you find out more developments.  Very soon my dear, very soon indeed!

SALSAJ:  Yeah, Yeah, Yeah and one more Yeah!  I can't wait to here, from you, when your husband's appointment (interview?) will be scheduled for.  And, yes, it certainly does seem like you will be there, with him, for the process...which is just great!  I appointed myself as my husband's Representative, on our original CIC application, but, I am unsure of something?  Does that mean that they will contact me, (as his Representative), whenever they are ready to make 'the call' to him, or, will they call him directly?  I have been having some concerns that (perhaps) the Embassy has tried to call (his home) when everyone is at work?!  Does anyone know that IF you are the Representative, does ALL communication (including the call from the Embassy), first, come to me, as this REP.?  Havana has now had our file for over 3 months!!!  No requests (from them) for anything further, or additional? That's 4 and 1/2 months, since I sent in the application to CIC.  We have got to be pretty darn close, to our file 'coming up'?

BABYCAKES:  How wonderful that you were just able to spend some time with your husband.  Yes, each trip, makes it harder to say Goodbye.  I haven't seen my husband, since June 29...and the torture is truly becoming unbearable.  He is trying to keep his spirits up, but, I can 'hear it' in his emails, that he is starting to feel down and completely frustrated, with this long, long wait.  His mother 'has a sense' that he will hear from the Embassy next week, so, let's hope, she is (indeed) psychic!!!  It was really hard to go through Christmas (without my dad), and not having Joel here.  I really had hoped that he would have been here for Christmas.  He was so pumped to be able to experience a North American Christmas….or a 'real Christmas', as he says. 

ESQUIVEL:  I hope that you and your family had a wonderful Christmas, with it being your hubbie's first Canadian Christmas. Keep us posted, as to how life is going for you, and your husband's adjustments.  How is his English coming along?  Are you finding his classes to be a real benefit to him, (and you, of course!). Did you access the LINC (Language Instruction to new Canadians), that Immigration offers for free?  Has your husband been able to find enough work...or, is it still (a little) on and off?  The economy has affected so many different areas; it makes it that much more of a challenge.  I know (often, usually?), B.C. takes the hit of an economic downturn, a little harder, than does Alberta, so that (certainly) doesn't help, if that is the case?

I have started to embark on some DIY (Do It Yourself) household projects that I have been putting off, for a long, long time.  Of course, as with most DIY projects, (or probably any household projects in general), you think it is just going to take 'this' to complete it, but, you end up finding 'this, that, and that'...and your timeline, gets shot all to hell.   Putting up a simple curtain rod, has turned into, needing to fill the old holes, mudding, sanding and, then painting the entire freekin wall!!!  (An hour job, has turned into a 2 day job!)  The fabric I had bought for my curtains, ended up being too flimsy, and not hanging very nicely, so, now, I have to line them, before they will be ready, to put up.  It's always something, isn't it?  I'm glad to have all of these projects to keep me busy, but, (quite frankly) a little overwhelmed, by all of the 'extras', that I had not anticipated. Of course, I always have the option of waiting, until my husband arrives, and getting him to help, but, it would be nice to have this all completed, before he arrives.  We'll see...I am not going to sweat...too much more...over this.  My son has moved in and out, (I think 5 times??), in the past 3 years, and as a result...just when I think I am getting my spare bedroom back (which is actually my jewelry making studio), and get it all 'set up', he has moved back in...and so, I have to dis-assemble everything.  In many ways, it's like I have moved 5 times, in the past 3 years, as I am have been in  a perpetual state of setting up, or tearing down...something, always.  So, I am starting from square one, in our spare bedroom, re-configuring our storage room (I had to build my own wall--yes, a wall, I am so proud!),  as well as organizing all the items, that have been tucked away, (for the last few years) to have made room for my son's stuff.  So, it's a matter of moving everything over to 'here' (to figure out if I am going to use it, or chuck/re-cycle it?).....then, realizing that I should really patch and paint the walls, (as I go).  Oh Vay!!  All of my procrastination, has indeed, caught up with this process.

It's always great to hear any news, from your gals!!! Keep it coming.

I hope everyone (and their families) are doing well.  

Posted By: salsaj
Date Posted: 06 Jan 2010 at 12:15pm


Our file sent to Havana 2009- sept 12
AOR received from Havana 2009- oct 04
Visa 2010- 28 of january
Landed in Québec 2010- 8 of march
Three years done !

Posted By: salsaj
Date Posted: 06 Jan 2010 at 12:20pm
Sorry for my big letters pero estoy completemente loca !! We will get it girls ! Let's keep in touch ! Have a good day and thanks to always be there for me ....

Our file sent to Havana 2009- sept 12
AOR received from Havana 2009- oct 04
Visa 2010- 28 of january
Landed in Québec 2010- 8 of march
Three years done !

Posted By: babycakes
Date Posted: 06 Jan 2010 at 12:21pm


Posted By: salsaj
Date Posted: 06 Jan 2010 at 12:27pm
Anything is win until the visa is in the passport but I am too happy for braking my happyness!!!

Our file sent to Havana 2009- sept 12
AOR received from Havana 2009- oct 04
Visa 2010- 28 of january
Landed in Québec 2010- 8 of march
Three years done !

Posted By: esquivel
Date Posted: 06 Jan 2010 at 4:23pm
Yeah Yeah Yeah !!!!! that is sooooooooooooooooooooo exciting INTERVIEWS woo hoo hoo !!!! Then the Visa and finally OFF TO CANADA


Posted By: esquivel
Date Posted: 06 Jan 2010 at 4:29pm
Never ever appologise for writting BIG letters to us all
That is why we write them because we are SISTERS and that is why we respond to them also because we are SISTERS. Never appologise EVER for expressing you thoughts feeling concers or doubts Big smile
I am so excited for you I am sooooooooooooooooooooo happy my husband is here now with me I am really really lucky we got to spend Christmas together and New Years We had a blast
I am going back to Cuba in March visit with my inlaws for 2 weeks while my hubby stays here and works lol:) I will be in Santiago de Cuba though not Havana or Varadero.
If anyone needs me to take anything down with me or drop stuff off or mail stuff when I am in Cuba let me know okay?
Glad to help any of you


Posted By: esquivel
Date Posted: 06 Jan 2010 at 4:35pm
OMG !!!! how excited are you right now
I am soooooooooooooooooo excited for you
congratualtions darlin woo hoo hoo !!


Posted By: salsaj
Date Posted: 06 Jan 2010 at 4:38pm

Estoy loca ! I am crazy ! Je suis folle !!!!

Our file sent to Havana 2009- sept 12
AOR received from Havana 2009- oct 04
Visa 2010- 28 of january
Landed in Québec 2010- 8 of march
Three years done !

Posted By: esquivel
Date Posted: 06 Jan 2010 at 6:19pm
Wow lots of stuff going on in here my sisters OMG!!
Just keep focused it all works out in the end
I was there were you all are now
waiting for any kind of news
waiting for my MP to find out something
waiting for my Husband to get military papers signed off
waiting to se if I needed to send any more documents or updates to Havana
waiting for a interview date
waiting for the pre PRE to be ready
Holly cow alot of waiting but its worth it when you finally hear OKAY MI AMOR COMPLETA
Yes I have my Visa I will see you in Canada next week OMG!!!!
It has been 4 months now that my husband arrived in BC and it is amazing. We spent out first Christmas together and New Years which was soooooooooooooooooo much fun.
Yes we have had some Cultural differences a few bumps here and there and some slight communication problems once in a while but nothing that we havent been able to resolve so far.
Silly stuff really things that you can't or don't do or say in Cuba as apposed to things you can do here in Canada. Some attitude adjustments on both parts as well but really it is absolutley wonderful to be together. Lots of Besos lots of Amor.
My husband is attending school 3 nights a wekk for ESL through the immigration program and his English has improved 100% before he spoke NO english now he speaks to me only in English well sort of broken mix but for the most part I understand what he is trying to say.
Sometimes it doesnt come out right though he will say Dee me hungry you preparation food for me now.... Ha ha ha oh hell NO.... so I tell him Pedro you have to rephrase that by saying 
Dee I am hungry are you making anything for dinner yet? or have you made anything for dinner yet? if you say it your way it sounds demanding which he is not deliberatley trying to be all he is really saying is he is hungry and would like to eat something soon. HA HA HA !!! my daughter on the other hand though doesnt get it and get pissed off at him. She say's tell him to make his own dam food if he is hungry .... ouch !!! yeah can ya tell its fun some days in my household. 
But hey we get over it and it gets sorted and everyone is happy in the end.
My daughter has to understand his first language is Spanish and the translation from spanish to english isnt the same.   
He is working now too which helps so we are able to contibute to helping his family back in Cuba. He also helps out at home here as well. Oh and trust me Yes we had some disagreements regarding money too but that has worked itself out. Something I am sure all of you will face at some point
Remember it is very very very different here as to what they are accustomed to back home. knowone said marriage is easy either you have to work on it everyday. But it is my blessing I love my husband 1000% and he loves me right back.
It isnt easy coming here and being so overwhelmed with everything it really does take time for them to settle in. My husband is very very stubborn and reminds me all the time that he is 100% Cubanno. I tell him Yes honey I know that but you have to adjust to the Canadian way in some things or you will hate it here and never feel at home or fit in. He is still fighting that some days slowly he is letting his Cuban guard down and allowing the change to happen.
Remember my SISTERS you can not change your man they have to change and adapt on their own and in their own time. Even it canwhen you know you are only trying to help them and you want only the best for them it can backfire and they can push back so fast that they may tell you they can not deal with the change and that they want to go home back to Cuba. Cuba is in ther blood that is all they know right now that is all they have ever known.
That is what I have learnt very quickly over the past 4 months. GO SLOW take every day as it comes. Speak calmy even when you fel like ripping their head off because you think they are being so un-greatfull. Remember they left everything behind for us their friends their family their lifestyle and much much more so please dont  take that for granted. That is huge for them to do that for us and for love. Love them support them and appreciate them when they get here. No matter what obsitcles you may face. It wont always be a bed of roses hugs and kisses because yes life in Cuba apposed to life in Canada is oh sooooooooooooooooooo very different.
My husband commented a while back he said "Dee you Carachter change???" I said no it hasn't but then I realised he meant I wasnt always laughing and joking and having fun. I had a serious side to me. That was something he probably didnt get to see too often. Why, because everytime I was with him in Cuba I was on Vacation. Yeap so I had no worries about paying my rent paying my bills making my car payments buying groceries getting stuck n rush hour traffic. I was on holiday in holiday mode relaxing drinking rum partying and laughing all day long not a csre in the world.
Back home you however you live your day to day life ..... some stress at times and frustrations and that is what he came to notice. So to him I had changed.
These are some of the things to be on the look out for when your husbands come here they to will probably say you too have changed. But when they are here for a little while they slowly start to understand the day to day life here in Canada and realise you havent changed it is just that we live in a very differnt world to theirs that is all and things are just very different.
I really hope I am making sence here ?
working for them is different,
money is different,
culture is different.
So many new things to learn see and do I can't imagine how over whelming it really is for them.
I did just want to share that with all of you just so you have a heads up at least.
Regrets ??????? NONE
not a ONE !!!!
I will stay intouch and keep you updated and I will still come to the forum to see how you are all doing 
Happy New Year to you all
Para siempre sisters
Love Dee Esquivel


Posted By: bellacini
Date Posted: 10 Jan 2010 at 7:49pm
Salsaj: If I am remembering correctly, you should be heading to Cuba, in the next week or so.  How wonderful for you and your husband.  Will you be there for his interview?  I can't remember how long you were going for.  Whatever the case, you are almost there, my close!! I am really hoping that you will keep us posted, all through your journey.

Esquivel: Thanks so much for the detailed update and insight, from your last post.  You spoke about some really important points, that we will all be able to benefit from.  Thanks so much for taking the time and effort to do that.  Those are many of the 'challenges' that I have been thinking, we would come across.  It really helps hearing it first hand.  I found it particularily interesting about your husband commenting on how you have 'changed'.  Of course, when any of us are in Cuba, it is not our natural environment, we have no real pressures, deadlines, or obligations, and so, we are all sweet little princesses.  Well, maybe that's a slight exaggeration.  But, I think his point is well taken, and one that each and every one of us will experience. I know, for me, I am much, much more reserved and (almost ) passive in Cuba.  I don't know the 'lay of the land', the culture, or language, and always feel out of sorts. I absolutely love Cuba, but, I am a stranger in a strange land, and don'r have the same level of confidence and self-assuredness, that I do, on my own turf.  My husband has never seen me 'wheel and deal', in the way that a strong, single woman, who has raised her son, (by herself)...needs to do, in order to survive and move forward.  I am operating on (about) 30% capacity, when I am in Cuba, and I know, (for sure) that he will be very taken aback, by my assertiveness, confidence and resourcefulness.  Some of it he will like, but, undoubtedly, some he will not.  And, of course, it works both ways.  For our husbands, they will (naturally, and logically) be less confident...a little less assertive..and a little less resouceful, because 'their footing', will not feel sound, for quite some time.  I know, first hand (from my months in Havana) how difficult that can be, and exactly what it feels like...and, I am thinking, it may be even more difficult for our husbands, being of the male persuasion.  They are used to knowing where everything to go about getting 'this or that' done, and (I'm sure) are all very accomplished, in their own rights.  Take every ounce of familiarity out of the picture, and it is an extremely unnerving feeling.  They (at first) will have to rely on us for (almost) everything, and with that, can come a hugely dangerous dynamic; that of being more of a mother (to our husbands), than wives.  Not that any of us want that, but, given the particular circumstances, I don't see how it can't have a certain element of that.  I know it will be a very challenging and delicate balancing act.  It sounds like you are handling it well.  And thanks again for sharing with us.

Posted By: salsaj
Date Posted: 11 Jan 2010 at 12:08pm
Hola amiga... I am taking the plane thursday and we will be at the embassy the 27 th at 10 h 30. No I do not want to go for the interview, it is sad but it is for my love this one... But I will be with to wait and it is worth a lot for us... The waiting outsideis going to be hard and long.. He will tell the immigration officer that I am outside if they need something from me for helping.

Our file sent to Havana 2009- sept 12
AOR received from Havana 2009- oct 04
Visa 2010- 28 of january
Landed in Québec 2010- 8 of march
Three years done !

Posted By: salsaj
Date Posted: 11 Jan 2010 at 10:24pm
The liberation letter arrived today !!!! YA-OU!!!!

Our file sent to Havana 2009- sept 12
AOR received from Havana 2009- oct 04
Visa 2010- 28 of january
Landed in Québec 2010- 8 of march
Three years done !

Posted By: bellacini
Date Posted: 12 Jan 2010 at 10:08am
YEAH!!!!!!!!!! That is absolutely fantastic --- CONGRATULATIONS!!!!  Now your husband can pre-apply for his PRE...and he will be 'good to go'...soon after his interview.  Happy days ahead for the both of you.

Posted By: salsaj
Date Posted: 12 Jan 2010 at 10:33am
I do not know yet between the PRE or the PVE, (if he gets his visa), he could fly back with me the 28th maybe...

Our file sent to Havana 2009- sept 12
AOR received from Havana 2009- oct 04
Visa 2010- 28 of january
Landed in Québec 2010- 8 of march
Three years done !

Posted By: bellacini
Date Posted: 14 Jan 2010 at 1:00pm
Hola my Cuban sisters:
Well, the day finally came.  Yesterday, we received an appointment at the Embassy for my husband's interview.  February 2, 2010 at 11 am.  So, for was just under 5 months (from the application being submitted to CIC, to 'the call")...AND...3 and 1/2 months (from when Havana rec'd our file, until 'the call').  I think that is a pretty usual timeframe, from what I have seen.  It certainly could have been longer, and we are very greatful that it has actually happened.  So, it looks like my husband should be able to be here, before Valentine's day, so that is really lovely. He's pre-applied for his PRE, and we have been told that it (usually) takes only a few days (maybe a week) to get the PRE, being that he pre-applied.  We will see.

We have everything that he needs , for his 'evidence' to bring to the Embassy...everything except my proof of travel.  I don't know why in the hell, I hadn't enclosed these, when I had sent the other copies of all of the evidence, but, I didn't.  I know that Salsaj is leaving on Saturday, (and I have emailed her) seeing if she could bring this 'stuff' with her.  However, I am not sure if I will be able to courier the stuff to her, in time (for her to receive before she leaves)?  I know that Esquivel is going to Cuba, in the next little while, but, I think she goes to Santiago...which is (of course) the other side of the island.  Is anyone going to Havana, before February 2?  And if so, would you be willing to take an envelope for me.  My husband will be able to pick it up from you, wherever you are.  If I am not able to find anyone, I could try the courier system, that a few people have mentioned...Antilles, I think? 

Nikima:  Sorry to hear that you required surgery, I hope that you are feeling better now.  Where are you and your husband 'at', in obtaining all of the documents that you need?  I am so happy to hear that he has been allowed an 'early release' from his employer.  You must be so relieved and happy.  I understand your guarded optimism, until you actually your husband actually has  the papers in his hands.

I hope everyone is well...and moving this journey of ours!!!

Posted By: babycakes
Date Posted: 14 Jan 2010 at 4:27pm
CONGRATS!!!! are lucky....we still are waiting....I contacted my MP's office and awaiting their call...I just want to know where things are at....our file has been in Havana since October 7, 2009....I am praying and hoping soon.
BELLACINI....I emailed copies of my phone bills.....try scanning and emailing....I don't know if that will work....but I gave them copies of e-tickets as I didn't have any boarding passes to submit....
GOOD-LUCK.....What a wonderful Valentine's Day you will have!!!


Posted By: bellacini
Date Posted: 15 Jan 2010 at 1:03pm
Thanks Babycakes:
Our file started to be processed at the Embassy on Sept. 30.  If memory serves me correctly, Salsaj's, started being processed (around) Sept. 18th?  IF, there is any sort of order, to this's should be coming up very, very soon.  I hope so.  Thinking of actually having my husband here, is a pretty freaky thought.  When you haven't lived with this person before, and you aren't exactly sure of how his adjustment will be (and you know that it is going to be extremely difficult)'s a little unnerving.  Now, I really have to amp up, all of my preparations. I am painting, and re-arranging and finishing projects, that are long overdue, etc.  It's kind of surreal.  My thoughts and prayers are with you...for a speedy process!

Posted By: babycakes
Date Posted: 15 Jan 2010 at 2:07pm is somewhat much as we are dying for their long awaited arrival....the reality of it scares me too....BUT....we can do it!!!! I believe that the strength, patience, trust....we need to endure the many challenges we face with a long distance relationship  and a long immigration process.....can provide us with some of the skills we need with our adjustments into married life together....ENJOY your preparations.....and YES I believe our turn is coming soon too....and finally my love will call me with some wonderful news!!!
Good luck to you!Smile


Posted By: bellacini
Date Posted: 23 Jan 2010 at 10:39am
My husband's interview is soon approaching. (February 2nd, 2010).  A good friend of his mother's works at the Immigration office and has indicated that there should be no problem in him receiving his PRE, a day or 2 after, he actually has his visa.  Of course, I am thrilled to hear this, but, still a little skeptical.  I have booked his flight for Feb. 6th, based on this information, but, time will tell.  If, for whatever reason, the Immigration office is not able to produce his PRE, before his flight, I will simply have to re-book.  He has all of the updated 'evidence', since our application was originally submitted, so, we should be 'good to go'.  Of course, "it ain't over, until it's over", but, I am holding only positive thoughts.  We have not had any sort of gliches or delays on our file, he has all the updated'm thinking, that we are good to go.  I'll keep you posted.

Salsaj's husband's interview is coming up soon, on the fingers and toes are crossed for them both.  I hope she is able to notify us, when they have 'the word'.  It's been awfully quiet on here, the past few weeks...where is everybody?

Take care mis amigas.

Posted By: esquivel
Date Posted: 23 Jan 2010 at 3:51pm
OMG !!!! My Cuban sisters I have been super busy with my two jobs doing flying during the week and Hanky Panky Partyès on the weekend. I have been reading your comments on here but have had very little time to reply until now.
I have been jumping up and down with excitiment and anticipation for all of you now waiting for the interviews. God I rememebr those weeks days hours minuets leading up to that how nervous I was thinking OMG!!! so close yet so far one bloody person in that embassy could have gotten out of bed the wrong side and poof its all comes to a end right here right now all that work all that preperation all those heartaching moments leaving my husband behind because my visit in Cuba was over.  Only finally to hear Mi Amor I HAVE MY VISA!!!!!!
So all that waiting work and frustration does pay off I am soooooooooooooooooooooooo excited for you Bellicini and Salsaj how wonderfull for you both that soooooooon your husbands will be here and you will be sitting on the other side of the fence like me and popping into the forum toupdate those newbies who have to travel the long hard pain staking road we have all taken. But I really think having us all here sisters united we can help all those new bies and make it easier to understand how this whole process works and what to do and what not to do.
All is well with my husband and I. Yes we have arguments at least once a wekk sometimes minor stuff communication issues or cultural differences. But it is getting better. Being a strong minded self efficient woman for years and now having to give up some of my positions in the home and outside the home hasnt been easy.  Fully understanding a Cuban life is not what you see when you are in Cuba but it is what you see how they are when they arrive here. At first they are quite reserved and very attentive. Scared lost and thrown into the unknown. Then they start to find their way unprotected they fall into the hands of others wanitng to give them advise and thats when trouble starts to occur.
They become strong again feel they have it down they get it they are in the game again. How wrong they are. You have to remain calm be careful whith correction for their benefit. It can sometimes be taken the worng way as though you are keeping ties on them or controlling when realy all you are doing is trying to make them see that a decision they are making is going to be the wrong one. I know they have to learn by mistakes but some times the mistakes dont just effect them they effect your and your relationship. What used to be okay in Cuba is not okay here.
Manorisms for one attitude for two and the list goes on and on.
Remember why you fell in love, remember what made you decide to get married and hold that close to your heart it isnt always going to be easy. Dont let friends and family poke their noses in your relationship. But also dont throw away your relationship with your friends and family.
not everyone will agree with your decision to bring a Cuban into Canada they only see your in love and they worry how long will that truely last. Communication Communication Communication is the key. My husband spoke barely any english when he came here that was our down fall but know he is in ESL Free and it has become alot easier. Still remember what they think and what comes out of their mouths are two completly diffent things sometimes and thats what causes a argument or a huge miss understanding. Correcting them can also cause friction as they hate to be told they are wrong. These are all things I have learnt in the fast 4 months and sometimes I get really worked up about them Then I calm down and think ahhhhhhh sh*t take a different approach and I am sure we can fix it .. Yes we can and Yes we do !!!! thank God !!!!  
I might be going on and on but I just want you to know if you think marriage is easy think again.
Just marrying a regualar guy is hard enough you have to put in what you want to get out of it always, but being married to a Cuban is sometimes harder than you can imagine yet is is sooooooooooooooooooooo WORTH IT !!!
Days will come where you think mmmmmm!! was this the right thing to doÉ
Trust me no matter how great the relationship I can guarentee that question WILL pop into your head. Go with what your heart and guts tells you.
So far that has never failed me a woman. A womans intuition is so strong, nothing comes close to it at all. Follow that and eveything will be just fine.
Am I happy am I still in Love
I AM I AM I AM !!!!
The answer is YES!!!!!!
Every day can not be a bed of roses keep your cool though because remember ladies these men are Caliente fire
Love to you all


Posted By: Nikima
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2010 at 7:00pm

Hi to all, sorry I have not been able to write on the form lately.

I do not really have an update for you the only thing I can tell you is “maybe tomorrow” As that is what my husband keeps getting told about his last step in his liberation paper. He has been told “maybe tomorrow” for about 15 days now. He is in Havana, far away from him home and family and has run out of money as he thought he will only have to be there for a couple of day. So we are really hoping he will get what he needs tomorrow and he will head back to his province and apply for his PRE.

As for me I am feeling ok, just taking it day by day. Thank you for all the thoughts that have been sent my way with regards to my health concerns.

I hope others interviews go well and you receive your long awaited visas and getting your PRE comes quickly. My thoughts are with everyone and when “tomorrow” comes for us I will let you all know and hopefully when he takes all this information and letters he has gotten to go and get his PRE they do not tell him he needs something else. As we all know this is Cuba and you never really know.

Best wishes to everyone and I hope good news is coming soon for you all.

Posted By: babycakes
Date Posted: 25 Jan 2010 at 9:39am
Hello All!
Yes we are still waiting!!
Esquivel, I want to thank-you for your words of wisdom. I really enjoy reading your is great to have you post your updates and sharing your experience with  us! To all the others....Bellacini, salsaj and of luck to all of you! and congrats!!!:-)
My MP contacted me last week to tell me....your application is still in process....she would not provide me with any more answers....she didn't tell me if there were any notes....nothing. It was pointless.....she just said if your husband does not receive his visa by the end of April to contact them again and they will see what they can do. I was pissed needless to say....I waited two weeks for a response and that was it! She said that she could not tell me anything else!! :-(
BUT.....I am so excited that each day brings us closer to getting our long awaited phone call and then of course the real work begins....getting him here....learning to live as a married couple, the adjustments, the cultural husband missing his family and the bloody weather!!!
This is my second marriage.....and my second time sponsoring a spouse...My first husband and I were married for 18 years....for him the hardest part was the weather and our way of life....we were very isolated from my family and had very little time for and working!
He missed his family alot in the early days but adjusted well over time....
Where is he now.....after we divorced he moved back to his homeland.....and stated he has no issue with the living and working BUT the weather.....NEVER will he live in Canada again!


Posted By: bellacini
Date Posted: 27 Jan 2010 at 12:59pm
Nikima:  Hang in there sweetie...tomorrow will come....and he will soon be by your side.

Posted By: bellacini
Date Posted: 27 Jan 2010 at 1:01pm
Esquivel:  Thanks, as always for updating us, and providing your experience and insight. I know it will help me, and I am sure...everyone.  Take care.

Posted By: salsaj
Date Posted: 29 Jan 2010 at 7:38am
Hola amigas !
My husband have his interviews the 27, it was very hard for him, Bellacini, please tell him to be well prepared.... the names and birthdate of my children, my father work, the name of my husband's sister... everthing everything.  He was devastated after it...2 hours after the interview,they told us to come back the day after for piskup the visa. I am back at home now, very tired but sooooo happy  MY GOD !!!

Our file sent to Havana 2009- sept 12
AOR received from Havana 2009- oct 04
Visa 2010- 28 of january
Landed in Québec 2010- 8 of march
Three years done !

Posted By: babycakes
Date Posted: 29 Jan 2010 at 9:00am
CONGRATS!!!!! SALSAJ.....When does he arrive? I am so excited for you!!Smile


Posted By: salsaj
Date Posted: 29 Jan 2010 at 9:08am
Thanks Babycakes.. I tell my husband for taking his time, the time he needs, I want him here for my birthday , in april :)..;)
Since he gets the visa, I feel so much better believe me !! I can wait months and months for him !

Our file sent to Havana 2009- sept 12
AOR received from Havana 2009- oct 04
Visa 2010- 28 of january
Landed in Québec 2010- 8 of march
Three years done !

Posted By: bellacini
Date Posted: 29 Jan 2010 at 9:40am
Salsaj:  You know that I am absolutely thrilled for you and your husband...CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!  I'm sure that you are completely emotionally the same time of feeling amazing relief and joy.  I wish there was some way that you could post the picture (that you sent to me), of your husband holding his passport,  with his CANADIAN VISA in is absolutely beautiful.  He has the warmest eyes and the most wonderful can just tell that he is a really good person...that is obvious.

I guess we are next, with my husband's interview coming up on Tuesday... I am sweating bullets.  He has told me that he has been studying very hard...I sure hope so.

Posted By: babycakes
Date Posted: 29 Jan 2010 at 9:53am
Good Luck Bellacini!!!! I know that everything will be fine. Smile


Posted By: salsaj
Date Posted: 29 Jan 2010 at 11:15am
I want to tell you something now bellacini... I think it is better to not be with your husband that day.. for him.. and for you...everything will be fine, he is loving you and the IO will see it of course...good luck and let's keep in touch!

Our file sent to Havana 2009- sept 12
AOR received from Havana 2009- oct 04
Visa 2010- 28 of january
Landed in Québec 2010- 8 of march
Three years done !

Posted By: salsaj
Date Posted: 29 Jan 2010 at 12:42pm
Bellacini, you do not need to send proofs fo travel if you not been in Cuba after you send your file to Mississauga... Please tell me what you are talking about ?

Our file sent to Havana 2009- sept 12
AOR received from Havana 2009- oct 04
Visa 2010- 28 of january
Landed in Québec 2010- 8 of march
Three years done !

Posted By: bellacini
Date Posted: 29 Jan 2010 at 1:36pm
Salsaj:  What I mean is this.....most spouses would have been able to have gone back to Cuba...IF they were married in June.  That is now (over) 7 months, since I have seen my husband.  And, I think (how Immigration might 'see' it) this: "Why hasn't this person been back to see her husband, since her wedding..over 7 months ago?"  They 'may' think that we got married, (just to get him a visa)...we submitted our application.... But,  she hasn't been back to Cuba for so long?  I think that most couples would have been able to see each other, since they got married, (over 7 months ago), and would have more travel evidence to give to the Embassy.  But, since we do not, as I was unable to go (with everything with my dad)...I just think I am best prepared to have written a letter (to the Embassy) explaining everything...and provide my dad's death certificate, because...who knows if they will believe us?  I'm sure they have 'heard' every sort of story, and I just want to be able to prove, that what I am explaining, is indeed, a fact.  I  don't want to leave anything to chance, or have any unanswered questions.  Of course, we have all the evidence, of our daily emails, and our phone calls.  So, it might be enough (it certainly 'should' be), but, I do understand, that they may well question, why I haven't been back to Cuba, since we were married. I have to remember and understand that Immigration's first concern (and their main job) is to insure that we have a genuine relationship...and, I think IF I were an Immigration Officer, and I saw that a spouse had not been back to Cuba, since they were married (over 7 months ago), I would probably be wondering...why?  I don't want them to have any reasons to doubt our relationship, and so, I thought it was best to 'cover the bases', and would rather be safe than sorry.

Posted By: salsaj
Date Posted: 29 Jan 2010 at 1:54pm
so you just have to call them now and ask them for the fax number and you canfax all the new evidences for them. They offer me to do that when they call my husband for an appointment good luck, you will be in my tought next week of course !

Our file sent to Havana 2009- sept 12
AOR received from Havana 2009- oct 04
Visa 2010- 28 of january
Landed in Québec 2010- 8 of march
Three years done !

Posted By: bellacini
Date Posted: 01 Feb 2010 at 3:48pm
I am very happily surprized.  I emailed my information to the Embassy, and they have just emailed me back, confirming that they received it.  So, that is just great.  This time tomorrow, the interview will be done...and on with our lives.

Posted By: salsaj
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2010 at 7:53am
Big day for you !!!!  I pray hard right now and wait for news from you today !!!!!

Our file sent to Havana 2009- sept 12
AOR received from Havana 2009- oct 04
Visa 2010- 28 of january
Landed in Québec 2010- 8 of march
Three years done !

Posted By: bellacini
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2010 at 8:36am
Bless you mi amiga...I will post after I speak with him.....I am only holding space in my brain and heart for a visa...only a positive outcome.  And I am praying like crazy!!!!!!

Posted By: babycakes
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2010 at 9:34am thoughts and prayers are with you!


Posted By: bellacini
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2010 at 5:28pm
HE HAS HIS VISA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have a flight booked for Saturday....IF.......IF.......IF...... we are fortunate enough for him to be able to receive his PRE, by then.  If not, then, I will re-book the flight for as soon as is humanly possible.  I think I am in a state of shock really........My prayers, thoughts and wishes continue to go out to everyone still waiting.........

Posted By: salsaj
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2010 at 6:00pm

I like it a lot!!!

Our file sent to Havana 2009- sept 12
AOR received from Havana 2009- oct 04
Visa 2010- 28 of january
Landed in Québec 2010- 8 of march
Three years done !

Posted By: salsaj
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2010 at 6:20pm

tell me about is interview please how it happens ?


Our file sent to Havana 2009- sept 12
AOR received from Havana 2009- oct 04
Visa 2010- 28 of january
Landed in Québec 2010- 8 of march
Three years done !

Posted By: bellacini
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2010 at 6:51pm
I just spoke with him. He said the interview was very quick..maybe 30 minutes.  They did ask him a few questions about my ex-husband and about our marriage.  Then, they just (basically) asked him:
-how did you meet your wife?
-when where you married?
This is what I found surprising.....He said that immediately after the interview, the IO stood up and shook his hand and said: " now have your Canadian visa.....go down the street to get your photos taken...and come back in 2 hours to pick up your visa."

He was completely shocked, as neither one of us expected for him to actually get the visa today.  Who knows anything when it comes to anything regarding the immigration process?!  It's a complete mystery to me.  So, I have his flight booked for Saturday...let's see IF...IF...IF...Cuban Immigration can produce his a few days?  I have heard of it happening, but, we won't know, until he actually has it.  If he's not able to get it before Saturday, I will just re-book a flight as soon as I possibly can.  OH MY husband could actually be my house on, that really freaks me out.  The first question he asked me was "Will you have eaten dinner before I arrive?"  (The flight arrives at 10:40pm).  I said, yes...he asked if I could save him some, because he will be very hungry.  That is so typical of MY husband...he is obsessed with his next meal...always!!!!  So, I think I will save him a piece (or 4?) of chicken.

Posted By: salsaj
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2010 at 7:08pm
stay calm... ! everything will be fine, the worst is behind you now, do not forget that amiga ! tell me, did your husband need his flight ticket for taking his PRE ?

Our file sent to Havana 2009- sept 12
AOR received from Havana 2009- oct 04
Visa 2010- 28 of january
Landed in Québec 2010- 8 of march
Three years done !

Posted By: bellacini
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2010 at 7:20pm
Yes, definitely the worst of it (regarding the Immigration waiting game) is over.  I will try to stay calm...but, I know, I will be crazy before I pick him up from the airport.  It will be over 7 months that we have even seen each other....I can't believe it!!  How is your husband doing?  And how are YOU?

Posted By: salsaj
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2010 at 7:26pm
I am very fine my husband too, he is going for the immigration friday. I can understand why you are feeling this way 7 months without seeing your man my god !!! He hae to apply for his PRE now and waiting again... the visa is good until the 21 of may so I think everything will be fine !

Our file sent to Havana 2009- sept 12
AOR received from Havana 2009- oct 04
Visa 2010- 28 of january
Landed in Québec 2010- 8 of march
Three years done !

Posted By: bellacini
Date Posted: 02 Feb 2010 at 7:39pm
I know that everything will be fine...I am sure that he will have his PRE before then.  We are very blessed women.

Posted By: babycakes
Date Posted: 03 Feb 2010 at 8:53am
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! Belacini!Smile
I am so happy for you and that the interview was short! It goes to show you that there really are no "rules" that each case is different. Everything will be fine with the PRE and yes....he will be with you this weekend! ENJOY.


Posted By: salsaj
Date Posted: 03 Feb 2010 at 9:21am
Oyé amiga.. no chicken por favor ....BEEF !!!!!!

Our file sent to Havana 2009- sept 12
AOR received from Havana 2009- oct 04
Visa 2010- 28 of january
Landed in Québec 2010- 8 of march
Three years done !

Posted By: bellacini
Date Posted: 03 Feb 2010 at 9:54am
Babycakes:  Thanks so soon.... will be YOUR time!  Who knows anything about the interviews...thank God Salsaj had told me to make sure he knew a lot about my ex-husband, and our marriage.  I simply would never have thought of it.  I have been divorced for 18 freekin years, but, they did ask.  Just as long as they are prepared...and confident.

Salsaj:  Oh my God, you are absolutely right about the beef...he will think he has died and gone to heaven...

Posted By: bellacini
Date Posted: 03 Feb 2010 at 6:08pm
My husband's PRE is going to be ready to be picked up on Friday at 1pm.  I really wasn't sure if they would be able to produce it so quickly.  Amazing really.  Now, it really is a husband is coming to Canada on Saturday...OH MY GOD!!!!!!  I have some serious cleaning to do!

Posted By: salsaj
Date Posted: 03 Feb 2010 at 6:31pm
I am very happy for both of you !  The real life is beginning now for you after  months of waiting to see him you reserve it a lot !

Our file sent to Havana 2009- sept 12
AOR received from Havana 2009- oct 04
Visa 2010- 28 of january
Landed in Québec 2010- 8 of march
Three years done !

Posted By: esquivel
Date Posted: 03 Feb 2010 at 6:52pm
conratulations I am sooooooooooooooo happy for you both
bet this is going to be the best weekend ever huh?


Posted By: bellacini
Date Posted: 04 Feb 2010 at 9:06am
Thanks will certainly be surreal.

Posted By: salsaj
Date Posted: 06 Feb 2010 at 8:43am
have a terrific day Bellacini !!!

Our file sent to Havana 2009- sept 12
AOR received from Havana 2009- oct 04
Visa 2010- 28 of january
Landed in Québec 2010- 8 of march
Three years done !

Posted By: Nikima
Date Posted: 08 Feb 2010 at 5:09pm

Ok so I was really hoping the next time I would post to all of you I would have great new but I can not say that is the case. So my husband got his freedom letter but guess what…. It is only for a month. So they will not give him a PRE as he only has permission to leave for a month so they basically gave him an invitation. So he has to return back to Cuba in a month…They gave him a month as he has to finish the school year as he is a teacher and they are allowing him to come here to see me due to health reasons. Well this poses a lot of questions and uncharted ground for me because I have no idea what will happen then. Yes when he lands here in Canada he will fill out his paperwork for his permanent residences card and get that in 6 week (I will get it when he has already returned) So then what happens when he wants to leave Cuba again???? Can he just get a ticket and leave since he has status in Canada? Or will he have to do all of this paperwork again. Yes he could just get here and not go back in month but then that poses another problem as he will not be able to come and go whenever he would like as the Cuban government will stop him as he did not follow their instructions. Even if he wanted to do this I would not let him as that would mean he would not be able to go home and see his family.

So has anyone run into this or have any suggestions as to what we should do???

Glad to hear others are getting some answers and progressing nicely. Wishing you all best of luck and sending positive thoughts to all.

Posted By: salsaj
Date Posted: 08 Feb 2010 at 5:30pm
I think you should really hire a lawyer in cuba for your husband Nikima. This is definatly what I would do if I were in the same position thant you....

Our file sent to Havana 2009- sept 12
AOR received from Havana 2009- oct 04
Visa 2010- 28 of january
Landed in Québec 2010- 8 of march
Three years done !

Posted By: salsaj
Date Posted: 09 Feb 2010 at 8:25am
Bellacini !!!! Write to us pleasssseeeeee!!!!!!

Our file sent to Havana 2009- sept 12
AOR received from Havana 2009- oct 04
Visa 2010- 28 of january
Landed in Québec 2010- 8 of march
Three years done !

Posted By: babycakes
Date Posted: 09 Feb 2010 at 8:53am
I am not an expert about immigration issues but all I can do is share my experiences. When my husband and I went to immigration to inquire about pre-applying for the PRE.....they explained that there are 2 different exit visas....the PRE is permanent and the second exit visa is temporary...which they often use for Cubans that just want to leave the country to visit family abroad....but they explained that you can apply for the PRE once you arrive in Canada and you can extend the visitor visa each month in Canada until you receive your PRE. My Cuban mother-in-law did exactly that! Every month she had to go to the Cuban Consulate in Toronto and pay a monthly fee to extend her visitor visa.So....I don't think that he has to return in a month. Sometimes the PRE takes a really long time and many Cubans have to leave on the temporary exit visa and then apply for the PRE. I would contact the Cuban Embassy here in Canada for clarity.
Good Luck to you but I am sure it will be okay!


Posted By: bellacini
Date Posted: 09 Feb 2010 at 12:21pm
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Nikima:  I am so, so sorry…..Your news really, really sucks, and I am not sure what to say, as I am not exactly sure that I understand?  My understanding of the “Liberation Papers” is that they are permanent.  Receiving something , releasing him for a month, I don’t think (?) are his “Liberation Papers”?  I am assuming they are not, if he is unable to apply for his PRE, as they do need the “Liberation Papers” to apply (or pre-apply) for the PRE.  Had his employer not previously agreed to the “Liberation”?  I know that you had said, a while back, that teachers could only receive them in July, BUT, that ‘they’ had agreed to give him his “Liberation”, before July?  Did I misunderstand, or have they changed their minds? Now, I don’t know if this will be the case, but, I have ‘heard’ that it is very, very difficult to get a Letter of Invitation approved, IF there is a spousal sponsorship involved, as the Cubans would assume, that he will defect, if given the opportunity?  I certainly don’t ‘know’ anything, this is just what I have heard.  I would 127% suggest that this is definitely the time to call your MP (Member of parliament) and see what they advise, and what information they can obtain, on your behalf.  I am sure they will be able to be very helpful, and that they have had similar cases.  I wish I could be helpful, but, I really don’t know what to tell you, except to talk to your MP.  They are there, for US, so, please utilize their experience and expertise.  I cannot imagine your level of frustration and disappointment, and I am just sick for you.  Please keep us up to date on what you find out, and know that all of my prayers are with you…and I am sending you tons of positive energy.  Be strong mi amiga and God bless!

Posted By: bellacini
Date Posted: 09 Feb 2010 at 1:16pm
Hola:  Well, my husband is here...and had a very good and un-eventful flight to Canada.  He loved the flight and the Immigration officers at the Toronto airport were wonderful and very helpful.  He was ready to go and meet some family friends on Sunday night, for dinner.  I had not actually accepted the invitation, as I wasn't sure if he would be up to it.  But, he said, "Yes, this is Canada, we must go!"  His English had improved so much, (he had been studying hard in Havana) I was really, really surprised....amazed, actually.  He was perfectly relaxed and comfortable....again, I was quite taken aback, at how relaxed and at ease he was.  I had just expected him to be more nervous, or......I don't know...just not as comfortable as he was.  Of course, he is going crazy over the food!!!! Of course.  And has a smile, from here to Newfoundland...constantly...on his face.  When we stepped out of the airport...for his first 'breath' of Canadian air...he was shocked by the 'frost/steam' that came out of his mouth.  He said, "I am not smoking...what is this?"  He meet my son for the first time, and they both seemed to be very comfortable with each other.  He had already met my mother.  He has adapted to my 2 cats...never having been around cats.  Really...I am just shocked by how little 'in shock' he is.......he has been cool as a cucumber...and keeps saying: "Bring It On!".  More later......

Posted By: esquivel
Date Posted: 09 Feb 2010 at 1:40pm


Hey honey I am so excited for you how great he is here,
Crazy isnt it when you go to bed or wake up next to them or they are walking around your home you go is this for real ???????????????????????LOL
Anyway all the best to you and stay on here we need to here the stories and remember my sister
all the sisters on here still awaiting news or just getting started need our help
love always


Posted By: esquivel
Date Posted: 09 Feb 2010 at 1:43pm
Please go talk to your local MP they will be able to contact the embassy and find out why his liberation letter is only for one month.
Some how I also do not think this is a liberation letter because it is only for a month it seems like they have given him a permission letter to visit you only not a full blown liberation letter
liberation is FREE to be FREE it sounds to be like this is not was he was given
again talk to your local MP they will do the work for you
trust me !!!


Posted By: esquivel
Date Posted: 09 Feb 2010 at 1:44pm
Whats going on in your world these days is your hubby here yet?


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